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Julian's Stand in Wife

Chapter 1538
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Chapter 1538

"I think Marcus is really in love with Nina!'

Diana looked at Julian with hope in her eyes, looking as if she were Nina's mother.

Julian said indifferently, "Maybe.”

He folded Diana in his arms, pensive. In reality, he felt anxious for Vans.

Meanwhile, Vans was also reading through the news, which kept coming.

He initially thought that Nina might be playing along with Marcus to sensationalize matters, but afterward, he

watched Marcus's video and started feeling antsy. He had the same thoughts as Diana.

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Rage contorted his usually-calm face, but no matter how many times he tried to call Nina, no one picked up.

Left with no choice, he turned his attention to Diana and Julian, who didn't pick up his calls either. It was fine if Nina

didn't answer his calls, but even Julian was avoiding him now. Vans knew whose idea it was.

This time, Nina was truly done with him.

At this moment, Lina was no longer in the mood to try her last gown.

She gripped her phone tight, looking coldly at Vans. He was

in vehement denial at the start, but was now clearly emotionally unstable. He slowly cracked under the emotional


She glared at him. "Vans Stanley! You two haven’t broken up, have you? You still love her, don't you?"

Vans was good-natured, but that was provided that he wanted to be nice to the other party. Now, he was clearly at

his limits in tolerating Lina's behavior.

He glared coldly at her, a mocking look in his eyes. He didn't know if he was mocking her or himself, but he

retorted," That goes without saying."

With that, he grabbed his jacket, making a move to leave the boutique. They were surrounded by many people,

including the make-up artist and the service staff, who witnessed their fight.

Lina felt utterly humiliated. She had never been this embarrassed her entire life!

She clenched her fists, and yelled at him, "Vans Stanley! If you dare step out of this place, I'll call off this wedding


That was precisely what he wanted!

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Vans didn't feel threatened one bit. He was already being very kind to Lina, but she repeatedly caused harm upon

Nina. He was thoroughly disgusted with her.

"Whatever you want!"

With that, he headed downstairs without looking back.

Lina was left stunned on the spot. Her face turned pale, and her fingernails dug into the flesh of her palm.

A service staff stammered, "Ms. Jennings... Do you still want to try on the gown...?"

"Try on the dress?!" Lina glared at her, and slapped her face. "So that all of you can laugh at me?!"

Her nails were so sharp, they left scratch marks on the staff’s face.

Lina ignored it and continued yelling at her, finally stopping only when the service staff began sobbing
