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His Precious Love

Chapter 706
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Chapter 706 Taken Advantage Of At The Marketplace

After breakfast, Rayna and Curtis headed to the marketplace in town with Cassidy.

Once they parked the car outside of the open-air marketplace, Curtis frowned at the crowd.

Just as Rayna was about to get out of the car with Cassidy's help, she heard Curtis say, “Don't come down yet,


One of Rayna's feet was hovering right above the ground, and she wondered if she should retract it. “What's the


With both hands on the steering wheel, Curtis turned to look at Cassidy, who had already gotten off the car, and

asked, “Is there only one marketplace around?”

“Yup,” Cassidy casually replied. When her gaze landed on Curtis' look of disdain, she folded her arms in front of her

chest and said, “You don't have to head inside if you think it's dirty. Belle and I will go.”

“No,” Curtis immediately disagreed with Cassidy's suggestion. “Rayna's eyes aren't fully healed yet. I don't feel at

ease with you leading her around.”

The man's words enraged Cassidy. “What do you mean by that? Why do you not feel at ease? Are you saying that

I'll hurt her?”

At that, Curtis shot Cassidy a cold look.

Cassidy's aggression wilted as soon as she met the man's gaze. “Don't... Don't look at me like that.” With that, she

reached out to tug the hem of Rayna's shirt.

“Cassidy said there's only one marketplace in this town. We shouldn't waste our time, so let's just buy our stuff now

since we're here.” As Rayna said that, she set her foot on the ground.

When her white sneakers came into contact with the muddy ground, some mud splashed in response.

Rayna then got out of the front passenger seat. When her maxi dress slid off the seat, it brushed past the car and

was soiled.

“Come down too,” Rayna said to the man in the driver's seat once she was out of the car.

Curtis then pulled out the car keys and came down. The second he stepped on the ground, he frowned in

displeasure. It felt as if he had stepped right into a swamp.

Nevertheless, he walked over to Rayna and held her hand. Then, he gave Cassidy a look, gesturing for her to lead

the way.

Cassidy, who was holding Rayna's hand, pursed her lips and let go of Rayna.

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

Yasmin followed Cassidy and whispered, “Ms. Cassidy, you find him scary too, right?”

Hearing that, Cassidy lowered her gaze to glance at Yasmin. “I'm not scared of him.” I just don't want to end up

offending my god of fortune.

The moment Rayna and Curtis entered the marketplace, they immediately felt the sensation of being packed like


Royno hod been to such morketploces when she wos younger, so it wos nothing unusuol for her. In foct, she felt


Curtis, on the other hond, felt uncomfortoble, os he wosn't used to such ploces.

He could see people sneezing ond spitting on the side of the rood, which wos o common sight in ploces like these.

“Should've worn o mosk out,” wos whot he muttered to Royno.

Right then, o middle-oged mon with his mouth wide open, looking os if he wos going to yown, wolked post Royno.

Promptly, Curtis reoched out to cover Royno's nose ond mouth ond pulled her closer to him.

“It's fine,” Royno reossured with o soft chuckle os she held his hond. “Let's just moke the shopping trip quick so thot

we con go bock eorlier.”

“Okoy,” the mon ogreed.

“Let Cossidy pick the vegetobles. She's more fomilior with this ploce, so I'm sure she knows which stoll sells fresh

vegetobles,” Royno soid to Curtis. “You just need to poy for them.”

Most of the stoll owners in o morketploce like this were middle-oged people.

Royno wos certoin thot they would never be oble to leove the morketploce by the end of the doy if Curtis wos the

one to pick the vegetobles.

Cossidy wos wolking in front of Royno ond Curtis. When she turned oround ond sow thot the two were for behind

her, she shouted, “Con you be foster? Will we even get to hove lunch ot this rote?”

Upon heoring thot, Curtis threw o glore ot Cossidy before soying to Royno, who hod quickened her poce, “Wolk

slower. It's slippery here. You might foll if you wolk too fost.”

Royno bobbed her heod in response, but she did not slow down.

“By the woy, did you tell Robin obout us heoding out?” Royno belotedly remembered thot Robin wos left olone in

Cossidy's ploce.

“He's still sleeping, ond he won't woke ony time soon,” Curtis dismissively replied. When he wolked post the stolls,

he would roke his goze ocross the goods to see if there wos onything he wos interested in.

Royno could only shoke her heod in exosperotion ot his response.

When they wolked post o fishmonger's stoll, the stoll owner noticed the ottroctive Curtis. When she reolized thot the

mon hod his orm wropped tightly oround the womon beside him, she grew curious.

Upon seeing Royno's cloudy eyes, she curled her lips into o smirk.

“Do come over ond toke o look. We hove fresh fish we just cought todoy.” The middle-oged womon motioned Royno

ond Curtis toword her.

Rayna had been to such marketplaces when she was younger, so it was nothing unusual for her. In fact, she felt


Curtis, on the other hand, felt uncomfortable, as he wasn't used to such places.

He could see people sneezing and spitting on the side of the road, which was a common sight in places like these.

“Should've worn a mask out,” was what he muttered to Rayna.

Right then, a middle-aged man with his mouth wide open, looking as if he was going to yawn, walked past Rayna.

Promptly, Curtis reached out to cover Rayna's nose and mouth and pulled her closer to him.

“It's fine,” Rayna reassured with a soft chuckle as she held his hand. “Let's just make the shopping trip quick so that

we can go back earlier.”

“Okay,” the man agreed.

“Let Cassidy pick the vegetables. She's more familiar with this place, so I'm sure she knows which stall sells fresh

vegetables,” Rayna said to Curtis. “You just need to pay for them.”

Most of the stall owners in a marketplace like this were middle-aged people.

Rayna was certain that they would never be able to leave the marketplace by the end of the day if Curtis was the

one to pick the vegetables.

Cassidy was walking in front of Rayna and Curtis. When she turned around and saw that the two were far behind

her, she shouted, “Can you be faster? Will we even get to have lunch at this rate?”

Upon hearing that, Curtis threw a glare at Cassidy before saying to Rayna, who had quickened her pace, “Walk

slower. It's slippery here. You might fall if you walk too fast.”

Rayna bobbed her head in response, but she did not slow down.

“By the way, did you tell Robin about us heading out?” Rayna belatedly remembered that Robin was left alone in

Cassidy's place.

“He's still sleeping, and he won't wake any time soon,” Curtis dismissively replied. When he walked past the stalls,

he would rake his gaze across the goods to see if there was anything he was interested in.

Rayna could only shake her head in exasperation at his response.

When they walked past a fishmonger's stall, the stall owner noticed the attractive Curtis. When she realized that the

man had his arm wrapped tightly around the woman beside him, she grew curious.

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

Upon seeing Rayna's cloudy eyes, she curled her lips into a smirk.

“Do come over and take a look. We have fresh fish we just caught today.” The middle-aged woman motioned Rayna

and Curtis toward her.

Curtis tried to pull Rayna in his direction, but the back of his hand touched the middle-aged woman's outstretched


“Handsome one, why don't you take a look at our fish? They're very fresh, and the texture is tender!” The middle-

aged woman took the opportunity to grab Curtis' hand and tried to convince him to buy her fish.

Curtis quickly shrugged off the woman's hand before giving her an icy look.

“Hey, why are you so feisty?” The middle-aged woman chuckled and curled her lips in disdain when she sensed

Curtis' anger.

“You—” Just as Curtis was about to argue with the middle-aged woman, Rayna tugged him and softly said, “Just

ignore her, Curtis.”

Curtis lowered his head to glimpse at Rayna before taking out a piece of tissue to wipe his hand. After that, right as

he was about to turn around with his arm wrapped around Rayna, he accidentally bumped into a pregnant woman.

The pregnant woman instinctively took a few steps backward in response, but as the floor was slippery, she ended

up falling backward instead.

Everyone around the pregnant woman was nervously watching everything unfold, but no one was reaching out to

catch her. At that, Curtis shot out his arm to help her, but his reaction was too slow.

Right as the pregnant woman was about to fall to the ground, someone supported her with their back and broke

her fall.

It was Cassidy, who was holding the pregnant woman up with her back. Only after the other woman had regained

her balance did Cassidy slowly straighten up.

At one point, the middle-aged stall owner had walked over to the pregnant woman to support her. She even began

yelling at Curtis, “What's going on with you? Are you blind?”

As she chided Curtis, she gave the pregnant woman a once-over. “My daughter, are you okay? Is the baby okay?”

The pregnant woman had a hand on her stomach as she gripped her mother's hand with her other hand. Her face

was colorless from the moment of fright earlier.

“Do you hear how unreasonable you are? You were trying to take advantage of my friend's husband just now! He

only bumped into your daughter because he was trying to avoid your touch!” Cassidy retorted, her expression grim.

“It's your fault if anything happens to your daughter.”

“What does this have to do with you, you bearer of misfortune?” the middle-aged woman snapped when she

realized it was Cassidy.