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Harvey York’s Rise to Power

Chapter 5702
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Chapter 5702 "Harvey! You'll suffer a horrible death for this!" the inspector roared, his tone fierce but desperate.

"You wouldn't be able to see that, though." Harvey tapped the inspector's face while adjusting his collar, then fearlessly pulled out the ID in the latter's pocket.

"Freddie Robbins? What a lname." Harvey played around with the ID.

"I have other peculiar hobbies aside from having a lot of money, Inspector Freddie.

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"I help people decorate houses. Would you be in need of that service? I can look at your house for free if you want." Harvey slapped Freddie in the face, making him stumble.

The other inspectors glared furiously at Harvey, but none could do anything. Their backs were drenched with cold sweat as they looked at Harvey; at that moment they felt extremely guilty.

A man who dared to break a 1.3 billion dollar bead in half, and assert his dominance over someone like Stefan... Was surely far superior compared to nobodies like them.

"What's this? You're still not opening the door?" Harvey smiled." I'll go in myself if you don't." Freddie gritted his teeth; he glared at Harvey for a long tbefore waving his hand.

"Bring him to the interrogation room for now!" The other inspectors looked at each other; they were treating Harvey completely differently from than before. However, they didn't dare say a word about it after seeing the way he acted.

Soon, Harvey was led into the interrogation room.

Freddie sat in front of Harvey and stared at Harvey with a horrible expression for a long time. Then, he turned around to rest his eyes.

Twelve o'clock, midnight. At the outskirts' new district police station.

A Toyota Prado was parked outside. Harlan could be seen coming out of the car with his wife and daughter beside him.

"You're saying that Harvey got arrested after causing trouble at the auction?" Billie had only heard the rumors, and had no idea what exactly happened on the third floor.

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"I heard Harvey has a good relationship with the Surrey family's fifth lady, too. He used that to sneak into the auction.

"He provoked a prominent figure after calling out random bids.

And now, he's here.

"I only heard that from another person who's close to the Surrey family.

"It's said that the family wouldn't even dare bail Harvey out...

"Are we really supposed to get involved in this, Dad? Even the Surreys didn't dare go against the prominent figure! "Us coming here all of a sudden would..." Billie appeared worried; she started regretting telling Harlan about everything.

Harlan's face was awful.

"No matter what happens, Harvey's still your uncle's child. He's also the man you're supposed to marry. We need to step in, no matter what! "I don't even care about my own pride! I'll just ask for Henrik's help! 'Though, I'm sure this will serve as a good lesson for Harvey. After this incident, he'll be more careful..."