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Blind Date Turned Proposal (Josie and Dexter)

Chapter 1396
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As he quickly skimmed through the contents, Josie leisurely stirred her coffee with a spoon, sighing all the while. "It's not easy to get to where you are at this age. I wonder why you would risk it all. Don't you know it's illegal to embezzle employees' salaries and deceive superiors and subordinates alike?" Several pages were filled with the wrongdoings of Hector.

He had been withholding wages from his employees, and he was smart enough to pick a few people each month to forge false paychecks and enrich himself.

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Hector's eyes were bloodshot as he clenched the piece of paper. "This is slander. I can sue you too!" He tore the paper directly in half. Unsatisfied, he threw it on the ground and stomped on it. "Josie, have you lost your mind? Do you even know what you're doing?" How does she know? Someone's covering up for me. There's no way I will be exposed.

Josie lifted her gaze to glance at him. "Keep tearing. I have plenty more where that cfrom. What do you think would happen if Laura, no, Mark saw this? Such an accusation isn't as simple as just losing your job, right? From what I know, it could lead to being blacklisted in the entire industry. What would you, as an elite in this field, do then?" Hector's facial muscles twitched relentlessly. He wished nothing more than to strike the woman standing before him, yet under the watchful eyes of the crowd, he was utterly powerless to act.

"Just spit it out. What do you want?" Josie no longer held back. "Has the team for acquiring small and medium-sized companies been selected?" "Not yet. There are a few backup teams." "You've accepted their favors, haven't you?" Josie hit the nail on the head.

"Josie, who exactly asked you to investigate me?" "It's up to your interpretation,” Josie said, her hands propped up under her chin. “I have a suitable candidate to recommend.” "Who?" "You've seen him before, the boss of Eccentric Corporation." Hector's furrowed brows slowly relaxed. He looked at Josie in disbelief. "Morgan? You two can't possibly be involved just like the rumors suggest, right?" He couldn't understand why Josie would go to such lengths to assist Morgan. It didn't make sense.

"Everyone has their own biases and choices. Instead of questioning why I made my choice, it would be better to think about how you shouto yours." make After speaking, Josie withdrew her gaze, picked up her coffee, and stood up to leave.

When she turned the corner, she ran into Queenie, who wore a look surprise on her face. "Josie, drinking coffee in the middle of the day?" "It's invigorating." She took a gulp of the black, unsweetened coffee without flinching. Queenie chuckled. "Americano, huh? Isn't it bitter?" Josie stared into the pitch-black coffee. "Not as bitter as my life." Queenie's laughter beceven more radiant as she remarked that her dry humor was quite the trend.

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Josie looked up and said abruptly, "Queenie, thank you." The two of them returned to the office together. Upon hearing this, Queenie wore a puzzled expression. "What are you thankingfor?" "No reason." If it weren't for the subtle hints she had dropped, Josie wouldn't have been so certain today.

Just as Josie had predicted, she received a message from Hector right before she clocked out in the evening. It read: I agree.

Naturally, Morgan received the news at once.

Josie made a call to him. "I've fulfilled my promise to you. Give him the item. The Olsen family is in the sboat as you, and it could capsize at any moment. Only when he's safe can I be at ease about my child's future." Over on Morgan's end, the night wind was howling. "You've never believed in me, have you?" Josie ended the call.

She knew he would accomplish it.