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Lord Protector Novel

Chapter 2844
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Chapter 2844 King Of Dragons

Zeke shook his head: “Of course not. In fact, I was only able to create the spatial passage by using Dragon King


Sole Wolf and the others were still curious. “Your Dragon King Sword... To be blunt, with your current strength, the

sword doesn't seem very helpful, isn't it?”

Zeke replied, “No. The Dragon King Sword I substantialized with my energy has been forged into an Earth Level

divine weapon.”


Sole Wolf and the others were astounded.

The divine weapon that Zeke had forged before took countless resources and effort, and it barely reached the Mid

Dark Level.

To forge an Earth Level divine weapon, one must include the use of a fire seed in the forging process.

However, Zeke's Dragon King Sword, not to mention a sword substantialized with energy, managed to attain Earth

Level. How did he achieve this? This is utterly unbelievable.

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Ares asked the question in everyone's mind, “Great Marshal, but you mentioned only with the help of a fire seed

can one forge an Earth Level divine weapon...”

Zeke nodded. “That's right. In fact, I've already found a fire seed.”

Where did the fire seed come from? Everyone stared intently at Zeke.

He lowered his gaze to the sleeping dragons in the pit. “King of Dragons, of course.”

“But King of Dragons is not only not helping us but even hostile to us,” Sole Wolf chimed in.

Zeke remarked, “What you see may not necessarily be the truth.”

Sole Wolf and the others were astonished. “Great Marshal, don't tell us you've subdued King of Dragons.” To be

honest, the current King of Dragons is hot-tempered and arrogant, so it is almost impossible to tame it. Did Zeke

really accomplish this unimaginable task?

Zeke smiled faintly. Instead of answering, he casually kicked a stone at his feet.

The stone rolled down and hit King of Dragons' head.

King of Dragons was sleeping soundly at that moment. Even when the stone struck its head, it didn't wake up.

Seeing that, Zeke picked up a rock the size of a person's head and chucked it downward.

The rock landed on King of Dragons' head and shattered on the spot.


King of Dragons finally woke up. It let out an angry roar and rose into the air. Its colossal body stirred up a tornado,

causing the sky to turn dark and sending dust and stones flying everywhere.

“Who is it? Which b*stard hit me?”

King of Dragons' thunderous voice was ear-splitting. Alfred, who was the slightly weaker member of the group, was

impacted to the point of dizziness and retching.

Keeping his composure, Zeke said, “It's me.”

Noticing Zeke, King of Dragons quieted down a little. Still, it looked furious. “Zeke, you're finally here. I've waited for

you for a long time.”

Zeke answered, “We waited two days at the ancient sector for Theos to discover and surround us before we

entered to ensure our plan was foolproof.”

King of Dragons nodded.

Sole Wolf and the others were baffled listening to their conversation. Plan? What plan? Why don't we know a thing?

Before the others could ask Zeke, he uttered, “Fortuna—”

King of Dragons was displeased. “Don't call me Fortuna. Fortuna is long dead. I'm not King of Dragons, the ruler of

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Theos Island back in the day.”

The crowd lapsed into thoughtful silence. It seems like Zeke hasn't subdued King of Dragons, after all. The two

merely reached some agreement. So, Zeke and King of Dragons' love-hate relationship have been nothing but an

act? There's a strong possibility for this hypothesis to be true.

Zeke had no choice but to address it differently. “Fine. King of Dragons, let's begin our plan now.”

However, King of Dragons smirked and said, “Don't be hasty. Let me take a look outside first to see if all the

primordial beasts have gathered. The more we can kill this time, the better. If the population of primordial beasts

grows too large, it will affect my rule over Theos Island.”

With that, it tore the space with its two claws, creating a stable spatial passage. Then, King of Dragons stuck out

most of its body to investigate the situation on the other side of the portal.

That scene left Sole Wolf and the others in awe.

Previously, they had thought Zeke was incredible for using Dragon King Sword to split open a stable spatial

passage. Little did they expect King of Dragons to be even more impressive, effortlessly tearing open a stable

spatial passage with its bare claws.