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I Regained My Memories and Became Rich After Getting Divorced

Chapter 554 - 554: Enter the Castle
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Chapter 554: Enter the Castle

Translator: _Min_ |

The gardener took a deep breath and tried to lighten the mood, “Think about it positively; trimming and decorating the castle’s garden pays as much as we make in a month!”

The driver grumbled, “I just want my holiday!”

The gardener shot him a disdainful look, “You have no ambition!”

After exchanging glances with Su Ting, Gu Dai nodded, signaling she understood his plan.

Once the vehicle reached a secluded area, Gu Dai and Su Ting swiftly approached, using a sleeping powder to knock out the gardener and the driver, and then changed into their clothes.

Su Ting drove the vehicle towards the castle, cautioning, “There are people ahead.”

Gu Dai, observing two guards in front of the castle, advised softly, “Let’s stay calm and act natural.”

Su Ting responded obediently, “Okay.”

The guard stopped the vehicle, “Hold up.”

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Su Ting pulled the car to a stop and, putting on an uneasy expression, quietly asked, “Officer, may I ask if there’s something wrong?”

Pleased by being addressed as “officer,” the guard instinctively raised his chin before asking, “What are you here for?”

Gu Dai replied softly, “Officer, we are gardeners hired by Miss Aad for landscaping and decoration.”

The guard nodded, “That makes sense, but I haven’t seen you before. Why is that?”

His eyes narrowed suspiciously as he scrutinized Su Ting and Gu Dai.

Su Ting explained, “It’s our first tworking at the castle, which is why you find us unfamiliar.”

Convinced, the guard allowed them to proceed, “I see, go ahead.”

Gu Dai and Su Ting breathed a sigh of relief, but their tension returned when another guard suggested, “We should report new faces to our superiors, just in case they are intruders.”

Gu Dai, while panicking internally, maintained her composure, “Officer, we are genuine gardeners. Please trust us.”

The second guard asked indifferently, “If you’re indeed genuine gardeners, why stopfrom reporting?”

Gu Dai shook her head, “I’m not stopping you, but the garden urgently needs our service. If we delay, Miss Aad might blus.”

The guard saw the logic in her argument, “Go on in.”

Su Ting nodded in response and drove into the castle.

Upon their departure the guards’ conversation was still audible to them.

“Why did you let them in just like that?”

“They kept calling us officers. Let’s trust them this once. Besides, reporting up is a hassle. It’s better to avoid trouble when we can.”

“Fair enough…”

Following the signs to the garden, Su Ting and Gu Dai began trimming the landscape while keeping an eye on their surroundings.

Gu Dai whispered to Su Ting, “I noticed a corner without surveillance. You keep trimming here; I’ll message my big brother’s people about our situation.”

Su Ting nodded, cautioning her, “Be careful, Daidai.”

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With an “ok” gesture, Gu Dai reassured him, “Don’t worry.”

As Su Ting continued his work, Aad spotted him and was immediately intrigued. She instructed her maid, “Bring that man here.”

The maid promptly called Su Ting, “Miss Aad wants to see you.”

Su Ting, concealing his concern, followed and asked softly, “Miss Aad, may I know why you’ve summoned me?”

Aad, with a smirk, commanded, “Look up.”

Reluctantly, Su Ting raised his head.

Impressed by Su Ting’s features, Aad brightly announced, “My birthday party is tomorrow, and you’re invited to attend with me!”

Su Ting frowned, “But I am a gardener, I have work…”

Aad interrupted, “I know.”

Her gaze narrowed slightly as she smiled, “Then work overttonight to finish your tasks, and you can attend my birthday party tomorrow.”

The maid whispered, “Miss, he’s just a lowly gardener. Bringing him might invite ridicule.”

Aad, shaking her head with a laugh, reasoned, “Being seen with lower-class people might actually makeappear more approachable, enhancing my image in their eyes. It could work in my favor..”