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Hitched & Hitched Again: A Comedy of Marital Mayhem

Chapter 213
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Chapter 213

Tarquin’s actions were a direct slap in the face to Gideon!

Allegra, regardless of her standing in his favor, was still Gideon's daughter. Tarquin’s treatment of her was a

blatant disregard for Gideon.

st Gideon he disregarded, it was the entire Bradford family he had scored!

It wasn’t just

But since Gideon was the eldest and held the most sway within the Bradford family, his fury was unparalleled!

Seething he pounded his walking stick on the floor with a resounding thud and shouted, “The nerve! The utter

gall! This is a direct affront to me! He’s takingless seriously by the day! The absolute nerve!”

His confidant rushed to soothe him, “Sir, please, calm yourself. Today's incident was also a result of Allegra’s

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impulsiveness. Had Tarquin not arrived in the nick of time, Elysia would have been a goner right there and then!

Allegra didn’t realize whoever could assist Elijah is golden in Tarquin’s eyes! Her wanting to off Elysia is akin to

quashing Elijah’s only hope, effectively killing Elijah indirectly! Can you blTarquin for his rage?”

Gideon's anger was through the roof. “The headstrong fool! Has she leamed nothing from Lionel’s death? Does

she wish to beca widow?”

“Ah you know how headstrong Allegra can be.”

“Please, sir, take a deep breath. Although Tarquin’s actions were extreme, this ensures no one dares target Elysia

and Elijah again, which is beneficial for us.”

Gideon, face darkened with anger, took a deep breath and sipped stea from a cup on the desk to quell his

fury. “Even so, we can’t let him continue this brazen behavior! Any word from Mr. E yet?”

“Nothing yet, sir. The package was left as requested. Given his reputation on the dark web for efficiency, | expect

we'll hear from him


“Mm... Go through our assets these next few days. If we're to collaborate, we need to show what we bring to the


“I just worry, what if Mr. E locates this person, but they refuse to cooperate with us?”

“That won't happen. Once we find this person, | have ways to ensure they'll willingly work with me.”

Gideon was confident, clearly holding saces up his sleeve.

His confidant didn’t dare pry further changing the subject, “What about Allegra’s situation?”

Gideon's expression darkened as he said, “Leave her to her own devices! Let her face the consequences of her


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This news quickly reached Nola and her daughter. Nola was beside herself with worry.

“I knew it, | just knew it! Look, Mom, in his bid to avenge that woman, Tarquin didn’t just go after Allegra from

the Bradford family harshly, but he also made it public by sharing the video in the family group as a warning! We

can’t rely on Allegra anymore! Tarquin must really be smitten with Elysial Oh, what do we do now?”

Alleen rolled her eyes and said, “Enough! How did | end up with such a fool for a daughter! Do you think Tarquin

is avenging Elysia? It’s all for Elijah! Elysia is currently Elijah’s lifeline, and that’s the only reason Tarquin gives

her the tof day! Without Elijah, she’s nothing.” “Right, Tarquin cares for her because of Elijah. If Elijah were

out of the picture, Tarquin would surely lose interest! Mom, we've got to find way to get rid of Elijah!”

Aileen slapped Nola and shouted, “Have you lost your mind? What makes you think you can succeed where

others in the Bradford family have failed? They've been trying to take down Elijah and haven't managed it. And

you think you can do better? Look at the fate of

those who've tried!”

“So... should we go after Elysia?”