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Billionaire’s Unseen Love (Bella and Alex)

Chapter 1
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Billionaire’s Unseen Love

1 Shattered Dreams on a Starry Night

i Shattered Dreams on a Starry Night

The evening sky was a canvas of stars as Emma sat in her quaint living room, her heart sinking with each tick of

the clock. It was her birthday, yet the room was swallowed in silence. Her eyes, heavy with unshed tears, caught

a headline on her phone that felt like a cruel twist of fate: “Pamous Actress Bella and Alex, Caught In A Whirlwind

Of Romance At The City Airport!”

The photos showed Bella and Alex, lost in their laughter, their connection completely undeniable and both totally

oblivious of the photographer who snapped the pictures. Emma’s heart ached; if only she wasn’t painfully aware

that Alex was her husband. She also had a cache of hard copy photographs showing practically every detail of

Alex’s romance with Bella. She never knew who sent them to the mansion; all she knew was that she got them

one fine morning when Alex was supposedly out of town for business. Little did she know, until then, that he was

shacked up with Bella in an unnamed hotel.

This wasn’t the first tAlex had wandered, but tonight, it hurt the most. She had spent hours preparing his

favorite dishes, setting the table with her grandmother's vintage lace tablecloth, hoping to create a perfect

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birthday evening.

Her phone buzzed, jolting her from her thoughts. It was a picture from Bella, displaying her and Alex in a tender

embrace. The message was clear, and it cut through Emma's heart like a knife. Emma paused; could it be Bella

behind those hardcopy pictures? She wondered.

Emma’s thoughts raced back to the life she had left for Alex - a world of affluence and endless suitors. Yet, in

their three years of marriage, she had beca mere shadow, nothing but chattel in Alex's life.

Shaking, she texted Alex, her words tinged with a mix of sadness and determination: “Alex, the photos, the

news... we need to talk about a divorce.”

Her smartphone rang almost immediately even before she had tto set it down on a table, with Alex's name

flashing on the screen. She hesitated, then answered, her voice barely a whisper.

“Emma, what's this about a divorce?” Alex's voice was a mix of surprise and annoyance.

“Did you think | wouldn't find out? That picture of you and Bella... on my own birthday, Alex!” Emma’s voice

cracked, her emotions raw. “The utter disrespect to me, your lawfully wedded wife!”

“Emma, you're overreacting. It's not what it looks like,” Alex replied, his tone dismissive.

“Not what it looks like? Alex, | can’t keep doing this. | can’t keep pretending everything is fine,” Emma retorted,

her voice strengthening.

Alex sighed, his frustration evident. “Emma, you're blowing this out of proportion. I'm busy right

1 Shattered Dreams on a Starry Night

now, okay? We'll talk later. We can sort this out, alright?”

But Emma had had enough. “No, Alex. It ends now. | want a divorce,”


She hung up, her hand trembling as she placed the phone down. The dinner table, once a symbol of her hopeful

wait for a shared birthday celebration, now stood as a mocking reminder of her shattered dreams.

As the night stretched on, Emma’s mind replayed their conversation, each word a confirmation of her neglected

place in Alex's life.

The next morning, Emma looked at her reflection, her eyes betraying her sleepless night with bags under them.

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She applied makeup with care, masking the traces of her broken heart.

Her phone rang again, this twith a call from Alex's mother, a woman who had always seen as unworthy of

her charming, white-headed son.

“Emma, where are you? You should have been here hours ago!” her mother-in-law’s voice was sharp and


“I won't be coming. Alex and I... we're discussing a divorce,” Emma replied, her voice steady despite the turmoil

churning her insides.

“A divorce? You're just going to throw away your marriage over ssilly photos?” Her mother-in- law scoffed.

Emma could imagine the indignation on her mother in-law’s face.

“It’s more than just photos. It's about respect, love, and being valued. Something | never had in this marriage,”

Emma said, her voice firm and resolve clear.

Her mother in-law ended the call abruptly without saying another word, and Emma took a deep breath. She was

ready to step out of the shadows, out of a loveless marriage, and into a new chapter of her life, one where she

could finally find her own happiness. No one was going to stop her; not Alex, or his ever-protective mother. The

decision to move on is hers and hers alone, and she was ready to take full responsibility for her actions.