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Guardian Wolf

Chapter 125
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Brea’s Help
Brea’s Help
Nova POV:
“Jax” I breath in relief as soon as I see him in the office. Walking over I sink into his
lap as he holds me tightly breathing in my scent for a moment.
“Zeus is on edge, so am I” he mumbles.
“So is Ki and me” I assure him. “We will stay together yes?”
“I think that’s for the best” he agrees as the door opens in front of us.
“Amelia, Mila” I smile as they come to sit down. “How are you both getting on?”
“Brea has the food under control and is now sorting out rooms and housing at Jaxs request. She will be up in a moment with
some refreshments she said” Amelia says
with a smile.
“She’s a star” I smile.
“She is very organised” Amelia agrees approvingly. “I’ve also spoken to my sister and her mate, they’re council advisors Nova
and they’ve heard what you did on your visit there. To say they were impressed is an understatement. They have suggested
ones from our pack who need to leave can travel to the council buildings and they will personally oversee their wellbeing and
safety, I’ve called in some family favours.”
“I trust them” Jax says answering my unspoken question. “I know they will do everything they can to help.”
“Ok that’s a relief. We can let the pack know this evening then, I suggest they travel tomorrow afternoon” I say whilst tracing
patterns on Jaxs arm keeping us both
“How many do you estimate will need to travel?” I ask Mila.
“I’d say 180-200 in total, including 75 pups, we have enough pack vehicles to transport them so they don’t need to travel
personally. I have already spoken to the Ga mmas to arrange warriors who will escort them all” she says. “Gam ma Theo and
Alice are currently organising that and said they will bring their plans by this evening for you to confirm.”
Brea’s Help
“Great job” Jax praises.
“I’m glad you’re addressing the pack Jax” Amelia says looking at her son.
“I made a vow to protect them but I have always been open and honest, I’m not going to hide what we have coming our way and

the risk everyone is in. They will know I will do anything in my power to keep them safe” he says with a small smile when he
about our pack members.
Hearing a soft knock at the door I stand to open it quickly to see Breas motherly face.
smiling at us. “I brought you some food Luna” she says softly.
“That’s wonderful Brea, thank you” I smile at her. “Do you need a hand with anything?”
“Perhaps you and Alpha Jax wouldn’t mind accompanying me for a walk around the reserve housing we have to confirm it’s
adequate for our needs? Do you know how many we are expecting?” She asks politely.
“Come in and take a seat, I’ll have a work out now for you, just give me a few
moments to talk to the others” I say gesturing to a spare chair as she bows and
pushes the trolley with food in.

“Brea you are an angel” Laurence exclaims as he walks in and sees the food ready.
“I try” she laughs blushing softly at her Betas praise before Mila begins talking to her.
“Laurence I’d like to ask Naomi and Alice to accompany the pack members who will
be leaving to go and stay at the council buildings. They are in no position to fight and I am not endangering those unborn pups,
they can provide comfort and support to our pack members. Do you agree?” I ask as he sits next to me.
“I think that sounds perfect for everyone in this situation” he agrees softly.
“I’m sorry you have to separate from Naomi” I say quietly as I can sense his upset at
the thought of being away from his mate and unborn pups.
“You don’t need to apologise. This is what needs to happen and I know for certain it is
safer for them to be away from here for the time being” he murmurs.
“It won’t be for long” I assure him.
“I won’t let it be” he says with determination reminding me of why he’s Beta.

Brea’s Help
“I don’t doubt that I chuckle.
“Amelia’s sister and her mate will be there along with a few other family members” I
tell him.
“Aunty Sophia?” He asks turning to Amelia who is listening quietly.
“That’s the one” she says with a smile.
“Oh that makes us feel better already” he says with a smile clearly fond of the lady.” By the way Jax I have spoken to the Ga
mmas and I’m happy with everything they
have organised. They will run you through it later.”
With a simple nod at Laurence’s words Jax begins to rub my back as I turn to see him watching me with pride. “Brilliant Luna” he
links me making me blush lightly. Drawing me close to his chest we sigh in content as we enjoy the comfort of one another.
momentarily. Feeling him sit up soon after I straighten as he gets up both some food
to eat.
“Need to keep that energy up” he smiles as he holds a sandwich up for me to bite.
“Thank you” I link him with love at his care for me.
With a thump Alex flops down in a chair as I raise a brow at him. “Not very Alpha King
like” I tease him.
“Do I need to act official with you all?” He counters turning to look at us one by one as
Brea blushes furiously at being included.
“Not now” Jax laughs.
“Then I will sigh all I like” he smirks co ckily back to us. “I haven’t managed to get hold
of the Moonbeam Pack which is strange so ive sent 3 of my escort to the pack to see what’s going on. Also Alpha Marcus will be
here tomorrow evening with his men.”
“Thank you Alex” Jax says.

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“Can you run me through numbers so I can tell Brea how many we are expecting” I ask motioning to the waiting Omega who is
once again in conversation with Mila.
“Yes of course. So we have Alpha Edward who is coming with 25 of his warriors and
his Ga mma, so 27 in total from his pack. Alpha Brad is the same. Connor, Alpha
Brent’s Son, is coming along with 50 warriors and the Beta, so 52 in total from that
Brea’s Help
pack. Alpha Henry is bringing 50 warriors but no other ranked officials due to David

leaving there he needs some on standby so is leaving Beta Alex in charge as his
Ga mma is currently away.” Alex explains.
“That’s understandable” Jax says with a nod to his uncles logic.
“I have also got 50 warriors from my pack travelling to aid us” Alex says which has my ears perk up.
“I can’t afford to leave more with me being away from the pack also” he adds on
“It will make a huge difference” Jax says, “their training is more advanced than others.
that are joining.”
Looking at the number I have jotted down as Alex has been speaking I count a total of 200 warriors and 7 official ranked wolves.
Sighing I massage my temples as I try to comprehend exactly how we are going to accommodate the extras.
“Brea” I say softly to get her attention as her head snaps to mine. “Sorry to interrupt” I
apologise to Mila who smiles and waves me off.
“Yes Luna?” Brea asks as she comes to stand in front of me.
“We have 200 warriors and 7 ranked wolves coming to stay from other packs, are they going to have to stay with pack
members?” I ask quietly.
Seeing my lost expression she chuckles softly, “we have somewhere where they can
“We do?” I ask shocked.
“Yes Luna” she nods. “Our previous Alpha built a barracks as such that would cater for an emergency as I’m guessing this is. It
will hold 150 wolves but they will have to
share dorms.”
“That’s amazing, how come I have never seen that?” I ask confused.
“Because it’s made to look abandoned to not raise suspicions with other packs” Jax
interjects. “It’s one thing I am glad my father installed however if he is..involved shall we say, then he will be aware of it.”

“I think we are past the element of surprise” I point out.
Brea’s Help
“True” he agrees, “it’s the building about a quarter of a mile from the pack hospital.
Literally 3 minutes from here, you will have seen it.”
“I did” I nod, “I thought it was waiting to be renovated into a library or something.”
“That’s the idea” he says with a smile. “But it’s fully functional and will do just fine.”
“We will also have my father’s warriors camping” I tell him.
“They can camp nearby, we will see how their arrival goes with the visiting packs, everyone needs to remember we are fighting
the same enemy” Jax says calmly easing my growing nerves. “Brea why don’t we go and show Nova it now and we can figure
out what needs organising.”
“I’m free if you are” she says with a smile.
Looking at the clock quickly I see we have an hour before the pack meeting and stand to go. “Yes we have time before the
meeting, I’m intrigued to see this.”
“Lead the way” Jax gestures to Brea as we excuse ourselves from the others. “Alex inform your men they will stay in the pack
house. We have enough rooms however many of them will have to share.”
“They will be fine with that” he says. “I’m going to find Ophelia and speak to her about. accompanying Naomi, Alice and the
others to the council building.
“See you all in an hour” I say before slipping from the room with Jax and Brea.
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