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Echoes of Unrequited Love

Chapter 22
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Chapter 22

Hogan and Cecilia's private room was right next door.

Talk about a crazy coincidence.

“It’s fate.” Darren said with his usual chill vibe, his voice gentle. “Hogan, mind if we have a drink. together?”

Hogan's response ccool and distant, “Is that appropriate?”

There wasn’t any emotion in his voice.

Darren joked half-seriously, “Mr. Zade, are you givingthe cold shoulder?”

After that, he called them over to sit down.

The head of the table.

Cecilia had just taken her seat when her eyes suddenly landed on Darren's camera bag. She exclaimed in

surprise. “Wow, the camera bag Xaviera was so choosy about turned out to be a gift for Mr. Yearwood.”

Darren paused. “Choosy?”

Cecilia, ever the social butterfly, said in her sweet, soft voice, “Yeah, in the middle of broad daylight, Xaviera ran

off to the mall. The sales lady said she took ages to decide.”

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After Darren heard this, he glanced my way, a twinkle in his eye.

It madefeel kinda embarrassed.

After all, it was a return gift: too expensive or too cheap wouldn't be right. Of course, | had to pick carefully.

Now, with Cecilia painting it this way, it seemed like I'd gone to great lengths.

| was slightly annoyed, hoping to get the meal over with and clear out early.

Just then, Jack’s reminder came, “Xaviera, you're sitting over there.”

He earnestly pointed to the seat next to Darren.

Jack, being an old middle school buddy of Darren's, didn’t know the backstory between Hogan and me.

And just like that, with his cue, all eyes, as if on cue, turned to me.

In an eight-person room, there were still two seats open, but if | stubbornly refused to go over, it would be a bit

of a slap in Darren's face.

| didn’t make a scene and quietly took my seat.

From the corner of my eye, | felt a gaze brushing past me, and when | looked up, | saw Hogan.


carefully cleaning utensils for Cecilia.

Those long fingers | thought were only made for holding a pen were now tainted with the scent of everyday life,

all because of a young girl.

The food and drinks were served, and after toasting the birthday star, everyone started drinking and chatting.

| kept my head down and focused on my meal, getting to about sixty percent full when Cecilia's sweet voice

floated over from two guys away, “Xaviera, Mr. Yearwood, thanks to you both, I've had a delightful evening.

Here's a toast to you.”

She actually stood up, her glass filled with juice held respectfully, looking so well-behaved.

But she put extra emphasis on “both.”

The slight discomfort that had lingered in my chest all night suddenly spread in that second, rushing to my head.

It was about to burst out.

Darren seemed to pick up on it and spoke calmly, “Ms. Irwin, you are mistaken. Xaviera and | are just friends, but

| appreciate the sentiment.”

With that, Darren picked up his glass and downed his drink in one gulp.

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Cecilia, with her big doe eyes full of confusion, stammered. “Sorry, | thought you and Xaviera


She didn’t finish her sentence, but her implication was clear,

Even if Cecilia, a guest brought by Hogan, had said something that truly offended me, no one would make a fuss

about it, especially since she was just a young girl.

Who would pick a fight with a young girl?

But Hogan seemed a bit uneasy. He picked up his glass, gave a slight nod, and said, “Ms. March, on behalf of

Cecilia, | offer my apologies.”

He said this, but his tone was anything but apologetic.

Even the way he held his glass was so casual.

At this point, | had to respond, right?

So | picked up my glass as well, politely saying, “Mr. Zade, you're overthinking it. It's not a big deal, and


| paused, glancing at Darren next to me, and added, “Being mentioned in the sbreath as such an

outstanding young man like Darren is an honor for me.”