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Barren Mother Give Birth to Sextuplets To The Hot CEO

Chapter 67
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F*cking Michael! Broderick was quiet for a few seconds after her request then he asked,” can we meet, please?”.

“Erm… probably not now but once I’m less busy, I’ll let you know,” Amy said. It wasn’t as though Amy

had anything she was doing, she just doesn’t want to be too available for him.

“Alright,” Broderick didn’t persuade her to let them meet at all. ‘Being civil with her will make her feel

comfortable around him’ Broderick thought. They baded themselves bye after which Broderick dropped

his phone back to the bed.

Two days to the wedding, Theresa could be seen alongside her mothers and her father in the most

luxurious shopping mall in

NorthHill. Only the first class citizen of North Hill were known to shop here.

They were all in the section of the mall that has different wedding gowns, there was a particular wedding

gown whose design

was outside of this world. It was so glaring that this type of wedding dress was most definitely a limited

edition and one that any random rich people can not just buy even if they have the money to.

“Dad, I want that,” Theresa pointed at the extraordinary designed wedding gown. The mayor alongside

Edith and Nell all had a happy face. They were so glad that their daughter will be having a public

wedding with the most powerful man in North Hill. Who would not be happy? 1 The mayor merrily walked

towards the wedding gown and said to Edith,” this is indeed very beautiful.” “Yes, it’s outstandingly

beautiful. Our daughter has a sharp eyes,” Edith blushed. Nell smiled faintly as she watched the husband

and wife discussed. She had also examined the wedding gown and realized that it was a limited editon

and by far the best amidst all the wedding gowns there.

“Hey!” The mayor called one of the attendant of the mall and she walked quickly towards him. “Sir, it’s an

honour to meet with you. What type would you love to take, sir?” She questioned.

“This,” the mayor pointed proudly. Needful to say that Nell had announced yesterday that Theresa was

having a grand wedding

with the most powerful in North Hill, hence, every single soul in North Hill were aware of the wedding and

were anticipating for it.

Eventhough many people knew that they may not be able to attend as the seats will be reserved for

specially invited guests alone, they hoped in the Alessandro’s first lady, Nell, who assure them that they

will be able to stream it on TV. So, it’s more like

a global wedding.

“Oh…this, it’s a limited editon, sir. It has been paid for,” the attendant said.

The mayor smiled,” I’m not sure you know whom we are. Did you know this woman here is the

Alessandro’s first lady and I’m the mayor of this city? Who else could have bought this wedding gown?”

“I’m buying this for my daughter in law. Bring it out,” Nell commanded. She doesn’t give a fuck about who

has paid for it before. “Ma, the person who bought this is also in the mall,” the attendant said. *Bring the

person here now. Whom could she be!” The mayor exclaimed angrily and the attendant quickly walked


“What if Broderick sees us this way, won’t he be suspicious? Cause he would be wondering what

connection Theresa has with the

Mayor’s family,” Theresa asked worriedly,

Nell smirked, “what will Broderick come to do here? He has no one he shops for and his clothes and

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shoes gets delivered to him monthly by the best designers in the city so literally, he won’t have any

reason to come here.” Nell was so sure.

*Plus we can easily lie that the mayor and I were just accomplice to Mrs. Nell and Theresa since both

families are in a good

relationship,” Edith said,

That’s right,” Nell said, “So Theresa, don’t worry, okay? As long as I’m alive, everything will work as

planned. Broderick still trust

me and I’ll forever be his godmother, so there is really nothing to worry about.” Theresa heaved 8 sigh of

relief and they all waited patiently for the attendant to appear with the person who bought the limited

edition gown

The attendant appeared a few seconds later and the person who appeared behind her made Nell, Edith,

Theresa and the mayor



furrowed their brows in shock.

If not that they were four in number and this place was a public place, they would have ran away.

· “Amy!” The mayor called.

This time, Amy wasn’t wearing a shade at all. So the color of her eyes were glaring. They all became

very confused and scared. If they had not seen her dead body, they would have assumed that she

probably didn’t really die but just a few days ago, they saw

her dead body with their eyes. “Can’t be Amy,” Edith said as she took a step back in fear,

The mayor grabbed Edith’s wrist and whispered to her, “we can’t act like a nuisance in public, just control


“She’s a ghost!” Theresa said fearfully. Now breathing with the presence of her parents otherwise, she

could have just fainted.

“Who are you?” Nell summoned courage and asked.

“Cleo,” Amy smiled. “And may I ask who you are as well?” She feigned ignorance as if she didn’t know

any of them.

Nell was utterly confused. How is it possible for this woman to look exactly like Amy. How? Just how! She

resembled Amy in all


“You can ask around for who we are, they will tell you,” the mayor also summoned courage and said then

pointed to the

spectacular wedding gown,” we are buying this wedding gown.” “I thought the attendant told you people I

bought it already,” Amy said.

“You people?” Edith repeated what she said as though it was an insult. Of course, people of their calibre

will see such words as insult. No one dared to speak to them anyhow in the entire North Hill.

“Miss. Cleo, did you know how to respect people at all? How can you refer to us as you people?” Nell

asked angrily and said to the attendant,” I think you should tell this arrogant woman who we are.”

“They are…” The attendant wanted to explain but Amy waved her hand. “I don’t care who they are,” Amy

said and took a step further to Theresa. Theresa quickly held onto her father and subconsciously said,”

father! She’s scaring me.”



Amy’s face changed, her mood became bewildered. Since when did her father become a father to

Theresa? Theresa was a citizen of South Hill and not North Hill. Why was she referring to the mayor as

her father?

The mayor stood before Theresa, guarding Theresa in a protective manner,” you bitch! Whom did you

think you are? Did you think you can act anyhow just because you looked like my…” He paused. “…like

a bastard, a silly daughter of a gigolo,” Edith completed the mayor’s statement for him. “That’s right,” the

mayor said. He himself was utterly surprised that there was someone in this world who looked exactly

like his daughter. The resemblance was too much that it was driving him crazy. Amy’s heart shrank as

she saw her father defend someone else who wasn’t even his daughter yet all her life, her father was

indifferent of her, no matter how much she gets bullied. Even if she gets abused by her stepmother

before him, he wouldn’t react as though he didn’t see it. “So you are her father?” Amy asked confidently

as though she was fine. She was far from being fine. She was in pain. Theresa appeared and looked at

Amy suspiciously. The question was tricky so neither of them could respond to it.

“Take your money back cause we are buying this wedding gown,” Nell said. She wanted toi get rid of this

woman as soon as she could

“Of course not. There are other wedding gowns that you can choose from. Don’t even think you can bully

me,” Amy said.

The mayor smirked and commanded,” guards!”

About four burly men immediately appeared behind him,” throw this silly woman out of here.”

As the guards approached Amy, a tall and handsome figure appeared. Even Amy wasn’t expecting the

person who just appeared.

*Michael!” The mayor called on seeing Michael,

“I thought I told you that Miss Cleo is my personal assistant. How dare you treat her this way? Are you

intentionally seeking my

anger?” Michael asked. A lot of people were already recording the scenes with their phones. These are

powerful people in the country having a contention with eachother at a public mall.

“Oh! Michael, of course not. Why would I want to ruin the good relationship my family had built with yours

over the years?” The

mayor asked.

Nell had heard about the presence of Michael in North Hill, but she was yet to see her face to face.

“Michael!” She called and Michael only glanced at her as if he didn’t know her, he set his gaze back on

the mayor and said,

” whoever dares to bully my assistant in North Hill again will experience my rage.” “Oh!” The mayor dared

not to say any word again.

“Who did you think you are?” Nell felt very insignificant with the way Michael glanced at her and she was


“Were you not sent out of North Hill many years ago because of…” Nell paused, this was a family issue

and can’t be disclose to

the public but she almost spill it now because of how Michael had reacted to her.

Michael turned to her and said,” go ahead.”

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Nell gritted her teeth in anger” I’m the Alessandro’s first lady now and you even have no position in the

Alessandro’s family. We both know this. Only Broderick is the heir of the Alessandro’s family. Don’t use

our family name to act like you are a powerful somebody when you are even far from one. I am buying

that wedding gown for my daughter in law and there is nothing you can do.”

“Oh my! So the Alessandro’s family have internal conflicts?” One of the onlookers whispered. “Those

wealthy family don’t always have peace cause their children are always hungry for power,” another


“I want to see who will eventually but the wedding gown, isn’t this interesting?” Another said.

“My major concern is why the Owen’s family followed Mrs. Nell Alessandro and her daughter in law here.

Isn’t that suspicious?”

“This wealthy families hide things a lot, but how long can they keep their family secrete? We will soon

find out.” “You are just being jealous of your brother. Why won’t you just let his wife have the wedding

gown? It’s not like your personal assistant is getting married anytime soon, so why are you supporting

her?” Nell asked angrily. Michael smirked and said,” everyone only knows that Broderick Alessandro is

getting married to Theresa. What people don’t know is that on that same day, my personal assistant,

Miss Cleo and I will be getting married also.”

Everyone, “…”

Silence swept the enitire mall that even if a pin drops, someone would hear. The revelation was too

much for them to digest.

“Now tell me if it is fair for us, who paid first for the wedding gown to go with it or for Mrs. Nell who came

after we have bought

it to go with it?” Michael threw the question to the crowd.

“Oh my! Didn’t Mr. Michael come back to North Hill two weeks ago? Yet he was marrying this Miss. Cleo

now?” .

“So you don’t know?” An old man who was one of the onlookers said to the one who just spoke.


“Michael and that woman are childhood lovers,” the old man said.

Two people who heard furrowed their brows, “oh my! Really? Was that why they quickly get along and

are already getting wedded?”

“Ha! I see they really fit eachother, Mr. Michael is tall and handsome and that woman is very beautiful


Nell almost weni crazy when she heard that this woman who looked like Amy is getting married to


Is Michael joking?

Whereas, Broderick was watching an Instagram live video of one of the onlookers at the mall and when

he heard Michael declare that he and Miss Cleo were getting married on the same day that he and

Theresa were getting married, he flipped the table before him over angrily,

“Was Miss Cleo planning on getting married to his brother and she didn’t even make mention of it to

him?’ Pain stung his heart

hard and excessive rage made veins pop up both on his forehead and his hand.

*Fucking Michael! what did you think you are doing?” Broderick was as angry as a demon banned from
