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And The Daddy Is… The Infertile Guy?!

Chapter 283
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Chapter 283 He wanted to he let her guard down, to give him all of her.

Howard harbored that all-too-human male haw-s possessive streak that craved her undivided attention.

Gwendolyn, after years of reserved behavior was not adept at voicing her affections. She'd tirelessly work behind the scenes for him, yet found it challenging to utter the words "I love you" No matter how hard Howard tried, he couldn't pry those words from her lips.

In what seemed like punishment, he bit her lip with a ferocity that belled his usual warmth.

His eyes, typically stem and shadowed, now brimmed with softness. Tve been in meetings all day he confessed, "thinking of you the entire tA light flickered in Gwendolyn's pretty eyes as the comers of her lips curved ever so sligh Perched on the edge of her desk, her legs dangling, a wave of tendemess shone from her gaze.

"There's something. I need to tell you" she said, her voice tinged with uncertainty, fearing his judgment.

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"What is it? "Mr. Chadwick, I've resigned from the hospital. Her pride compelled her to add, "I have ssavings. I won't be loafing around the house." Inwardly, she felt infenor, dreading his disappointment.

"That's good" "Really? Her eyes searched his for clarity.

"We'll talk at home" Howard studied her, gently wiping away the smeared lipstick from her mouth. “I ruined your makeup." Subconsciously, Gwendolyn pressed her lips together, blending the remaining color.

Hand in hand, they left the office.

In the comidor, Quentin stood fidgeting, bending slightly as a sign of respect. "Mr. Chadwick, the documents you requested.

He had glimpsed their intimate moment upon entering the office and had swiftly retreated. Now he wondered if his next errand might involve picking up protections.

Thankfully. Howard wasn't so reckless as to lose control in the office "Mm-hmm:"Howard took the file without emotion.

Gwendolyn peered curiously at the mysterious papers.

Without further discussion, Howard led her home. The journey was silent, save for his focus on a laptop, confirming business matters, while Gwendolyn remained silent, her desire to speak warring with hesitation.

Her eyes followed him adoringly Howard's attention was consumed by his phone, the continuous calls and video conferences. Had she not been there, he might have worked late into the night.

Gwendolyn toyed with her fingers, sneaking glances at him, lost in thought, Eventually, the car stopped in front of their house.

Cliff had already stepped out, leaving them alone.

Closing his laptop, Howard turned to her. "What did you want to discuss?" He hadn't missed her subtle actions, but his hands were tied. The Capital's Turner family had meticulous demands, nitpicking over trivial details.

Even Nathan joked that they must have offended the Turners deeply, either desecrating their ancestral grave or eloping with their spouse A lump formed in Gwendolyn's throat, and her head moved in a denial. Those humiliating ruminations were beyond her power to voice OLL "Let's go inside then," he said.

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"Okay" Gwendolyn, dazed, followed him into the living room like a puppet on strings.

Her mind was a whirlwind of questions. Would Manna see what was in the studio? Did Howard's words from the moming still hold true? What did he mean? Was it as she hoped? Joy, fear and anticipation consumed her, Would they truly ctogether tonight? What preparations should she make?

Upon entering the living room, Marina I've greeted them with a smile. "Gooch evening, Mr. and Mrs. Chadwick I tidied up the studio. It's chilly at night take care of yourselves." Gwendolyn's cheeks flared.

It was all within Marina's line of sight - the ripped clothing, the suggestive paintings.

"Si I've framed that piece; it's quite impressive. Mrs. Chadwick's medical books are also moved to the studio. Now, everything's convenient for when you paint or read, Marina commented with a twinkle in her eye.

"When's dinner, Marina? Howard asked, deftly changing the subject to spare Gwendolyn her embarrassment.