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Barren Mother Give Birth to Sextuplets To The Hot CEO

Chapter 31
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hapter 31 The Children Are Yours

Broderick didn‘t say any word while they were inside the car and that even made Amy more nervous. Sh

e kept stealing glances at his handsome profile. She was sure

he was definitely angry but the fact that he wasn‘t saying any word was making her worried. A couple of

minutes later, the fleet of cars came to an halt and the door was immediately opened on both side. Brode

rick stepped

out through a side while Amy stepped out through the second side of the door. It was only after she had s

tepped out that she realized that the house was the Alessandro‘s mansion. Why were they here? She wo

ndered and immediately followed after Broderick as they both walked inside the house. Broderick walked

straight to Elizabeth‘s room while Amy followed. Amy saw Elizabeth on the bed with all sort of medical g

adgets connected to her. “Mother,” she walked quickly to her. Once Elizabeth sighted her, she forced out

a smile, her sickness had suddenly got worse and now she wasn’t even sure if she would be living the ni

ne months that the doctor had predicted that she would live. The pain she was feeling was getting intens

e day by day and yesterday when Broderick came to check on her, she had requested of him to bring his

wife along the following day. “Amy, I‘m so

happy to see you,” Elizabeth managed to say. “Mother, I didn‘t know your sickness had really gotten wors

e, I‘m so sorry, mum,” Amy sympathized with the


“It‘s fine, I‘m just happy to see you. Broderick informed me he found out the truth about you being

the mother of the children already,” Elizabeth said. “Yes, mum.” “Broderick, you shouldn‘t

be angry at her at all, I was the one who brought the idea, please don‘t be angry,” Elizabeth apologized t

o Broderick. She knew how much Broderick hates to be lied to. “Mother, don‘t stress yourself at all, i‘ll do


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for you,” Broderick said. Elizabeth‘s smile widened and then asked her,” how is your marriage with my so

n?” “Going well, mum,” she answered with a fake smile. But was it really going well? Although the man lo

ved her children, he hated her with passion. “Really?” Elizabeth furrowed his brow. “Yes, mum. He has b

een a good husband so far. You don‘t have to worry about us. We just want you to be fine,” Amy said A k

nock landed on the door and Broderick ordered for whoever was at the door to walk in, the door opened

and the doctor appeared. “Good afternoon, sir. It‘s time to administer her second daily treatment to her, si

r,” the doctor said respectfully, “Mother, I‘m sure you will be fine. Just keep the hope on, okay?” Broderick

said affectionately. Elizabeth looked at her only with a genuine smile on her face, “Take care of your wife

, please,” Elizabeth pleaded. “Mum, don‘t worry, he has and will keep doing that,” Amy chirped in. Afterwa

rds, both Amy and Broderick left the room so

the doctor can do his work. They both walked back outside and

were soon seated inside the car. “You have not said a word, I know you did not beleive me, but I‘m telling

the truth. Callan is just being a jerk, I hate him with passion, he cheated on me and...” She was interrupt

ed with his lips locking up on hers, he pulled her closer to himself and kissed her very passionately. Expl

oring her mouth with his tongue, Amy was lost in the kissing that her eyas shut, she was responding to th

e passionate kiss and was getting very wet and horny.

tu n apri 3: The children Are Yours He disenagaged slowly from the kiss and said, ” it‘s obvious the relatio

nship between the both of you is ill. He took your children from you mercilessly. I also understand that yo

u felt bad about it.” That was not the response that Amy was expecting, she

thought that he was going to misunderstand her like he always does. *It‘s logical,” Broderick added and a

djusted back to the seat. The partition of the car had already been drawn up immediately they both enter

ed, “Please, can you help me get my children

back?” She asked. “Why should I? I‘m not their father and you as a woman is not even worth helping. Yo

u are a deceptive woman,” he said,

Should she just tell him that the children were his? If she does, he would most definitely get the children

back and prove Callan to be a lier, that way, Callan can spend a major part of his life in jail. But what abo

ut her? Will she be allowed to go with the kids after the death of his mum? With the look of things, it migh

t not even be up to nine months before his mother dies. She was bewildered and didn‘t know exactly wha

t to do. But thought he loved the kids? Why won‘t he be willing to help them? They soon arrived home an

d walked inside, Broderick went straight inside his room and hit his fist on the wall hardly. His jaw clenche

d in pain as he walked to and fro in his room. He hasn‘t even undress, he was angry that Callan dared to

challenge him. He even made him appear in court! He was sure seeking for his own death. Callan has th

e right to have the kids since they were his children but why wasn‘t he at peace ever since the kids depar

ted from him. He promised

the kids yesterday never to depart from them and he just broke the promise. He wasn‘t a type of man tha

t breaks promise but even if he were to get the kids back, on what basis would that be? As he doesn‘t ev


have the right to the children‘s custody. Amy laid on the bed in her room, crying. She felt empty without h

er six children. How can Callan be this cruel? He cheated on her and still wanted to steal her six kids fro

m her? Yes, that‘s the word –

‘steal.’ She picked up her phone angrily and placed a call across to Callan, once he answered, Amy spo

ke to the phone, “you forged the DNA result, do you have conscience at all?“. Callan scoffed from the oth

er end, “didn‘t you say Broderick was their father? Why can‘t he claim them then? He was just looking lik

e a dummy as the kids follow me.” He chuckled. “It‘s a beautiful sight to behold: seeing the most powerful

man in the city helpless.” He scoffed again. “The children are for Broderick, I just haven‘t told him yet,” A

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my said. “And what‘s holding you? Go ahead and tell him. I don‘t care,” Callan said. “If I tell him and he’s

able to prove that the children are for him, you do know you will be spending the rest of your life in jail for

lying to claim the custody of someone else‘s children‘s right?” She asked. “Amy, I don‘t care. Although th

e kids

are not for me. They are cute and it‘s the only way I can have you back. Come and live with me, that

way, you will be able to have access to your children and we can live happily ever again,” Callan said. “Y

ou and 1? Live together? That‘s not going to happen

even in your dream,” Amy said, “I‘m giving you the last chance to return my kids.” “There is nothing you c

an do. If you won‘t come then another woman

will raise your children then,” he said and hung then call up. He even dared to hung the call up? Amy was

very angry at Callan that she stood immediately and walked out of her room to Broderick‘s room, not con

sidering the consequence of what she was about to do, she planted a knock on the door and it took a whi

le before a voice came from inside, “come in.” Amy opened the door with a thumping heart and walked in

, he saw Broderick seated on the couch in his room dressed in only singlet and a jean trouser. His well b

uilt muscles could be seen but beyound that, he looked

The Children Are Yours ––– extremely sexy before her.

“Can you help me to make Callan sign the divorce papers?” She asked. Broderick crossed his legs and sa

he‘s powerful to frustrate me despite being apart.” “Why should I help you?” Broderick asked casually. “Di

you like the children, they would most definitely be sad living with a man they had never seen all their life.

that court so that what is right

can be upheld and so that a common man can get justice when the rich bullies him. I won‘t trample agains

sight immediately,” Broderick added coldly. Amy let the tears on her face streamed down. Why does this m

the door, she turned to him and let out the secrete she had been hiding from him, “the children are yours.