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And The Daddy Is… The Infertile Guy?!

Chapter 50
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Chapter 50 worst they out of Bayride Hospital. Sharing the sair with such people is an insult to me." Polly octane koudby making sure her voice carried down the sterile corridors to where Gwysolve court hear.

She's just a janitor. No way she'll pass the evaluation." Owendolyn took a deep breath and swallowed the hurt. They wanted her to give up, but she wouldn't and couldn't.

Clutchins a bottle of disinfectant and a mop from the supply closet, she headed to room 2103, careful not to startle any patients as she tapped lightly on the door.

Footsteps approached from inside, and the door swung open.

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There stood a face Gwendolyn recognized, Sanford, with a flash of surprise in his eyes. He glanced at her nametag. "Intern? "Hello" Gwendolyn greeted, holding the bucket, a hint of confusion flickering through her mind, "Mr. Hamilton" Her eyes darted to his badge, so young and already the Honorary Chairman of Bayridge. Hospital Sanford frowned, puzzled. Did interns in the Physical Therapy department really need to do such menial tasks? "Sanford, who is it?" A voice, elegant and composed, called from within.

"Just a doctor from the hospital. Grandmother, I have to get back to work." Sanford nodded at Gwendolyn and added. "She is quite particular." After he left. Gwendolyn tio-toed inside.

The grand old lady sat upright in bed, a refined figure despite her partial leg paralysis. Even in the hospital she wore a meticulously tailored dress and light makeup, flipping through a fashion magazine with poise. It was clear she had been a beauty of her time, pampered by a family of high standing.

Gwendolyn glanced at the nameplate by the bed, Eve Lopez.

So, this is the head honcho of the Lopez family. Talk about coincidence, Gwendolyn was just hearing about her family yesterday and now, here she is! Gwendolyn soaked the mop in disinfectant, ready to clean the floors.

Oth, dear. Mops never Without lifting her gaze from her magazine. Eve spoke leisurely, “Use a really get things clean. If you don't know how, get someone else to do it." Without a word, Gwendolyn switched to a cloth and began to scrub the tiles to a shine, just as 1051 Chabler Su she had done back in her rural hometown. The disinfectant was harsh, reddening the skin on her hands.

"I like things clean and bright, with sunlight streaming through the windows. This hospital gathers dust too easily. Clean the windows for me, and no streaks, or I'll have to complain." Eve turned another page, her voice remaining refined.

Gwendolyn finally understood what 'difficult' meant. Rubbing her aching back, she changed the " water and started on the windows.

Her phone buzzed in her pocket.

Eve's frown deepened, her tone chilling, "No noise. I abhor that buzzing sound. Hasn't Mack told you?" "My apologies." Gwendolyn silenced her phone and texted Howard a quick "At work," then refocused on the task at hand.

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Once the windows were spotless, she approached the bed.

"You have a check-up soon, and I'll take you there. After, I'll fetch your meal," Gwendolyn said, putting away her cleaning tools.

"I won't be having the check-up. The food here is dreadful. Order meal from Epicur ermean Delight," Eve demanded without looking up, her tone brimming with resistance.

Before Gwendolyn could respond, Eve was already making another request, "Can st, "Can you make coffee? My daughter broughta coffee machine. I want it with extra milk and sugar." "Coffee isn't advisable with your condition. It's too stimulating." Gwendolyn said, her medical responsibility overriding her duties as an intern.

"You're a bossy one, aren't you?" Eve tossed her magazine aside, I e, but as she looked up and caught sight of Gwendolyn's face, she paused, surprised. "Whose child are you?" she asked, her voice suddenly softening with curiosity.