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Echoes Of a Forsaken Heart

Chapter 136
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Chapter 136 Hamilton was resolute, his eyes crimson with fervor as he faced Natalia.

“Natalia, I've told you over and over, | won't allow it. You're not walking away from this! I'll deal with Orpheus.

You just focus on getting better and cut this nonsense out,” he said, his voice stern and unyielding.

Natalia absorbed his words, a bitter taste flooding her heart. She leaned against the bedside, fragile as a porcelain doll, yet her eyes blazed with defiance.

“Hamilton, | can’t do this anymore. Since the moment you leftalone when my mother was on her deathbed, since you neglected the dangers aroundto run after Eveleen, I've wanted out. Even without this kidnapping mess, I'd still want out,” Natalia’s voice wavered, and her eyes began to redden.

Hamilton looked at the fragile woman before him, a pang of pain shooting through his heart.

“You don’t get to choose. You must know that | have ways to keep you by my side,” he said coldly.

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Natalia’s gaze fell, and after a long silence, she looked up, her eyes swimming with tears.

“Yes, | know. To you, Hamilton Fowler, I’m always insignificant, always without a chance to resist. You have your ways to forceback, but I'm so tired of it. What will you use this time? A penalty clause? I'll pay it, whatever it takes. Or will you use my mother to pressure me? Hamilton, if you don’t want to help her anymore, that’s your call. I'll find another way. If all else fails, then I'll have to let her go too.” Her eyes met Hamilton's. “So, Mr.

Fowler, how do you plan to deal with me?” Natalia seemed to have exhausted all her strength after those words, slumping against the bed, her complexion ghostly pale.

Hamilton felt a throbbing in his temples. He knew she was gearing up for a fight and was surprised by her unwavering determination to leave no room for compromise, even willing to forsake her own mother.

He didn’t lack for female company. With his status, a mere gesture would beckon countless women. Yet, no one could replace Natalia. He couldn't bear the thought of her leaving, of her being with another man. It ignited a fury within him.

He tried to soften his voice. “Natalia, | had no idea this would happen. If | had known, | wouldn't have left you last night.” She just looked at him. “Did you really not know, or did you just not care? Betweenand Eveleen, you've always chosen her, haven't you?” “Letgo,” she suddenly pleaded, her eyes downcast, hiding her pain. “Hamilton, | may not cfrom wealth, but | was cherished by my mother. | can’t grovel for your care or affection anymore. Your care, your affection, it’s all out of reach for me. I'm not worthy of it, nor can | 05.04 Chapter 136 afford it.” Hamilton stood a few steps away, his expression indifferent. After a while, he let out a cold laugh.

“Are you done? If so, rest. I'll go get you something to eat. Natalia, don’t bring this up again. I'll pretend | didn’t hear a word.” Without a moment's pause, Hamilton left the hospital room.

Natalia lay in bed, staring at the closed door, her heart brimming with bitterness. She had anticipated his refusal; he never liked to be contradicted. Her determination to leave was probably more than he could tolerate.

Scarlett quietly entered, holding a small cake in her hands.

“Babe, happy birthday,” she winked at Natalia.

A smile spread across Natalia’s face, though her eyes grew redder.

“Don’t you dare cry,” Scarlett scolded. “It's your birthday. No tears allowed.” Natalia nodded, trying to smile.

Scarlett placed the candle on the cake and lit it. “Make a wish for safety, for no more incidents like this.” Natalia gazed at the flickering candle and silently wished for freedom. She blew out the candle, but had no appetite for cake. Scarlett didn’t push it.

“Cream’s hard to digest. I'll get you something easier on the stomach later.” Natalia’s eyes fell. “Scarlett, can you buya phone, and fetch a contract from my place? And... getsmedicine.” Scarlett’s brow furrowed instantly. “What kind of medicine?” “A kind that'll makeunable to eat. Even if I'm forced to eat, I'll just throw it up.” A smile tinged Natalia’s words, but Scarlett was taken aback.

“Are you insane? Don’t you know you need nourishment right now?” Natalla gave a bitter laugh. “I have no other choice, Scarlett. | can’t win against him.” If he wouldn't let her go, she truly couldn't leave. Her only gamble was that he still cared, even just a tiny bit. If suffering for a few days meant freedom afterward, she was willing.

Scarlett opened her mouth to protest but stopped, seeing the resolve in Natalia’s eyes. “Have you really decided?” Natalia nodded.

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Scarlett’s eyes reddened. “Damn it, Natalia, it killsto see you like this. How could you fall for such a guy?” 2/3 07:06 Chapter 136 Natalia chuckled softly. Yes, how could she have fallen for such a man? Scarlett didn’t stay long. When Hamilton returned with food, Natalla was gazing at the small cake on the nightstand.

“Who bought that?” he asked, his brow knitting.

“Scarlett,” Natalia replied.

Hamilton snorted. “Your friend sure knows your tastes.” Natalia pressed her lips together, silent.

Hamilton served her a bowl of soup. “Eat something.” he said, as if nothing had happened.

Natalia didn’t even bother to look up. “I'm not hungry, Hamilton. Let's call it quits.” Hamilton's eyes narrowed sharply. “Natalia, are you ever going to drop this?” She glanced at him once and said nothing more.

Hamilton immediately regretted his harsh tone. He was about to speak when a knock at the door interrupted them.

Both turned to see Eveleen standing in the doorway, a white bandage wrapped around her forehead.

Hamilton frowned deeply. “What are you doing here? Shouldn't you be resting and taking care of that injury?” Eveleen glared at Natalia, her teeth clenched in silent fury. She couldn't believe that, even after everything, that woman hadn't perished.

Despite her anger, Eveleen maintained an innocent expression at the door. “I heard Ms. Jenkins was hurt, so | just wanted to check in.” Hamilton pinched the bridge of his nose, his eyes reflecting his irritation. “Eveleen, this doesn’t concern you.

Please, go back and rest.” Eveleen shot him a resentful look. “How can you say this doesn’t concern me? I've heard it all. It's because you were keepingcompany that Ms. Jenkins was kidnapped. It's all my fault, Hamilton. | was so thoughtless. | shouldn't have pulled you away from her.” Her face was the picture of contrition. “Ms. Jenkins, | am so sorry, it's all my fault. Please, don’t argue with Hamilton over me. If you're angry, take it out on me.” Natalia observed the woman before her, putting on quite the show, and let out a soft, mocking laugh. That laugh, against her pale complexion, seemed particularly jarring.

She finally spoke, her voice faint. “Ms. Schafer, sparethe act. All you want is Hamilton, right? Well, you can have him. I'm done.” With that, she laughed again, a hollow sound. “I wish you both all the happiness in the world, for eternity, alright?” 3/3