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And The Daddy Is… The Infertile Guy?!

Chapter 61
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Chapter 61 Cliff stepped forward, gently but firmly prying the distressed woman away from the commotion. "Mrs. Chadwick, are you alright?" he asked with a respectful tone.

Mrs. Chadwick? Gwendolyn is Mrs. Chadwick? The crowd's eyes widened in shock, their gazes turning to her with a mix of awe and disbelief.

"Wait, they're married?" "How on Earth is Gwendolyn Mrs. Chadwick of the Chadwick family? And what if she decides to take revenge on us?" Polly's friends whispered amongst themselves, their voices trembling with fear.

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Howard, maneuvering his wheelchair closer, took Gwendolyn's cold hand and warned the onlookers, "She's my wife, not smistress. Anyone spreading lies will be hearing from our lawyers." Mamie's belongings clattered to the ground as she went limp with shock.

The Chadwick family was a nknown to all in Bayridge City, titans of finance and high society. And Gwendolyn had married Mr. Chadwick.

"Open your eyes and see clearly." Jeannie burst through the crowd, thermos in hand. "This is my sister-in-law. She and my brother are legally wed. For those of you who've been calling her a mistress, shon you." Her indignation was palpable as she shielded Gwendolyn.

"Jeannie," Gwendolyn called out softly, "I'm fine." "Don't be scared, Gwendolyn. I've seen that nasty post online, and it's all lies," Jeannie declared loudly, "You're all gossiping about Gwendolyn riding in fancy cars. Our family garage is full of them, and what's so strange about her using any one of them?" "You are so boring, and I'll be taking names, and you'll regret crossing us." Her fierce loyalty silenced the bystanders, who quickly scattered to avoid further wrath.

Polly bit her lip, her face ashen. She had inadvertently crossed the Chadwicks.

"I'm so sorry, Gwendolyn." "Please forgive us, Gwendolyn. It was all Polly and Mamie's doing. We never meant to target you. Polly said if we didn't listen to her, her uncle Mack would make our lives difficult at work." "Really, we're begging you. We need our jobs. Please don't hold this against us." Polly's cronies flipped sides, apologizing profusely.

Polly's expression darkened further as she glared at the crestfallen Mamie.

The middle-aged woman stammered in fear, "It was her who called you the other woman." "A bunch of spineless cowards." Jeannie held Gwendolyn's other hand and said, “Gwendolyn, you could decide how to handle this. We have your back." Polly's face lost even more color at the thought of Gwendolyn seeking retribution.

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Shivering, Polly urged, “Mamie, speak up. Didn't you say you knew Miss Chadwick? Please, plead our case.” Mack was a low-ranking official, and he wouldn't dare offend the Chadwicks.

Jeannie narrowed her eyes at the mention, "You know me? Who do you think you are?" she scoffed at Mamie, "And that bag? Looks like a knock-off to me." Humiliation washed over Mamie.

"So, it was all lies." Polly, livid, slapped Mamie across the face, “You shameless bitch!” Mamie clutched her cheek, swaying on her feet, her mind a whirlwind of panic. She wanted nothing more than to feign fainting and escape the ordeal.

"If you even dare pass out, I'll wake you up with my medical skills, m Gwendolyn's icy voice cut through the commotion, "And make sure you spend a lifetregretting it."

Mamie's face turned white, and then, with a thud, she dropped to herknees, "Gwendolyn, Xwas blinded by jealousy, and that's why I did all those stupid things. I'm so sorry." she wailed.