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Love Beyond the Mask by Adelaide Sinclair

Chapter 78
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Chapter 78
“Simon, you can’t bail Whitney out. It’s best you head home,” said the officer, his tone icy with the assumption that Simon was
trying to pull some underhanded trick to free her.
Anxiety rippled through Simon as he insisted, “Did you know she’s pregnant? It’s freezing in there, and you’re not even providing
any food. At the very least, go check on her.”
The officer frowned, taken aback. “Pregnant?”
Right at that moment, the sergeant received a call and quickly came over in person. “Where’s Whitney? Which cell is she in?
The Lutz family has dropped the charges. Release her immediately.”
Remembering what Simon had just said, the officer, torn between doubt and belief, hurried into the holding
There, he found Whitney collapsed on the floor- her body frighteningly cold, complexion pallid, and lips turning blue. Startled, the
officer immediately had her lifted and brought out.
“Whitney, Whitney...” Simon raced over, catching her in his arms and cradling her sideways.
The commotion barely brought Whitney back to a semblance of consciousness. She had been desperately hoping for L to
rescue her, and as she weakly opened her eyes, tears streamed down her face. “L, is that you?”
But the next moment, her expression froze. It was Simon’s face she saw, not L’s.
The light in her eyes dimmed.
Simon’s face stiffened as he watched her expression change rapidly. She was bruised in many places. He quickly asked, “Did
someone hit you? I’m taking you to the hospital right now!”
“I can walk on my own,” Whitney said coldly, trying to break free from him, not wanting any ties with him.
“Can you even move? Aren’t you pregnant? Don’t be so stubborn, Whitney. What if something happens... Whitney!” Before he
could finish, Whitney fainted.

Startled, Simon instinctively checked her breathing to ensure she was still alive. Without hesitation, he quickly scooped her up
and rushed to his car, simultaneously dialing an ambulance as he ran.
Felix drove to the station as fast as he could. While on the way, Elaine took some time to secure a lawyer. Later, the car broke
down. It was Elaine behind the wheel when this occurred.
Unfortunately, they arrived too late. The police informed them that Whitney had been released half an hour ago, taken away by a
A man? Felix wondered, confused.
Elaine, frantic, asked, “Officer, do you know where they went?”
The officer, frowning, replied, “Whitney was in a cell with two drunk women and got into a scuffle. She got hurt. We didn’t know
she was pregnant; she might have been taken to the hospital.”

Elaine’s eyes fell, her delicate fingers nervously playing with each other. When she looked up again, her face was etched with
worry. “Felix, quickly find out which hospital Whitney is in. I’ll go to the Lippert Mansion to get Ludwik.”
Felix immediately started searching, and meanwhile, Elaine got into her car. As the window rolled down, a faint smile graced her
She is in the hospital? That’s good.
The man who took her was probably Simon? Even better.
The Lippert Mansion.

Spread across extensive acres, an impressive mansion housed a grand study. Inside, the imposing presence of Kaden Lippert
turned to face Ludwik as he entered,
With a harsh tone, he began, “You approached the Lutz family personally over a woman of dubious background? Ludwik, you
never stoop to such indignities. Besides, Isn’t this Whitney the same woman who’s been a thorn in the side of the Imperial Gem
Corporation? It’s all over the news. She’s been mixing fakes into your company’s gemstones. Look!”
He threw a newspaper onto the desk.
Kaden glared at Ludwik, “Why did you keep it from me? I should never have agreed to your mother’s ridiculous marriage
arrangement. This kind of woman doesn’t deserve our name. Find a place for her to quietly have the child and send her away.
There’s no need for you to waste a year...”
Ludwik stood still, his gaze colder than the elder’s. He cracked a chilling smile, “Send her away? Like the great example you
Kaden faltered, his expression clouding over.
Ludwik took a step closer, his presence like a towering mountain, overwhelming the old man’s authority. The elder seemed
diminished by age in comparison.
His eyes narrowed, voice indifferent, “Since when do my personal affairs concern you? You didn’t care when I was a child, and
you certainly have no right now.”
Kaden’s gaze wavered.
Ludwik’s half–smile carried a cold edge, “Take care of your second son and your little family of three.”
Kaden, nearly bursting with rage, retorted, “Do you even regard me as your father anymore? I’m telling you, get rid of that
woman. How can the Valentines match you? You’re destined to be with the Bartels family’s daughter.”.

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“She is my woman. It would be wise not to touch her, or I won’t be polite.”
Kaden saw the terrifying fury beneath Ludwik’s calm facade and scoffed, “I’m laying it out here, Ludwik. Even if you’re powerful
and wealthy, you’re still the Lippert family’s heir, and I’m your father! No son challenges his father. You’re in business, but the
Lippert family holds sway in Emperor City’s political realm. You know the stakes. You either secure an alliance with the Bartels
family, or you’re no match for me. Your brother is returning from abroad soon. I won’t leave Imperial Gem Corporation solely in
your hands. He’ll co–manage with you; we’re family, so don’t be too callous.”
Ludwik’s gaze turned icy.

He chuckled softly, “My company and my wealth has nothing to do with the Lippert family. Keep your hands off. If you’re so
concerned about your second son, find another way.”
“Rebel! You constantly defy me, Do you’really think I’m powerless against you?”
Ludwik left with a cold laugh, the sound of the door slamming echoing behind him as a heavy paperweight crashed against it.
A chilling aura emanated from Ludwik, casting fear among the mansion’s servants, who dared not raise their heads.
In the Lippert household, Kaden reigned supreme, yet Ludwik, every time he returned, seemed to provoke Kaden to the brink of
fury. Since the year he moved out with his mother, Ludwik had evolved from a once young lord into a formidable figure.
Over the years, the enigma enveloping the Lipperts, the city’s foremost family, had deepened.
“Well, look who’s back?” The voice drifted languidly through the opulent ground–floor hall.
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Chapter 78
A middle–aged woman, elegantly dressed and adjusting her mink stole, approached Ludwik with a scrutinizing gaze. “It’s not
every day we see you here. Don’t stir up your father’s temper over some fleeting romance and a child born out of wedlock. Will
you stay for dinner?”
Ludwik cast her an icy glance, causing Rylie to shiver.
The man stepped out into the night, leaving Rylie with narrowed eyes, thankful her own son was no less impressive than Ludwik.
As Ludwik stepped out of the Lippert Mansion, his godly features wore exhaustion, and his eyes were steeped with a frosty
Elaine hurried over, her face flashing with concern. “Bro, did your dad give you trouble? Oh, by the way, Whitney’s been
released. She’s just at the hospital now.”
“Why the hospital?” Ludwik’s expression chilled.
“Perhaps a bit shaken up?” Elaine ventured, trying to keep the mood light.
Ludwik’s eyebrows eased, feeling a bit relieved. If it was only due to being startled, then it wasn’t so bad. He got into the car, and
while Elaine drove away, he pulled out his phone to call Whitney.
But the call went unanswered.
“Step on it,” Ludwik commanded, his brows knitting together again.
They reached the First City Hospital promptly. Elaine asked at the reception and then led Ludwik to the second floor of the
inpatient department.
Room 2003 seemed miles away as Ludwik’s anticipation grew.
Elaine, full of concern, raced ahead down the corridor towards the room. “Whitney...”
She peered through the door.

Suddenly, her spine stiffened, and Elaine slowly turned around.
Noticing her change in expression, Ludwik feared Whitney wasn’t inside. His long legs carried him swiftly towards the room,
eager to see for himself.
Elaine, stammering and evasive, blocked him. “Ludwik... maybe you should wait. Whitney, she’s... she’s a bit indisposed right
Was it Whitney? What was so ‘indisposed‘ about her?
Ludwik’s frown deepened, sensing something was amiss. Brushing Elaine aside, he pushed into the room.