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His Ex Wife is A Billionaire (Evadne and Thaddeus)

Chapter 783
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Chapter 783

In the grip of a life-or-death phone call, Gary laid down two conditions-

No guns. Calone.

“Thaddeus, Evadne, Captain Ashbourne, | leave this in your hands. I'm off to meet Gary.”

With those final words, Jareth didn’t hesitate for a second. He turned on his heel and strode towards the


“Jareth!” Thaddeus’ voice was torn with anguish as he grabbed hold of him. “It's a trap set by Gary. He might be

after your life. You can’t go alone!”

“He wants my life, Thad.” Jareth managed a feeble, heart-wrenching smile. “If my life can ensure Marilla and Lily

cback alive, then it’s worth the gamble.”

Evadne, with her eyes brimming with tears, declared resolutely, “Jareth, we're coming with you! We'll set up an

ambush and strike when the tis right. We'll definitely rescue Marilla and Lily!”

Shaking his head, Jareth replied, “Thank you, Evadne. But | can’t take that risk again. If it means Marilla and Lily

can return alive, then truly, it's a worthy trade.”

Evadne could barely hold back her tears, and Thaddeus felt his heart sink layer by layer.


Aaron, with a look as sharp as a falcon, stepped forward and opened his palm to reveal a tiny bug, “Wear this.

Keep in touch with the police. I'll coordinate things from here.”

With his pale lips trembling. Jareth took the device, “Thank you.”

“You, Marilla and Lily must cback alive. That's an order.”

Drawing a deep breath, Aaron managed a comforting smile that was almost like a warm moonlight embrace,

“You're not just fighting for Evadne and Thaddeus. We're right here waiting for you.”

Jareth paused, then he flashed a brief smile and clapped Aaron on the shoulder with force.

In the early morning, the sky was starless, and the weak and hazy moonlight added to a sense of desolation.

The screech of tires tearing against the pavement echoed as Jareth’s sports car slid to a halt in the middle of the


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Before him stood a half-constructed commercial complex, one of the Fairhaven Group's properties.

The project was originally Gary's responsibility, but after he was ousted from Fairhaven, it naturally fell into

Jareth’s lap.

With determined and forceful steps, Jareth approached the main entrance, without a hint of hesitation in his


No matter the cost, he had to bring Marilla back.

Marilla, life without you is tasteless.

He pushed open the heavy door and entered with an icy expression.

The lobby was deserted, and at that moment, Gary sent a message.

Jareth didn’t understand why Gary added that last line, which seemed oddly cryptic.

Two seconds later, he decided to play it safe and take the stairs.



He quickened his pace to dash up the stairwell.

But just as he reached the second floor, a chaotic flurry of footsteps followed from behind.

Jareth spun around in shock and barely avoided two glinting machetes lunging at him in murderous intent! The

henchmen pounced one after another, brandishing their knives. Having disarmed one of them, Jareth seized the

half-meter blade and cut through flesh with a ruthless efficiency.

One by one, these guys fell before him, with blood pooling and limbs scattering.

But his own arm was wounded, and his black coat was also shredded. He tore off a strip of fabric and wrapped it

tightly around his hand to prevent the weapon from slipping.

Another wave of henchmen was on his heels!

Jareth knew this was just another “difficulty” Gary had added to his game. Without lingering, he ran towards the

elevator, which was dozens of meters away.

He slammed the button frantically, and seconds later, the doors slid open.

But waiting for him inside were five more blade-wielding thugs!

In the swimming pool area.

Gary lounged on a deck chair, lazily puffing on his favorite cigar, while playing scheesy pop music on his


Every few minutes, he would glance at his watch, then smacked his lips and continued his rest.

Twenty minutes later, the elevator door facing the swimming pool entrance chimed open.

Gary's half-closed, bored eyes suddenly widened.

Stepping over the bodies at his feet, Jareth moved heavily yet with unyielding determination towards the pool

area, like a war god emerging from a sea of blood and mountains of corpses.

His once frosty face was now smeared with blood, and his only white shirt was soaked in a glaring, striking red.

“Heh, not bad, kid.” Gary took a deep puff of his cigar; his admiration for the young man seemed to grow.

He hadn't expected Jareth to walk out of that elevator alive.

But the young man had done just that.

In his youth, Barry too was a legend feared in the underworld, and Jareth was showing signs of his grandfather's

prowess at his peak.

Jareth entered the pool area, with his gaze fixed on the sworn enemy that haunted his heart; his lips turned

white, and his entire body was chilled.

He'd sustained more than one knife wound, and the gash on his arm was still bleeding.

The battle in the elevator had nearly cost him his life, but it was the love for Marilla and the concern for Lily that

had carried him through the melee.

“Oh, Jareth, very impressive,” Gary gave him a thumbs-up.

“Where are Marilla and Lily, where are they?” Jareth gasped for air, with sweat on his face washing away the


“Now, now, no rush. How about a little heart-to-heart between us? We won't get many more chances like this.”



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Chapter 783

Gary turned off the cheesy pop music and smiled with a dark significance, “After all, opportunities like this won't


“My grandpa and my dad, did you kill them?”

“Of course.” Gary replied with a smile still on his lips.


“Because they both stood in the way ofgetting what was rightfully mine.”

“What's yours? Gary, you're shameless and brazen.”

Jareth’s words cut with the sharpness of a bloodied blade, “the Fairhaven group was never yours. It was built

from the ground up by my grandfather. My father worked tirelessly to make it one of the top four families, and to

earn the status it has today. You had nothing to do with it!”

“No, no, no.”

Gary wagged his finger, “What's mine is what | want. And what | want becomes mine.”

It was madness, sheer lunacy!

“Jareth, you know, when you were just a little tyke, | was quite fond of you. | even held you in my arms once; you

were a hefty little bundle with cheeks as round as apples,”

Gary let out a wistful sigh, “What a shame, you are my elder brother's son. If you were mine, | would have

showered you with everything the world has to offer, and spared no expense to give you the very best.”

“You think you could have been my old man? In your dreams, you don’t even cclose!” Jareth’s lips curled

into a wicked smirk, “Ah, but it makes sense you’d have such thoughts, considering you're sterile. Heaven has its

ways, not wanting a beast like you to taint the next generation, so it stripped you of the privilege of fatherhood,

which is great, as it saves you the trouble of becoming a eunuch without having to face the knife.”

Gary's smile slowly faded into a dark scowl, and his eyes were brimming with malevolence.

“You're after my life, and here | am. Release Marilla and Lily, and I'll play your game,” Jareth’s eyes flashed with

a fierce chill.

“True to the spirit of my elder brother's son, what a gallant lad!”

Gary raised his voice and called out, “Jackson, bring the ladies out, please!”