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Can’t Win Me Back by Ginger Sue

Chapter 83
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Chapter 83

That night, the Taylor siblings left Solana City and returned to Belbanks.

The cities weren’t that far from each other. It only took the siblings less than two hours to

reach. Belbanks via the highway.

Solana City was the country’s economic center. It was rich in resources.

It was a great place for businesses to expand and develop, so countless companies

competed for a spot there.

However, Belbanks was an entirely different story. Over the past century, the Taylors were

the only ones dominating the city.

The Taylor family’s businesses gave one–third of the Bellbanks population their jobs.

Hence, the family was known as the Ruler of Belbanks.

It could be said that Belbanks would remain a small ordinary town without the Taylors‘

influence. After all, they were the ones who brought about such a massive change in the

city’s economy.

Soon, the siblings arrived at Stellus.

“Oh, Ms. Alyssa! When did you return to this city?”

Don Blackwell, the elderly groundskeeper of Stellus, welcomed the Taylor siblings happily.


was the youngest son of Winston’s nanny. They were childhood friends who were

extremely close

to each other.

Don wasn’t an ambitious man at all. He wasn’t interested in living a life of luxury. He also

chose to

remain single and child–free.

Stellus was his only priority in life, and he spent his days working on the gems. Life was


relaxing for him.

“How have you been doing lately, Uncle Don? Do your legs still ache during rainy days? Is

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asthma getting better now? I asked Sean to pass some medicine over to you some time

ago. Is it


Alyssa’s eyes sparkled animatedly as she linked arms with Don affectionately.

“I’m doing well. But your return makes everything better.” Don was so delighted that he


crying happy tears.

“I came here to ask you for a favor.”

Alyssa let out a small sigh and decided to be straightforward. “A good friend of mine gave

me a

present, but I accidentally broke it. I’m worried he might be sad if he finds out, so I want to

make a

“What’s the present?”


Alyssa pursed her lips before fishing a vintage accessory bag out of her bag. Then she


the shards of an emerald bracelet from within.

“Oh my! That emerald came from an ore of great quality. It’s difficult to find such a great

ore even

if I have to crack open a thousand ores. What a shame.” Don had always been a gem

enthusiast, so

he couldn’t help but feel heartbroken when he saw the shards.

“I know it’s hard to get such a great–quality ore, but I’d still like to try. How many

uncracked ores

do you have left?” Alyssa asked.

“About 500, give or take.”

“I want all of them opened tonight.”

“Ahem” Don choked on his spit at that moment.

Jonah let out a light cough out of embarrassment. Meanwhile, Silas was already reaching

for his

phone. He was ready to call Winston for help.

Alyssa had the tendency to say the most shocking things in such a light and airy tone.

“No way! You’re going to exhaust my supply!” Don sounded very anxious. At the same

time, he thought that Alyssa resembled Winston a lot when it came to spending money.

“You’re being dramatic, Uncle Don. You can keep the gems for yourself. It’s not like you

have to sell them, right? After all, I’ve already requested that the ores be cracked open.

You can put the

total price on-

An idea popped into Alyssa’s mind at that moment. She remembered Axel defying her

sometime ago, so she wanted to punish him. Hence, she was quick to drag him into this


“Anyway, you can put it on Axel’s tab. Tell him that I ordered it and have him cough up

twice the original amount. He’s extremely rich anyway, so it’ll be fine.”

Don clutched his chest with a pained look on his face. He proceeded to collapse after that.

Jonah and Silas moved immediately and caught the elderly man just in time.

The Taylor family owned four beautiful gardens in Belbanks. Their names were Lunarus,

Culombus, Fogustus, and Stellus.

Stellus was known for its natural and untainted beauty, which could inspire the masses.

Herman Fowler, an expert in hardstone carving, had set his sights on it.


However, Winston soon bought it with a billion dollars. Herman was so furious that he


disowned his student, Don, on the spot for being best friends with Winston.

It was Herman’s 60th birthday half a month later. Winston gave Stellus to him as a grand



That act was able to get rid of the misunderstanding between them. It turned out that

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Winston had bought Stellus with the intention of giving it to Herman as his birthday gift.

The whole thing was meant to be a surprise, after all.

After that, Herman passed away. As his only student, Don inherited Stellus and started


it since then.

Alyssa followed Don to the workshop to start cracking the ores open. Meanwhile, the


brothers sat in a pavilion while drinking black tea.

“Lyse is too nice to the Becketts. I’m starting to get jealous of them.” Silas scowled in


“Mr. Beckett Senior is a distinguished and renowned elder, not to mention he likes Lyse a

lot. Lyse

is one who repays people for their kindness. It’s only natural for her to want to repay Mr.

Beckett Senior for his good deeds. She has my support.”

Jonah took a sip from his teacup slowly while speaking in a velvety baritone.

“You support her, hmm? I refuse to believe you’d still support Lyse if she were to start

dating Jast


“No one can change Lyse’s mind, you know. That’s how she is. The more we object to her


the more she wants to date Jasper.” Jonah heaved a light sigh.

“Damn it! Our sister is a revered and distinguished beauty. She even rejects the pursuits

of the prime minister’s son from the neighboring country! How could she dedicate her love

to a bastard

son who recently got acknowledged by his own family?”

Silas huffed coldly. “Then again, this is a good thing. Jasper is the biggest jerk out of the

bastard colony, after all. Lyse won’t be fooled by the other bastards‘ tricks and ploys if she

ever meets them in the future.”

Jonah’s phone started buzzing on the table at that moment.