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Hitched & Hitched Again: A Comedy of Marital Mayhem

Chapter 66
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Chapter 66

The three little ones were a sight to behold-two of them were spitting images of her boss, Tarquin, as if he'd

been shrunk down to pint-size proportions!

But Tarquin was right next door, tucking into his meal. If these were his sons, why weren't they dining with him?

And the word on the street was that Mr. Bradford had only one son.

Could it be that these two were Tarquin’s secret love children?

The thought made the server's expression all the more animated, though she dared not pry into Tarquin’s private

affairs. To work at the Jindale Grand Hotel meant you knew when to keep your eyes open and your mouth shut.

Noticing Blossom and Elysia’s gaze, she snapped back to reality and stammered an apology, “I'm so sorry,

darlings. Your little ones are just so darn cute; | got a bit carried away there. My apologies.”

Her explanation seemed to ease Blossom and Elysia’s concerns. It was a common reaction from those laying

eyes on the three munchkins for the first time.

“Can | interest you in our menu?” the server offered.

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“We'll have a look ourselves first.”

“Sure thing. There's a detailed description behind each dish, and there's a button right here that connects you to

our service team. Just press it and let us know what you need, and we'll take care of it,” she said with a smile

before gracefully exiting the room.

Elysia Immediately quipped, “We're already splurging by eating here, and you had to go for the room with a


Blossom, ever the big spender, retorted, “First ttreating my boys to dinner, of course, I'm going all out. If

those two most expensive private rooms hadn't been booked already, | would have snagged them.”


“You and your extravagances,” Elysia playfully chided. “It pains my wallet just to think about it.”

“Oh, don’t worry about it. I'm flush with cash; this won't break the bank. Look out there. Hasn't Jindale City

changed so much?”

Elyola couldn't resist rising to her feet and gazing out the floor-to-ceiling window at the sprawling Jindale City


The city’s nightscape was a dazzling array of lights, towering buildings, and bustling traffic-a testament to its



Once, she'd felt an integral part of this city. Now, she still loved it, but it was no longer her world.

Isn’t that building new? | don’t remember it from before.”

“Which one?”

That tallest one, with the sphere on top. Looks like a pearl shining in the night.”

“Oh, that? That's the Bradford Group’s new headquarters. Just finished last year, | heard it cost a fortune,

supposedly the most luxurious office building in all of the continent.”

Elysia was taken aback, “The Bradford family’s?”

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“Yeah. The year you had your... incident, the Bradfords had their share of troubles, too. The Bradford Group was

on the brink of disaster, nearly bankrupt. Then, Gideon stepped down, and the grandson, Tarquin, was called to

take over the reins. He becthe CEO.”

Elysia’s eyes widened in disbelief, “Tarquin... he’s the current CEO of the Bradford Group?”

“That's right, everyone knows it. Didn't you?”

Elysia hadn't known; cut off from the world in the mountains, she had paid no attention to her nominal husband.

“Wasn't he the least favored? And... he’s disabled.”

“Word was he wasn’t the golden boy, and yes, he’s disabled. But what does favoritism count for when you're the

only grandson in the Bradford lineage? Gideon's grandsons from his daughters might bear the Bradford name,

but they aren't of the direct line. The aristocracy cares about that sort of thing, bloodline and legacy.

Besides, Tarquin’s remarkable. The man’s the epitof determination despite adversity!

They say God took away his ability to walk but blessed him with a brilliant mind. When he took over the

company in crisis, he turned the Bradford Group from a sinking ship into a business titan, multiplying its market

value over a hundred times. He's a legend in the business world!

Tarquin quickly becone of the wealthiest men on the planet, topping the rich lists year. after year.”