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Back in Time: Unshackling From Love

Chapter 23
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Chapter 23 All of a sudden, Mike was starting to regret this.

His boss had pulled an all-nighter last night and had been wearing a stony expression all day. Clearly, he was in a bad mood.

If he brought Mikayla up right now, would it be adding fuel to the fire? “If you have something to say, then spit it out!” Jersaid, losing his patience.

Mike could only walk over to his boss and carefully open the notification drawer on hist phone.

Jerglanced at the screen. It was filled with purchase notifications from the mall.

The highest expense was in the tens of millions, while the cheapest was in the tens of thousands. They were all from jewelry and fashion stores popular with women.

“Ding!” Another notification cin.

Thanks for shopping at Milano’s Couture for Men. You spent 288,000 dollars on this visit. We hope to see you again!” Maybe Mike was dreaming, but it almost seemed like his boss looked slightly more relieved after he read this.

Although clothes of this price typically didn’t appear in Jerome's closet, Mike still mustered the courage to butter him np.

‘It seems like your wife didn’t forget to buy you sclothes on her shopping spree, Mr. Miller. How sweet!” As Mike thought, Jerlooked much happier But the latter just snorted coldly and said, “As if | care.” Mike instantly understood. “Mr. Miller, you worked till so late last night, and you've had a killer day today, too.

You must be exhausted. Why don’t you head hand get srest?” Jerstretched his arms over his head. He was indeed rather tired.

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“Tell Amy to brewscoffee.” “Yes, Mr. Miller.” Chapter 23 By the tMikayla returned to Dragoncrest Villa, it was almost 5:00 pm.

After Celeste left, she suddenly had the urge to get a new haircut.

Mikayla was in a great mood when she saw her new look in the mirror.

“Madam, Mr. Miller is home. He's in his study upstairs,” Amy told her as soon as she walked through the door.

What was Jerdoing at hat this hour? Did he chto hold her accountable for maxing out his credit card? Well, that would be perfect. While he was disgusted by her, she could bring up the topic of divorce again.

Mikayla handed her loot to Amy and headed upstairs.

The door to the study wasn’t shut, so she went straight in..

She was about to knock, but she realized Jerwas in the middle of a video call with someone on the sofa.

“Jerome, what's the meaning of this contract for the winning bid?” It was Kylie’s voice.

“It’s a project that your father has always wanted. | asked Mike to win it for him.” “Jerome, you've already helped my family out a lot. Don’t worry about these things anymore. My father and | will take care of it,” Kylie said, sounding touched.

In order to win the heart of his paramour, her husband had sent his future father-in-law a contract. The paramour was moved to tears, and the two of them were about to start pouring their hearts out to one another.

As the actual wife, what should she do to handle this in an elegant, dignified manner? In the end, Mikayla chose to turn around and leave.

Before she went downstairs, she faintly heard Jersay in a gentle tone, “I promised.

you before that | would...” Jergave his wife his credit card and his paramour the contract to a project. He truly knew how to cover all the bases.

When she went downstairs, she found Amy organizing her haul.

Chaofei 23 “Madam, I've put the jewels that the shop attendant brought over this afternoon in the closet. Should | put these there, too?” “Sure.” Suddenly, something else popped into Mikayla’s head. “Gather all the clothes in the first wardrobe in the closet and donate them.” “Donate them?” Amy was caught off-guard. “Aren’t those your favorite clothes, Madam? Back then, whenever Jerchome, Mikayla would happily change into one of her favorite dresses and do her makeup.

If Jerlooked at her more than usual, she would be on cloud nine for half a day and buy even more similar styles.

Now, she was saying she wanted to donate them? Mikayla could tell what Amy was thinking. She forced a smile and said, “It's disheartening to keep things that don’t suit me. I'd rather donate them to someone who needs it.’ She had picked all of those based on Jerome's preferences.

More accurately, she’d copied Kylie’s style.

She had thought that that would make Jerlook at her more often. How foolish and pathetic of her.

“Amy, don’t wait forfor dinner. I'm going to practice driving.” With that, she went to the garage.

After Jerfinished a pot of coffee and sorted through his emails, he realized it was almost dinnertime. Thus, he left his study.

He didn’t see any trace of Mikayla in the bedroom, but there seemed to be rustling coming from the closet.

When Jerwalked over, he found Amy packing away the clothes in the wardrobe.

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“What are you doing here at this time?” “I'm sorry, sir. I'll go prepare dinner at once,” Amy answered nervously. “Mrs. Miller said that she wanted to donate these clothes, and | lost track of twhile packing them Cluster 23 up.” “Donate these?” “Yes,” Amy replied honestly, “Mrs. Miller said she didn’t want to keep things that didn’t suit her.” Jerhad already gotten used to Mikayla’s impulsive decisions.

He glanced at the clothes, shoes, and bags that were still in their original packaging. They were all women’s brands.

“Mrs. Miller bought these today. | haven't had the tto put them away yet,” Amy explained in a rush.

“This is all of it?” Jerasked in a neutral tone.

Amy was a little confused, but she answered anyway. “Besides the jewelry that | had already put away, the rest are here.” Jerpursed his lips. “And where is she?” “Mrs. Miller said she wanted to practice driving.” Mikayla was driving her own Maserati today.

After the tailgating incident, she didn’t have the courage to drive on the road. Thus, she went to an empty lot behind the villa to practice.

Just as she started getting into it, she spotted a black car parked not too far away and Jerstanding next to it.

By this time, the sky was already dark. Only the streetlights illuminated the roads.

Jerlooked elegant as he stood next to his car in his suit, crossing his arms. The glow. of the streetlight lengthened his shadow.

It looked like a still cut from a cinematic film.

Mikayla got distracted for a moment, and her right tire dropped into a pothole.

The pothole wasn’t that deep, but she couldn't drive out of it no matter how many times she stepped on the gas.

That was what she got for being infatuated with beauty! Her gaze lingered on him for just a few seconds, and her tire got stuck in a hole.

Fortunately, she wasn’t on the road. Or else she would have gotten into another accident. “Get down. I'll do it.”