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Becoming the Richest Man Alive

Chapter 72
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It was essential for the heirs of the Simpson family to learn how to swim because they had an annual

tradition. Everyone had to go underwater and pay their respect to their ancestors’ graves.

Casper was the best swimmer of his generation and could hold his breath for up to ten minutes while


To top it off, he also had training on how to rescue a drowning person, so the task at hand was not a

difficult one for him.

The natural lighting was virtually non-existing, so Casper could not see anything under the chilly lake.

Hence, he had no choice but to search blindly for Amelia. It took him some time before he saw a dark

figure sinking downward. The figure showed no signs of struggle and was obviously trying to commit

suicide by drowning herself.

Is all this really necessary?

Casper didn’t hesitate to swim toward her. He had to use both his arms and legs to reach her and grab

her waist.

Amelia suddenly opened her eyes. She glared at Casper and shook her head endlessly to tell him that

she wanted to die.

Unfortunately for her, there was no way that Casper would let her die. She spared no effort in struggling

away from him, but it was all a waste. He still dragged her all the way up to the surface.

“Let go of me. I don’t want to live! Just let me die.”

She started struggling once more and kept pushing Casper away as hard as she could. To her dismay,

she couldn’t break free, no matter what she did.

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Casper glared over fiercely and growled, “Then drag me to my deathbed with you because there is no

way I’m letting someone die in front of me!”

His sudden howl scared her straight. Her watery eyes were like those of a malicious ghost when she

glared at Casper. It seemed that she hated him for not letting her die.

Casper worried that Amelia would jump back into the lake when he wasn’t looking. It would be

troublesome and tiring for him to rescue her again. Hence, he swung her over his shoulder and walked

all the way to the spot where she knelt down earlier. He set her down there.

“Why didn’t you just let me die? Why did you save me?”

Amelia was already sitting on the grass, but she remained agitated, and her fuming glare was burning

with hatred when she glared at him. She acted like he had made a terrible mistake.


Casper couldn’t resist gasping aloud when he saw her that angry. Huh, I didn’t realize that she is so

beautiful when she is angry. She could almost compete against Giselle.

He had never seen Giselle being mad before, but he could imagine and guess that she’d be stunning.

Amelia was drenched, and water was dripping from her hair. Those droplets soon merged with her

tears and made her look like a fragile flower.

Her eyes were beautiful, to begin with, and her tears only made them more breathtaking. She would

most definitely be mistaken as an artistic young lady if anyone were to see those eyes wandering down

the streets. Amelia was still glaring angrily at Casper, but he didn’t find her intimidating at all. If

anything, he found her stubbornness to be quite impressive.

Hearing her previous words got Casper to change his stance completely, though.

What the f*ck? I risked my life and jumped into the lake to rescue you! Now, you’re complaining and

saying that I shouldn’t have done that? What a b*tch!

“You’re right. Your death doesn’t affect me anyway, so maybe I should’ve let you die,” growled Casper.

He was angry as well, but not because she was glaring at him. He was mad at her for being that

persistent in killing herself, so he dissed mercilessly, “You know, even newborn babies cry to attract

attention and survive, but you? You’re a fully grown woman with functional arms and legs. How could

you give up on your life just like that? Have you ever considered how your parents will feel?

“Death is an easy option for you, but not for your parents. They raised you and loved you

unconditionally. They even paid for your education! Is this how you’re going to repay them? What will

they do if you die?

“Just look at yourself. You knew that your family is struggling financially, so why go for expensive

coffee? Is it really that important to satisfy your cravings? Have you thought about how heartbroken

your parents will be if they learned that you’re wasting money like that? Your family is struggling to

make ends meet, so why can’t you behave? Are likes on social media really that important?”

Casper sighed heavily. He glared like he was furious at her for not treasuring what she had, and in his

agitated state, his words slipped out of his tongue like a vicious waterfall.

That was the first time he spoke so much in one go.

At first, he thought that Amelia would snap back at him and argue against him after hearing everything

he said.

However, things did not progress the way he thought. She simply curled up into a ball and hid her head

away to cry helplessly like a child who had lost all hope.

“I forbid you from talking about my parents. You’re not allowed to talk about them…” murmured Amelia.

She suddenly tilted her head up and glared evilly at Casper. Her bloodshot eyes were terrifying, and

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her tears rolled down fiercely like a tsunami. “So what if I tried having an expensive cup of coffee this

one time?” challenged Amelia.

She cried even louder, and her tears shed even fiercer before she could finish speaking. Her entire

body was trembling as if her earlier ordeal with the lake had frozen her.

However, it was summer, and Casper knew that she shouldn’t be cold despite being drenched. If

anything, she should feel refreshed.

“I just wanted to know what expensive coffee tasted like before I die. Is it really so bad that I don’t want

to die with any regrets?” demanded Amelia as she glared stubbornly at Casper. She looked terrible in

that state.

“Why? Why must everyone judge and reprimand me? Jessica and her friends insisted that I am

materialistic, and the others just chimed in and scolded me without learning the truth. Now, even a

stranger like you is saying the same. Well, guess what? You’re all wrong! I am not a bad person. Yes, I

am poor, but I have never been materialistic! The only thing I ever bought from the cafeteria was bread.

I don’t want the others to make fun of me, so I will take my bread and walk all the way over to have my

meal here. I even brought my own jam because it is cheaper!” shouted Amelia.

She sprang up and went to a particular bush to reveal a jar of jam hidden there. “See? This is the jam I

used! I’m not showing it to you to garner pity. This is just to prove my words!”

Seeing the jar of previously hidden jam surprised Casper to his core. He couldn’t believe that the girl in

front of him had a harsher life than he did. At that moment, he was truly at a loss for words. It was as if

everything was stuck in his throat.

He used to complain that life wasn’t fair, and when Kitty dumped him, he felt like his entire world had

crumbled. In hindsight, he realized that his life wasn’t that hard, especially if he compared it to Amelia’s


This young woman may be blessed with beauty, but her life was difficult. She had to keep quiet and

endure everybody’s humiliation and insult. She was even bullied!