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Betrayed by My Beta Mate by TheNich29

Chapter 21
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Betrayed by My Beta Mate Chapter 21

21 Tell Me

Lincoln POV

We finish up breakfast and I am done waiting to make her mine. “Finally”, Talon says in my mind, and I

stand putting my hand out to Amelia. The blush creeps up her cheeks, I assume that she knows what

I’m asking without words. She places her hand in mine and the once dull tingles that we share are now

strong and unmistakable. “Mate”, I say. She stands to her feet smiling “mate”, she says back to me. I

press my lips against hers and start to deepen the kiss. I feel someone is trying to link me and I am

about to lose my sh*t that we’re being interrupted again at this moment. I pull back breaking the kiss

and she smiles. “One second I’m so sorry.” “Someone better be dead or you’re going to be Michael” I

say when I open the link. “You might want to come to the front of the pack house we have a situation

that can’t wait.” “You know I wouldn’t be bothering you right now unless it was an emergency.” “What

the f**k Lincoln” Talon growls. “We can’t ignore him, we are the pack’s Alpha, Talon.” “Lincoln, what’s

going on” Amelia asks me. “Michael linked me that I need to come to the front of the pack house now to

deal with something.” “Well then why are we still standing here.”

She doesn’t even wait for me to respond when she takes my hand as we rush through the pack house

and out the front door. I stop dead in my tracks at the sight in front of me. I roar and everyone stops

what they are doing. “What the f**k is going on here?” Elder Thomas is leading Max to an SUV with two

guards. “Alpha Lincoln, I’m here to take the prisoner to the Elder’s prison so he can be sentenced”

Elder Thomas says. “You have no authority to take him from my pack for the crime he committed which

is exactly why I didn’t include the elders in this matter.” I feel Amelia squeeze my hand I’m sure worried

about the way I’m speaking to Elder Thomas. “Michael take the traitor back to the cells now.” Michael

heads toward Max. “I would stand down Beta unless you would like me to take you with your brother.”

Michael growls but stops. “I would be very careful Alpha Lincoln of the disrespect you show me and the

Elders by stopping what is currently happening.” “You are trespassing on my pack lands.” “I’m aware of

your authority and you are over stepping it.” “You might want to have this conversation with the person

who alerted me of Maxwell’s crime before you say anything further.” “Lincoln let’s just go inside and we

can discuss this” my father steps toward me. “I will not go inside until Max is returned to the cells for his

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

attack on my Luna.” I hear audible gasps from the pack. I don’t give a sh*t in this moment about a

proper announcement.

“She is no Luna, she is a wh*re”, Max screams, and I lose it. Talon pushes to the surface. I let go of

Amelia’s hand, stepping forward, and I start to partially shift. My father steps in front of me. “Shift back

Lincoln now before you do something you’ll regret.” “Alpha Lincoln, get yourself under control” Elder

Thomas says to me. I feel a hand on my arm and the tingles stop me from completely shifting. “Lincoln”

she says, and Talon recedes in my mind. I look to Amelia and the fear on her face pisses me off even

more. “Now as I was saying, we are taking Maxwell, for attacking a female she-wolf as you have no

Luna yet.” “You do not have the authority to kill a pack member unless they attack your Luna, which

you currently do not have.” “Furthermore, Amelia is not even a member of this pack.” A smile crosses

Max’s face and I want to snap his neck. I notice that Jennifer is standing with other pack members

watching this all happen. That b**ch called the Elders, I know she did. Elder Thomas brings me out of

my thoughts. “We are leaving and the Elders will be in contact when we sentence Maxwell.” My father

is holding one arm and Amelia the other as I watch him get into the car and they drive out of the pack. I

look to Jennifer again and if looks could kill, she would be dead.

I pull out of my father’s grip and wrap my arm around Amelia as we head inside the pack house.

“Michael, come to my office now” I say over my shoulder. My mother comes rushing toward me

“Lincoln, what the hell is going on?” “Someone from this pack called the Elders to save Max’s a** after

he attacked my Luna.” “Lincoln” my father yells and I turn to his voice. “I called the Elders.” A feel a

million emotions at once but the one that is most prominent is betrayal. I turn without a word, walking to

the stairs. My father rushes to step in front of me and I push Amelia behind me. “Get the f**k out of my

way now dad.” He growls and my mother steps between us. “I don’t know what the hell you were

thinking Charles, but you owe us all an explanation.” “I want this discussion finished out of ear shot of

the pack” my mother says and I lead Amelia past my father. When we reach the office, I sit in my chair

and pull Amelia on to my lap, breathing in her scent to keep myself and Talon calm. How could my

father do this knowing what Max did to Amelia?

“Lincoln, I need you to listen to me” my father says. I pick my head up and look my father in his eyes.

“Listen to how you betrayed me and Amelia.” “Lincoln, I did this for you.” I look at him like he has grown

ten heads. “You let the man live that attacked my Luna for me.” He takes a deep breath. “I know Amelia

is your mate but technically she is not your Luna yet.” “You know that killing a pack member for

attacking a she-wolf that isn’t even a member of the pack yet would jeopardize your Alpha status.” “Are

you f**king kidding me right now dad.” “He could have killed her and our pup and all your worried about

is my Alpha status.” “Lincoln” my mother says. “No mom, he should have spoken to me before he

called anyone.” “I am the Alpha not you” I say pointing at my father. Amelia starts to rub circles on the

back of my hand trying to calm me. “If someone attacked mom, would you have been satisfied with

allowing the Elders decide his fate because I’m not.” I lift Amelia and carry her out of my office because

I need to get away from my father right now before I say something I’m going to regret.

Lorraine POV

“Michael, can you excuse us please.” Michael gets up and leaves closing the door behind him. “What

the hell were you thinking?” “Lorraine, you don’t understand how things work for Alphas.” I laugh “are

you kidding me right now.” “Do you forget that I ruled this pack by your side and I know the ins and outs

of werewolf law.” “Lorraine I was simply trying to protect Lincoln.” “No, you weren’t, you were protecting

the title just like Lincoln said.” “I am ashamed of you in this moment and you better hope that Lincoln

forgives you for your stupidity.” “You know me Charles and my pup will always come first.” “What the

hell does that mean?” “You’re a smart man figure it out until then you can sleep in the living room.” I get

up heading for the door. “Lorraine, I am your mate you know me.” “I would never do anything to hurt

Lincoln.” ” I turn walking back to look him in the eyes. “Your wrong, don’t you realize that.” I see the

confusion on his face. “You just hurt him by allowing a man to live who hurt his mate.” I turn walking out

of the office.

Amelia POV

As Lincoln carries me, my heart breaks to know how angry he is at his father. I don’t agree with Charles

calling the Elders without talking to Lincoln first, but I believe it came from a pure place. Once we are

inside the room, he doesn’t put me down. He sits on the bed with me in his lap. “Lincoln, I know he

should have talked to you but your father cares about you.” “I know he does but he didn’t handle it the

way he should have.” “I will never let anyone hurt you and our pup and live.” I place my hand on his

face. “I know you will always protect us.” “Max is being dealt with even if it isn’t the way you wanted him

to be punished.” “I’m fine and our pup is fine.” He smiles looking into my eyes. “Lincoln please make

me yours now.” He smiles and he stands laying me on the bed.

He pulls his shirt over his head and, my goddess, he is perfect. He is built like a Greek god and he is

mine. Star growls and I chuckle. “Are you laughing at me love?” “No, at Star.” I sit up pulling the dress

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

over my head until I’m left in my panties. Lincoln’s eyes darken as he looks at my breasts. They are not

huge, a C cup, but they are definitely fuller since I’ve gotten pregnant. “You are gorgeous love.” He

pulls his pants down and I’m sure the shock on my face is obvious. He is definitely the biggest man I’ve

ever seen. He smiles I’m sure about the look on my face. He bends down taking my mouth with his. He

deepens the kiss and when he pulls back, we are both breathless. He starts to kiss down my body and

when he reaches my breasts, he takes my n**ple into his mouth. “Oh my goddess Lincoln” I moan out

as he swirls his tongue. He moves to my other breast, repeating the same attention. I can feel my core

dripping just from him touching my breasts. He moves down my body, kissing my belly before he goes

down to my core. He looks up smiling at me with his face at my core. He breathes in deep and I can

feel the blush on my face.

Lincoln POV

I smile at her blush before I take a long lick into her core. She tastes amazing and I want this every day

of our lives together. I increase my speed and I place a finger at the entrance of her core. I push

forward and start to move my finger in and out at a steady pace as I suck on her cl*t. When I feel her

thread her hand in my hair, I know she is getting close. She starts to buck her hips and she screams

out her climax. I climb up her body, flipping her so she is on top. She smiles knowing I don’t want to

hurt her or the pup. She slides herself down on my c*ck so slowly it is like the sweetest torture. Once

she is completely seated, I can’t believe I’m inside her. I feel like a teenage boy, but honestly, I have

never felt anything like this. I’ve never been with another woman and I never want to be. She starts to

move and I’m ready to lose control already.

I pull her down to me and start to thrust up inside her. I elongate my canines and once I pierce her skin,

I start to lose all control. I thrust fast and when I hear her scream out another orgasm, I let myself fall

over the edge. She buries her head in my neck and when I feel her canines break my skin and the

orgasm that was already earth-shattering consumes me even more. She is mine in this life and the

next. We are bonded and I will never let her go. She licks the spot she just marked and then kisses me.

“I love you, Lincoln.” “I love you, Amelia.”

Atlas POV

I am meeting with Walker and my other men in my office. I just hung up after speaking with Elder

Thomas. “I want every warrior ready for my orders.” “I expect their training to be intense and I want

them ready to bring their Luna home.” “Yes Alpha” Walker says. I’m just about to dismiss them when I

get a pain in my body like I’ve never felt. The pain brings me to my knees. “Alpha” Walker rushes over

to me. “She is f**king him” I roar.