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First Demonic Dragon

Chapter 595 Friends & Family
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"Are you sure you're alright, my friend?"

"Master has asked that question quite a few times now... Are you sure all is well?"

Abaddon smiled at Camazotz as he created a crystallized orb of his blood and handed it to the large bat.

"Of course, my friend. I just had to be certain Mira isn't neglecting your health is all." He lied as he ruffled the beast's fur.

He finally left the bat god alone to enjoy his treat after spending a concerning amount of tchecking on his family pet.

Unbeknownst to him, he seemed to have accidentally made Bagheera jealous, and the large locust began attempting to take away the prize from his companion.

Abaddon went back to the round table, where a small party was underway.

The men seemed to be in a rather festive mood, and at the center of it all was surprisingly his grandfather.

Apparently, while Abaddon was sleeping, Lillian resurrected all five of his family members using the smethod that he had once used to restore her.

To be honest, he was tempted to go and ask her if she botched it somehow.

There was just no way in hell the man sitting here laughing louder than anyone else was his cranky, stuck up, curmudgeonly grandfather.

He was telling stories for god's sake!

Just behaving downright jolly!

Who the fuck was this guy!?

*Whisper* "Is it strange to see...?"

Abaddon looked to his side at his Uncle Iori also with a cigar in his mouth and a glass of dark liquor in the other.

"I wager that you've never seen him like this before, have you?" he smiled.

Unsurprisingly, Abaddon shook his head.

"He's like a different man." he admitted.

"Is he...?" Iori chuckled. "He used to be like this back when I was young… before Jadaka was born."

Abaddon tried not to grow upset over the mention of a man who had scared his wife's face. "Oh? I wonder what changed him."

"The weight of the sposition you are in now." Lori raised a finger and tapped his claw on the top of his head.

"The crown carries a heavy burden for even the gentlest of rulers. At spoint or another, duty calls all back hto heed it's demands.

As the influence and prosperity of our lands grew, so too did his taway from home, and the frequency of his laughter decreased.

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He didn't even spend much twith Uncle Hajun or Darius anymore outside of work.

It wasn't until he married Mother Rhea and my sister was born that he put all responsibilities on hold and forcefully carved out tfor family, even if it was just for those two. But once she passed then he..."

Iori shook his head as he inhaled his cigar and smiled bitterly as he stared into his glass.

He clasped his nephew's shoulder, and exchanged one of those standard 'elder imparting wisdom' looks.

"I know you and I haven't had much tfor bonding, but I hope you can listen to my advice for just a bit.

Try not to fall into the strap of the old man.

I know you must feel a great burden to care for the lives of the many that you have taken under your wings, but you must never forget your family's significance, even after 3,000 years have passed.

In my experience, those beyond these walls will love you only for what you can do for them. But friends, family... these are real connections that stand the test of tand support you when you need it."

Abaddon unconsciously smirked as he closed his eyes.

He understood the merit in what his Uncle was saying, but at the sthe couldn't accept them as irrefutable truth.

Abaddon holds an immense love for his people, just as they do for them.

He knows their hearts, hopes, dreams, goals, and ambitions, and even the secrets that they won't even admit to themselves.

He adores them.

Even if he wanted to, he could never turn his back on them.

Unless of course... he had to make a choice between them and his wives.

The ten of them were probably the only ones who could make him step away from the throne.

"Ah... I should show you something." he realized.

Placing his glass down, Abaddon held out his hands in front of Iori and created a mirror-like tear above his palms.

Iori's eyes widened and he almost teared up at the sight being shown to him.

"Is that... my son?"

"Mhm. I assyou know that Satoshi never really took after you or grandfather. As I recall he never cared about being a prince either.... He's a teacher who works closely with my sister to develop new curriculums and guidelines for the children in Tehom."

Iori stared at the black-haired man who could be seen teaching a full class of students from the blackboard.

"Can you sendto him...?" he asked immediately.

Abaddon smiled immediately and snapped his fingers without a second thought.

Once his uncle vanished, he leaned back into his chair and watched his grandfather put his dad in a headlock while Satan, Darius, and Hajun, cheered him on.

Perhaps he should have helped, but within this new timeline Abaddon had new memories of his father.

Shortly after his second sister Kanami was born, his father 'passed away' and left him, his two sisters, and his mother behind.

But before that, Abaddon spent five early years of life being harassed by his old man.

He was never physically abusive, but he liked to pull little harmless pranks on his son that he was sure he wouldn't remember once he actually go older.

Only he did.

And now, he was counting this as revenge.

As he stared at the sight and laughed to himself, his mind went back to his uncle's words stressing the importance of family and friends.

It was something that he already knew, but the small reminder served to give him the 'push' that he needed.

Abaddon stood up from the table without any of the drunk men even recognizing that he was about to leave.

He made his way to the door without making a sound and stepped out into the hallway while pulling the door closed behind him.

"Oh? I hope you weren't leaving just because we decided to stop by."

Looking up, Abaddon was met with a parade of women who were coming down the hall.

In front were Yara and Imani; wearing their usual beautiful and cheerful smiles.

"Mothers." Abaddon smiled and lowered his head respectfully; allowing the both of them to cand hug him and plant kisses on his respective cheeks.

"Oh, is this my grandson...?"

"You've grown well, Abaddon."

"It is wonderful to see you again. Truly."

Looking behind his mother's, Abaddon found two women he knew very well and one that he didn't know at all.

Helios' first and second wives, Ophelia and Madeline were standing on the sides of who he could only presto be the third; Rhea.

After all this time, he was finally learning where he and his sister's blood red hair cfrom.

Rhea was a gentle looking woman, with rich dark skin and a head of long curly hair just like Gabbrielle's.

She appeared to be in around her late forties, but she was very youthful and upstanding all the same.

Within seconds of meeting his grandmother, Abaddon understood how Helios could have fallen madly in love with her.

Rhea wasn't so beautiful that she could put models to shame.

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She wasn't so curvy that her chest looked like it was stuffed with two watermelons.

In terms of appearance, she would only be slightly average by human standards, but it was her demeanor that was undeniably reassuring.

She seemed to be the quiet type, with an inner intelligence that was above most and a grace that did not cfrom her physical attractiveness, but her aura.

He knew, because Eris, Lisa, and Lillian behaved the sway.

For men who live in war, women with these gentle, kind personalities are vital to ensure that they maintain their humanity.

He was sure that his grandfather was absolute putty in this woman's hands.

Yara beamed with pride as she she wrapped her arms around Abaddon's shoulders and presented him like he was a prized cake at a bakery.

"Mother, I'd like to introduce you to our eldest. Abaddon is truly the best son I could ask for, and the best brother his sisters could possibly have."

Abaddon, the very sdragon who had just caused the death of billions a little over a month ago and put a permanent hole in Asgard the size of New York, was now smiling bashfully underneath his mother's relentless praise.

He could remain robotic in the face of any kind of compliment about his appearance or even his powers, but compliments about his personality and tcertain accomplishments were a true chink in his armor.

He never really learned how to take compliments without being awkward.

Rhea held out her hands as if she wanted to touch him.

As she was a fair bit shorter than him, Abaddon had to drop to one knee in order to allow her to do so.

Rhea's soft, smooth hands graced his even softer and smoother cheeks.

Her bright green eyes becwatery as she stared at him, and a small tear rolled down her face.

"It is... So very nice to meet you, dear.You have grown into a very beautiful young man and that… makesmore happy than I can express in words." She smiled.

'Aww shucks..' Abaddon scratched the back of his head shyly.

If the gods were truly looking for a way to disarm Abaddon, all they truly needed was a little old lady with a heart full of gold.

But they would likely never learn that secret until it was too late.


After meeting his grandmother for the first tand allowing the women to take a peek inside of the man cave by pretending he didn't see them, Abaddon left his house promptly and headed towards a place he had avoided for too long.

The gods living in Tehom still mostly dwell in temples belonging to their respective pantheons.

Not because they are forced to, but because the sense of community they experience in these unfamiliar lands is often reassuring to them, so many choose to remain there.

Abaddon took a deep breath as he stared at the building from outside before he prepared to walk up the steps.

However, just before he could do what he needed to do here, a familiar voice called out to him.

"Pardon my intrusion, lord, but… may I please have a moment of your time?"