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Chased Her Around After Breaking off His Engagement by F BOY's DOLL

Chapter 661
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Chapter 661 Anything You Wanted to Say?

“Lisa, why did you think that way… Scarlet had diligently cared for me for eighteen years, working hard and making

great contributions…” Cecilia explained sincerely, “I knew it was wrong of me to speak ill of Isabella in front of my

friends, but it had nothing to do with Scarlet… Lisa, no matter what happened in the future, if you were angry, you

should have come directly to me and not involved Scarlet…”

“You had a deep bond with her,” Lisa looked into the girl’s eyes with a complicated expression.

“Dad was busy with the company in the past, and Mom often accompanied him… It was Scarlet who was always by

my side, no matter if I was sick or in any situation. Every low point and high point in the eighteen years of my life,

Scarlet accompanied me through it all…”

“So, Scarlet was better than family?” Lisa asked.

“Scarlet was not family, but she was like family. Lisa, don’t think of Scarlet as a bad person… She genuinely cared

about me.” Cecilia said, feeling a bit sad. “After Scarlet worked so hard for a month, you deducted her entire salary

and year- end bonus. Lisa, I begged you, please don’t do this in the future…”

At that moment, Lucas knocked on the door. “Boss Logan, Director Duke from the jewellery company is here.”

“Let him in.”

Anything You Wanted to Say?


Lucas welcomed Director Duke inside. When Director Duke saw Cecilia, who was still injured, he couldn’t help but

tease, “What brought Cecilia Miss here today? Miss Cecilia, what happened to you?”

“I fell by accident. Duke, did you come to laugh at me?” Cecilia joked along.

“Hahaha… I wouldn’t dare to laugh at my future boss. I was afraid you’d fire me…” Director Duke laughed heartily.

Cecilia was a bit confused and looked directly at Lisa. What did he mean? What future boss? She couldn’t


Seeing her reaction, Director Duke laughed and looked at Lisa, “Boss Logan, it seems you haven’t told Cecilia Miss

yet. You were planning to have her manage the jewellery company?”

Cecilia’s eyes suddenly lit up with surprise. Let her manage the jewellery company. Lisa wanted her to handle the

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company. Really?

Before, she had envied Isabella for being able to inherit the family’s clothing company. She hadn’t expected that

she would have a share too, and the value of the jewellery company was much higher than the clothing company…

Lisa still had her in mind…

“Cecilia Miss seemed genuinely unaware…” Director Duke laughed heartily. “Boss Logan had paved the way for you.

Once Cecilia Miss graduated, I and…”

Before he could finish his sentence, Lisa interrupted in a calm tone, “That had been the previous plan.”

Director Duke’s expression froze when he heard that. What did it mean, the previous plan?

Cecilia was also at a loss. Was Lisa saying that she couldn’t manage the company anymore?

“Plans were uncertain. The current plan was canceled.” Lisa’s expression remained unchanged as she looked at

Duke. “I called you here today to inform you about this. You and the others don’t need to continue with the


Lisa had initially called Duke and a few key members to support Cecilia’s rise to power. They had made plans and

cleared obstacles one by one…

But Cecilia had disappointed him this time…

Director Duke was perplexed. He carefully looked at Lisa, and it didn’t seem like he was joking. Then he glanced at

Cecilia, who seemed quite disappointed…

Director Duke couldn’t help but say, “Boss Logan, we were already halfway through with this plan…”

Cancelling it now wouldn’t it be inappropriate?

“Cecilia is still young. We can discuss plans in the future.”

Upon seeing Lisa’s decision, Director Duke dared not say anything further.

“Cecilia, Duke and I had other matters to discuss. You should go back and get some rest,” Lisa said.



Chapter 661 Anything You Wanted to Say

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“Okay…” Cecilia didn’t know how to stand up or leave Lisa’s


She had never expected that her previous joking remark to Lisa,about managing the company like Isabella would

be taken seriously by Lisa in secret arrangements…

But she had also not anticipated that the punishment for merely speaking ill of Isabella behind her back would be so

severe. Not only did she lose her pocket money and brand suppliers, but now her chance to inherit the company

was also ruined…

How could Lisa have done this!!

A few bad words wouldn’t kill anyone!!

Why was Lisa showing such favouritism!!

On her way back, the more Cecilia thought about it, the sadder and angrier she became. She even felt that Isabella

should not have returned to this family…

When Scarlet saw Cecilia come back and directly close her bedroom door, refusing to open no matter how much

Scarlet knocked, she was at a loss…

Did Isabella say something wrong about her in front of Mr


With this thought in mind, Scarlet sent the video of Miss Cecilia taking medicine that day to Lisa, pretending to be

anxious and said, “Mr Lisa, as soon as Miss Cecilia returned, she locked herself in the room and wouldn’t let me in

to change her dressing… Did something happen on your end? Miss Cecilia cried in pain when changing her dressing


Anything You Wanted to Say?

day, which broke my heart. I hope she recovers quickly…”

As Lisa had not replied, Scarlet choked up and continued, “Mr Lisa, what time would you be back that night? Could

you please check on Miss Cecilia when you return? She will listen to you…”

After Lisa finished her discussion with Director Duke and he left, she finally opened her phone and played the video

Scarlet had sent.

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In the video, Cecilia’s voice was blurred by her pain, and she was always crying…

Looking at Scarlet’s message, Lisa called Scarlet directly, “Regarding the video in Isa’s hands, do you have anything

to say?”

Scarlet was stunned when she heard this. She couldn’t believe

Miss Isabella had shown that video to Mr Lisa?!

“Mr Lisa, I don’t know what you’re talking about…” Scarlet instinctively tightened her grip on her phone, feeling

extremely anxious.

“Do I need to send the video over for you to see what you

have done?” Lisa’s voice carried a cold accusation.

Scarlet was terrified, and her legs turned weak. She never expected that that little wretch would show the video to

Mr Lisa!!

It was over!!

What should she do now…

Wait, this seemed like something other than something

Anything You Wanted to Say

Isabella would do. What if Mr Lisa was testing her…

So Scarlet defended herself, “Mr Lisa… I truly don’t know what you’re talking about. Which video? What did I do to

make you misunderstand? I can explain…”

Lisa didn’t expect Scarlet to be such a cunning fox and said coldly, “Are you saying you won’t admit it?”

Scarlet became even more uncertain. Did Mr Lisa watch the video? Otherwise, he wouldn’t speak to her in such a

confident and icy manner…

But what if he hadn’t seen it and was trying to trick her…

What should she do??

Admit or not admit?

In almost a second, Scarlet had an answer in her mind. No,

she couldn’t admit it unless Mr Lisa threw the video in front of her…

She could pretend to repent later…

What if Mr Lisa didn’t have the video in his hands???

Yes, she mustn’t panic. She mustn’t let Mr Lisa intimidate her…