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Betrayed by My Beta Mate by TheNich29

Chapter 29
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Betrayed by My Beta Mate Chapter 29

29 One Down

John POV

I left the hospital to run home and shower. My mother was busting my a** that I was starting to stink.

I’m so glad she seems to be getting back to her happy self. I reach the cottage with a million thoughts

running through my mind. Once I’m finished in the shower, I dry heading into my bedroom. I throw on a

pair of jeans and a t-shirt before I head downstairs. I grab an energy bar with something to drink and

get ready to head back to the hospital. I’m still haunted by the way we found my mother in those cells. I

can only imagine the torture she endured at that ba**ard’s hands. I try to push those thoughts from my

mind and focus on the fact that she is safe. Now we just need to help my aunt. I know I did the right

thing going with Lily and protecting her but it doesn’t take away the guilt that I wasn’t there for my mom

or to protect my aunt. I’m glad Lily took his powers from him. She is absolutely right that it is a fate

worse than death for a man like him. I’m just about to head out the door when I hear a knock. I open

the door to find a smiling Clarissa. I had hoped to have this conversation with her when I wasn’t in a

rush, but I guess it is going to have to happen now. “Hi John, how have you been” she says as she tries

to wrap her arms around my neck. I stop her and she looks confused. I place her hands at her side.

“Clarissa, we need to talk.” I see the moment she understands what I’m about to say. “Let’s go for a

quick walk before I have to get back to the hospital.” “Why do you need to go to the hospital, are you

alright” she says. “I’m fine, my mother is there being watched over by the doctors.” “She wasn’t well but

she is doing better now.” As we start to walk down the path toward the eastern border Lily’s words

repeat in my mind. I hate that this might hurt Clarissa, but it’s not fair to either of our mates to continue

being together. “John, I already know what you’re going to say.” “It really isn’t necessary.” “I would like

to say it anyway.” “I really like you, Clarissa.” “Your beautiful and someone is going to be very lucky to

have you as a mate.” “John, you don’t need to act like this is a breakup.” “We had some fun and I knew

we wouldn’t be a forever thing.” “I’m fine with just being friends.” I’m glad she feels that way but I’m kind

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of in shock she isn’t upset.

We walk a little further when Clarissa stops looking around. “Did you hear that” she asks, and I look at

her confused. I didn’t hear anything. “Clarissa what do you”, she puts her hand up to stop me from

talking. She starts to walk faster and I follow her. We pass the territory line. “Clarissa, where are we

going, what is happening”, I whisper yell. She takes a deep breath in and her eyes flash black. “There

are wolves near that do not belong to the pack.” “Something isn’t right about their scents.” She starts to

walk faster and I grab her arm. “Clarissa wait” I say and cast a spell to make us invisible. I have no idea

what we are walking into. We continue to walk to the edge of the forest and I feel in my gut something

is very wrong. The road is visible from where we are and I can’t believe what I’m seeing. Wolves are

fighting that I have never seen before. It appears that four of the wolves are larger than average. They

look like Alphas, but what packs could they belong too? I realize that I do know one of the wolves. It’s

that ba**ard Max. How the f**k is here if Elder Thomas took him to the Elder’s territory? Just as I

realize it’s him, I watch him attack a large gray wolf. He is holding the wolf down by his throat while

another wolf bites his leg. “What do we do, there are too many for us to handle” Clarissa says.

“Clarissa link the Alpha that we need help”, I say before I start to wave my arms and begin to cast. The

ba**ard has no idea what’s happening before his wolf falls over and lands next to the gray wolf. The

wolf holding onto his leg lets go and steps back.

Lincoln POV

I’m in my office with Amelia waiting for the Elders to arrive. The warriors and patrols have been

increased in case that a**hat Atlas decides to attack the pack. Michael walks in and takes a seat on the

couch near the window. “Amelia, I think we should have your Luna ceremony tomorrow.” She smiles “I

would love that.” “I want to be yours in every way possible.” She comes over and kisses me before she

sits in my lap. I love this woman and I will kill anyone who tries to take her from me. I start to get a link

and I allow it to come through expecting it to be a patrol guard telling me the Elders have arrived.

“Alpha, we need help”, I hear a female voice come through the link. “What’s happening” I say as I stand

setting Amelia on her feet. “There are wolves fighting outside the eastern border and one of them is

Max.” I growl and cut the link. “What is going on Lincoln” Amelia asks. “There are wolves fighting near

the Eastern border.” I turn to Michael, “one of them is Max.” “Son of a b**ch” Michael growls. We both

head for the door and I stop immediately, remembering that I don’t want Amelia here alone. I link Lily

and within seconds she is standing in my office with concern written all over her face. “Please stay with

Amelia, I need to get to the border.” She doesn’t even ask questions. She just nods and Michael follows

me out of the door. Once we are outside the pack house, we both shift taking off. We run as fast as we

can and I hope that this is my chance to end that ba**ard once and for all.

As we break through the trees, I roar. The wolves turn looking at Talon . I’m shocked to see Max’s wolf

lying on the ground not moving. As we approach, John appears with Clarissa in front of us. Four wolves

are dead and four are standing just staring at Talon. He is much larger than their wolves and despite

not being their pack Alpha, the wolves recognize my authority. I shift walking forward until I’m just feet

from them. “Shift now”, I give Alpha command. The four wolves have no choice but to give into my

command. “You will be taken into custody by the Nightfire pack.” “We have not breached your territory,

you have no authority to imprison us” one of the men say. John rushes to the gray wolf that is not

moving. The remaining two wolves, who were not affected by my command shift, and the Elders are

standing before us. I realize that one of the dead wolves is an Elder. I feel sick to my stomach that he

perished fighting these ba**ards right outside my pack. The remaining two of them are injured but they

will heal. “You have attacked the Elder wolves and killed Elder Brandon.” “We grant the authority to

imprison and carry out your punishments to the Nightfire pack and Alpha Lincoln Thomas”, Elder

Marcus says. More patrol guards arrive and they take the four wolves away. That’s when I realize the

gray wolf must be Elder James. I am at his side in an instant. Elder James’s wolf is barely breathing

and his neck is bleeding. John stands and before I can say a word he is gone. What the hell? I start

barking orders for my warriors to help me to get him to the pack hospital.

Lily appears and before I can say anything, she does. “John is staying with Amelia.” “My healing power

is stronger and will give the Elder a better chance at survival.” She begins to chant and pass her arms

up and down his body. His breathing seems to even out and he shifts back to human form, but he

remains unconscious. I say a silent prayer to the goddess that he is spared after all he has done for me

and Amelia. Lily turns to me, “I have done all I can, the rest is up to him and his wolf.” My warriors pick

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him and place him in an SUV that has just arrived. The three Elders are taken to the pack hospital.

Elder Brandon’s body will be taken to the pack hospital and prepared for the warrior’s burial ceremony.

The other warriors are bringing Max to the pack yard because I will not take the chance that he will get

away again. Lily teleports back to Amelia and a few seconds later, John appears. “Clarissa head back

to the pack, thank you for helping John and linking me” I say and she nods before she takes off.

We reach the pack yard and the guards throw Max’s wolf to the ground in front of me. “Michael, are you

going to be alright with” he stops me. “After what he has done, he is no longer my brother”, Michael

says. “He deserves the punishment, is about to receive.” I nod and turn to John. “Lift the spell John” I

say and he waves his hands in Max’s direction. I watch as the wolf shakes his head and a few seconds

later he gets to his feet. He growls when he realizes where he is and that he is standing before me.

“Maxwell Major for your crimes against my Luna and my pack you have been sentenced to death.” I

shift into Talon and we start to circle each other. Max’s wolf is big but not as big as Talon. He jumps but

we are able to dodge. He immediately turns running at us full speed. We don’t move this time and

when he gets close, he attempts to bite into our shoulder. Talon rears up and when we come down, he

bites the back of the wolf’s neck. He whimpers and tries to shake us off. After a few seconds we

release the bite and the wolf’s fur is stained with blood. He starts to circle again “end him, Talon.” “It will

give me great pleasure” he growls out before he runs full speed slamming into the wolf and knocking

him into a nearby tree. We can hear bones break and he hits the ground. He makes attempts to stand

but it appears his back is broken. His wolf is lying at the base of the tree as we stalk forward.

He begins to whimper as we get close. Talon growls before he bites down and breaks the wolf’s neck,

ending him for good. We back away from him and shift. Michael rushes over, looking me over for injury.

“I’m fine Michael.” “I would like to take care of the body if that’s alright.” “Of course,” I say. I slip shorts

on “Michael, do you want me to do this with you.” He smiles “thank you for asking but I need to do this

alone.” We bro-hug before John and I head to the hospital. When we walk in, Amelia and Lily are in the

waiting room. “What did the doctor say?” “She said the same thing I said, that it’s up to Elder James

and his wolf now.” We take a seat and wait. I wrap my arm around Amelia and place my hand on her

belly. “Are you ok love, I know how stressed I am and that can’t be good for you and the pup.” She

smiles “I won’t say this isn’t stressful, but honestly, as long as you’re with me I will have the strength to

get through this.” I press my lips to hers. She pulls back and rests her head on my shoulder.