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Ex-Husband’s Regret by Evelyn M.M

Chapter 13
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13. Tragedy strikes


“So Rowan?” Ethan asks me as we drive back home!

After the incident in the bathroom, I didn’t want to be anywhere near Rowan so I had

asked Ethan

to take me home thirty minutes later.

“He’s my ex–husband” I reply toneless and we fall into silence

I still couldn’t believe the nerve Rowan had to corner me in the bathroom. As if that wasn’t


enough, he almost kissed. Me! He has never initiated a kiss with me before so to say I was


would be an understatement.

I almost gave in. This was what I’ve always wanted but then I remembered that he was

with Emma. That he had most likely kissed her and done some other things with her.

That’s what gave me the strength I needed to push him away from me. I just couldn’t let

him use me like that. Not anymore. He had Emma and I was nothing to him except the

mother of his son.

Rowan has never been jealous or possessive when it comes to me. He used to do that

when it came to Emma back when they were teenagers and I found it hot. I imagined how

great it would feel if he did the same when it came to me. He never did, never bothered

until now.

He was jealous. You could tell by the way he behaved the entire time. I know he thought I

didn’t notice but I did. I noticed him glaring at Ethan and me with a locked jaw and tightly

fisted hands.

He confused me and I didn’t understand why he would behave like this. Sure I lied and

made it seem like Ethan and I were sleeping together but that was to get him off my back.

I honestly didn’t think it would push him over the edge like it did. Part of me wanted to

celebrate that he was actually showing emotion when it came to me, but I also knew I

couldn’t count on that.

Ethan didn’t love me, pure and simple. I wasn’t going to fool myself into believing there

was something more to his behavior. 1

“I thought he was with Emma who by the reports is your sister?” Ethan asked confused.

“He is”

“Then what’s the deal? He just jumps from one sister to the other?”

I wince at that. Ethan was new in town so he didn’t know what went down nine years ago.

Even if I like being around him, I wasn’t comfortable telling him how my st* pid actions

ruined three lives years ago.

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“It’s complicated and I don’t want to talk about it”


In all honesty, I didn’t want to even think about it. I’ve paid enough for my mistake and


about it brings nothing but pain.

“Okay I won’t push it, but just know that I am here for you if you need to talk” my whole


softens at his words.

No one has ever said that to me. If I had a problem, I dealt with it myself because no one

was there

to catch me when I fall. Or to offer to listen to me. I was always alone.

“Thank you, Ethan” I murmur, my throat clogged with emotion.

Soon enough we are pulling into my street and seconds later we are outside my house.

Like the

gentleman he is, Ethan helps me out of his car and walks me to my house.

It was late evening and I could see my nosy neighbor peeping through the curtain.

“I had a wonderful time even though it was cut short…next time I promise to take you out

for a

bite” he grins at me.

His grin is so infectious that I find myself smiling back at him. He and Rowan were similar


some ways. Their confidence was on another level.

“You’re awfully too sure about yourself” I tease, thoughts of Rowan completely gone.

“Not sure, just hopeful…so is that a yes?”

I nod my head already feeling excited. I mean this time he is direct. There is no way he

would say

those words if he didn’t mean them, right?

“Okay, I’ll see you soon, beautiful… have a wonderful evening” he takes a step towards

me and then

places a kiss on my cheek.

The heat that spreads to my cheek is probably noticeable. This makes me blush more.

“You too Ethan”

“Okay get in, I want to hear you lock the door before I leave”

He pushes me towards my door. I unlock it, get in then lock it behind me. Leaning on the

door, I

hear his footsteps receding. Then seconds later, his car starts and he drives off.

I had nothing to do so I decide to just go to bed. My mind on my conflicting feelings


Rowan and Ethan

The continuous ringing of my doorbell wakes me up from my not very peaceful sleep. I

groan when I check the alarm clock only to find it reading seven twenty in the morning.


I wasn’t supposed to be up. Not until nine o’clock. Today was Sunday and I usually go to

church. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not a staunch believer but church was a must when we

were younger and I just adopted it as part of my routine.

Getting up in annoyance, I put my bathrobe on and storm down stairs. Whoever it was

that disturbed me was going to get an earful.

I wrench my door open, ready to curse the person but I stop dead in my tracks. The last

person I expected to see was currently standing on my doorstep.

“What do you want Emma?” I snap.

I wasn’t awake enough to deal with her.

“I’m just here to warm you to stay away from Rowah. He is mine, I won’t let you steal him

from me again” she all but growls.

Her brows are pinched and there is fire burning behind her eyes.

I laugh tonelessly. “You came to my home at seven in the morning to warm me to stay

away from Rowan? You’re barking up the wrong tree Emma”

I wasn’t the naïve, st* pid girl she left behind and I’ll be damned if I let her walk all over


“Rowan is mine, Ava! He’s always been mine. I lost nine fucking years with the love of my

life because of you and I won’t let you have your away again”

“I’m not having any way with him! You can keep him for all I care. Just leave me the fuck


I can’t believe that I was standing outside my house arguing about a man that didn’t want

me in

the first place. Hasn’t she noticed that the only tie Rowan and I have is Noah?

“I saw him looking at you yesterday, I also saw him following you to the bathroom” she


“And how’s that my fault?”

She looks like she wants nothing more than to hit me. Even when she’s angry and looks

like she’s about to blow up, she’s still beautiful. How can someone be this beautiful and

perfect? Seriously.

what is her secret?

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“You’re trying to seduce him again”

“We were married Emma‘ We’ve fucked more times than I can count, I don’t need to

seduce him.

you have all my permission to keep my sloppy seconds”

I regret the words the moment they leave my mouth. I shouldn’t have said that and it was

uncalled for

“And he would have been my husband if you had gotten over your obsession with him

Now I have


feel like the worst scum on earth

She has no idea how much I regret what happened years ago. I know though, that she

would never believe me.


“No. Just stay away from him. I mean look at you and look at me. I’m a lawyer and you’re

just an under payed teacher. You have nothing Ava, no wealth or status of your own. I fit

as the perfect wife of Rowan woods, a business mogul and you don’t. You never have and

never will”

With that she turns and struts away before getting into her red Tesla and driving off

I sigh. To be honest, her words don’t bother me. I’m used to hearing people say that

Rowan and I didn’t fit just because he was a billionaire and I was a simple teacher. That

was their opinion and it had nothing to do with me. I loved my job and that was enough.

I get back into my house and finish grading my student’s reports. At nine I start getting

ready and after eating breakfast I head to church. Since my shoulder felt okay. I decided to

drive instead of taking an Uber

I couldn’t concentrate on the service. I felt like my mind was fried to crisp. First with my

encounter with Ethan and Rowan and then today with Emma.

The sermon ends in a blur and soon it was time to leave. I greet those church goers that I

knew on my way out and head towards my car

My phone vibrating brings me out of my stupor. I take it out and put it in my ear as I dig

into my bag for my car keys.

“What the fuck did you tell Emma?” Rowan’s cold and angry voice comes through the


Why am I not surprised that Emma went crying to him? And I’m sure she left out the part

where she came to my house unannounced with uncalled for accusations.


I press the unlock button on my car keys but I don’t get the chance to continue my

sentence or get into my car

A booming sound is heard and a heat blast like no other hits me I’m thrown back before

landing hard. The last thing I hear, is the ringing of my ears and peoples screaming in feat