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Alpha’s Regret Pregnant Rejected Luna

Chatper 134
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Chapter 134

Axel’s footsteps echoed through the silent warehouse as he returned, fueled by a mixture of determination and

dread. Gabriel, bound to the chair, squirmed nervously.

Axel’s piercing gaze scrutinized the man before him, searching for any flicker of guilt or hidden knowledge.”I've

told you everything!” Gabriel yelled, desperation evident in his voice. Axel’s instincts, however, whispered



Determined to unearth any possible clues.

Using his flash light, he searched through the car. As minutes stretched, search, Axel found himself surrounded

by nothing outstanding, just dirt. Just as he was about to abandon the fruitless endeavor, a glimmering object on

the car floor seized his attention.

His whole body becrigid when he recognized it. Jasmine’s bracelet, the very first they had met. He had

discarded it and dug through the trash for this very one. When he returned it, she clutched it like it was her

lifeline. The old jewelry still had his chain wrapped around it. He would see her stroke it lovingly several times.

“Jasmine,” Axel whispered, holding the bracelet close to his chest, an unsettling shudder coursing through him.

How did Jasmine’s possession end up in this car? Determined to find answers, Axel returned to the warehouse,

the door slamming open with a resounding bang.

Gabriel, still restrained in the chair, bellowed defensively, “What do you want from me? | already told you


“Where is Jasmine?” Axel demanded, his tone sharp and piercing.

“What? Who? I don’t know who that is,” Gabriel stammered, beads of sweat forming on his forehead as his heart

rate quickened.

“You took her!” Axel’s accusation thundered through the warehouse as he forcefully rammed into the chair

holding Gabriel.

“Wait!” Gabriel pleaded, bracing himself for an impact that never came. The sudden sensation of liquid dousing

over him left him reeling. Axel, unfazed, calmly emptied a gallon of gasoline, the acrid smell making Gabriel's

fear nearly uncontrollable.

“Gasoline,” Axel declared, stepping back, a lighter in hand. The room teetered on the edge of a fiery revelation.

“Wait! Wait!” Gabriel cried in desperation. “It was Bella! It was all Bella!” He erupted into a frenzied confession.

“The girl had something on Bella, and she wanted her gone. Bella instructedto get rid of her. Please! | was

only following instructions.”

Chapter 134

Axel’s eyes bore into Gabriel, torn between the urge for vengeance and the need for


“What did you do to her?” he demanded, grappling with the storm of emotions within him. “Where is she?” The

intensity of Axel’s yell reverberated through the space.

“I...I drugged her and threw her over the main bridge. | watched her sink to death,” Gabriel admitted, his own

revelation casting a grim shadow over his own fate.


“She’s dead?” Axel whispered, his senses momentarily numbed. As reality crashed back,. Axel stag gered back,

chest tightening, each breath becoming a struggle.

“I shouldn't have left her that night,” he cried, the weight of guilt and sorrow settling on his shoulders. “I should

have stayed. You killed her?!” Axel’s voice dropped to a pained whisper, his anguish etched on his contorted


“Bella,” he groaned, cursing the source of their torment. Ethan should have ended her, he thought, fuming with


With measured steps, Axel exited the room, leaving Gabriel behind. As the door swung shut, Axel tossed the

lighter backward.

“No, wait!” Gabriel's desperate cries echoed into the emptiness. “Wait!” His pleadings escalated into a

cacophony of agonized screams as flames engulfed him completely.

“Where are Bella and Ethan?” Axel demanded the moment he stormed back into the villa.

“They left a while ago. Sir was in a fit of rage, and he took her. | fear he might kill her,” Anna anxiously reported.

“Where did they go?” Axel inquired, urgency etched on his face.

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With swift determination, Axel raced towards the location, knowing all too well where the confrontation might

unfold. Thoughts of ending Bella's life consumed him, and he hoped Ethan hadn't acted on that impulse yet. A

slow, agonizing demise seemed fitting for someone as malevolent as she turned out to be.

As he approached the building, just before emerging from the car, Axel spotted Bella and an unidentified man

exiting. The man was supporting Bella’s weakened form. Ethan was conspicuously absent, adding an air of

mystery to the scene. This was the woman responsible for Jasmine’s death, and Axel’s hands tightened on the

steering wheel as he patiently waited for the opportune moment. The two figures were heading towards a parked


Fueled by a surge of anger, Axel drove forward with remarkable speed, catching them off guard. With his

headlights off, he blended into the darkness, a hidden force ready to

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Chapter 134

strike. They were oblivious to the impending danger, focused solely on reaching their vehicle.

Unbeknownst to them, Axel’s high land jeep barreled into their path, sending their bodies sprawling. The impact

was forceful, sending both their bodies flying. Axel emerged from the car, breathless but fueled by a sense of

satisfaction. Bella lay face down, and the man’s neck was contorted in an unnatural manner.

Kneeling beside Bella, Axel examined her. He could detect a faint pulse; she was alive but unconscious. Good. He

wanted her alive. An easy death was the last thing he would grant her.

Satisfied with the outcome, Axel turned his attention to the building to find Ethan.


Jasmine tossed and groaned uncomfortably, trying to shake off the nightmares. Her eyes opened slowly,

adjusting to the unfamiliar, dimly lit room. She sat up groggily, recalling the sensation of drowning before

slipping into unconsciousness. Surprisingly, she was alive, her clothes dry, and her body wrapped in bandages.

“You're awake,” a calm voice interrupted her thoughts. Jasmine glanced up to meet Derrick’s gaze. A small gasp

escaped her lips as she was momentarily startled. Derrick looked away

“Who are you?” She asked in a whisper.

“Nobody.” Chis reply.

The two sat in awkward silence.

Derrick looking away, Jasmine studying him.

“Does anywhere hurt?” he asked her.

She shook her head. The bed next to her creaked, and her eyes widened in recognition.

“Liam?” she whispered, finding the boy peacefully sleeping.

“Why is he here?” she asked, looking back to the man. Derrick was silent. The two of them sat quietly in the


“Did you lose something?” he asked, noticing how her fingers kept tracing around her wrist continually.

“My necklace-bracelet,” she admitted.

“I didn’t find anything like that,” he replied. She nodded with a sigh. The room was

Chapter 134

completely quiet, only filled with Liam’s heavy breathing.

In the quietude, Jasmine observed the man before her - broken skin, a scarred existence. Yet, there was

something in his eyes, especially when he looked at Liam. Emotions ran through him, displayed vividly in his


“Why did you take him, Liam?” she asked curiously.

“I might kill him,” Derrick muttered.

“You won't,” she replied confidently. He scoffed, questioning her certainty.

“I just know it,” she asserted. Derrick found her words amusing.

“You're not a bad person. Hurt doesn’t mean you're evil,” she stated.

Derrick laughed bitterly, “You have no idea the number of people I've killed.”

“Was it for a reason?” she whispered

“I'm not a good person. Don’t mistake the action ofsaving your life,” he warned, his voice turning h o ars e.

Jasmine probed further, inquiring about the people he killed.

“Were they bad people, right?” she asked curiously.

“I killed my friend, and I'll end another one real soon,” he admitted.

‘Why am | telling you these things?’ He wondered.

“His mom would be looking for him,” Jasmine pointed out, looking at the peacefully sleeping child Hazel’s son.

Derrick averted his gaze. Hazel had been dragged into all of this mess.

“They'll be fine. They're wolves; they'll find him. His father would cfor him, very soon at that,” he muttered,

glancing at the sleeping child.

“I need to go,” she whispered.

“Axel would be looking for me. He said he would makedinner,” she said.

“Axel,” Derrick muttered.

“So, you are Axel’s little girlfriend.”

Jasmine blushed,

“No, I'm not.”

“Thank you.” She said suddenly taking him aback.

Chapter 134

“That man who tookwould have killedfor sure; he tried to kill me. | would have died if you hadn't found

me,” she admitted.

Derrick stared at her wordlessly.

“It all boils down to me.” He muttered.

“What?” She asked looking up at him.

“| started everything. Now I've gone too far to even cback.”

Everything started from hating Ethan for taking his life. Then he despised him even more for taking his mate, he

watched Ethan live a miserable life after Bella cin, and for a while, it was satisfying. To see Ethan being

blind and played and gradually having everything ccrumpling down. Then Hazel’s kids calong, the

feeling of emptiness and dispair was becoming Even more overwhelming. The life he could have had, if he and

his family hadn't been so gullible that day.

“You can stop now.” Jasmine said looking at him.

He looked away

“I can’t.” He said decisively standing up to leave.

“Get ssleep.” He instructed her.

Everything was Ethan. This whole thing started out with Ethan and it would end with him.


“You're finally awake,” Axel mumbled, his eyes fixed on Ethan as consciousness returned.

“You were hit with skind of poisonous dart,” Axel informed him.

Ethan struggled to sit up, his body still reeling from the effects.

“Bella...” He muttered h o ars ely.

“I caught her,” Axel replied.

“Did she die?” Ethan asked coldly

“You didn’t kill her, right? | need her to suffer for a long time,” he added with a chilling determination.

“She’s being treated at the hospital; | rammed into your wife,” Axel spat angrily,

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Chapter 134

revealing the intensity of his anger towards Bella.

“I need to find Liam,” Ethan declared, a sense of urgency driving him to action.

“If anyone can find Liam, it's me,” he muttered, determination burning in his eyes.

“Derrick took him,” Ethan revealed.

“What did you say?” Axel asked, a furrow forming on his brow as he processed the information.

“Derrick’s dead; the whole place blew up and burnt, didn’t it?” Axel asked him.

Ethan was silent, that was the sthing he thought.

“What happened that night?” Axel inquired, his frustration evident.

“I don’t know,” Ethan sighed, a mixture of guilt and helplessness in his admission.

“How wouldn't you know? Sixteen-year-olds are hardly kids,” Axel fired back, frustration bubbling to the surface.

“All I know is, Derrick and his sister died there that night,” Ethan explained, revealing the haunting memories

that lingered.

“Probably his ghost kidnapped Liam,” Axel muttered angrily, a tinge of bitterness in his words.

“What's your problem?” Ethan snapped, the tension escalating between the two.

“My problem is that you're so da mn stu pid!” Axel erupted, venting the pent-up frustration.

“Bella lived with you for years, and you never found out just how evil she actually was. Sheartless witch

without a conscience. And now, now, Jasmine’s gone,” Axel’s voice wavered, a hint of grief seeping through.

“You're right,” Ethan admitted quietly, acknowledging the harsh truth.

“I don’t deserve to lead. Once this is over, I'm quitting everything,” he declared with a heavy sigh.

“That man Gabriel would know Derrick’s whereabouts,” Ethan suggested, shifting the focus to the next step.

“Too bad you can’t ask him; | killed him,” Axel admitted coldly, a dark revelation hanging in the air.


Chapter 134

“Burnt down your favorite warehouse as well,” he added, leaving the room. He couldn’t stand Ethan at that

moment and Even worse, he couldn't stand his own self.

Hazel stood calmly outside, her gaze fixed on the stars as she sought a connection with her wolf to find Liam.

Anxious yet surprisingly calm, she sensed that her son wasn’t in immediate danger, experiencing a rare peace.

Ethan approached her, determined to find their missing son. “I'll find him. If there's anyone who can, it's me.

Right?” he asked gently, seeking reassurance.

Hazel met his gaze, conflicted emotions reflected in her eyes. “I can connect with Liam and find him after all,

right?” Ethan pressed, a mixture of hope and uncertainty in his voice.

Her eyes widened in alarm. “They're my kids, Hazel, aren't they?” Ethan queried, his words laden with a gentle


“Ethan, I...” Hazel began, grappling with her own fears and hesitations.

“No, it's fine, Hazel. | messed up, several times. So many stup id mistakes,” Ethan admitted, a weight in his


“I can find him; it shouldn't be that hard, much easier in my wolf form,” he asserted, recalling a twhen Liam

had connected with and found him in a crowded mall.

Hazel’s teary eyes met his gaze, and she opened up about her silent struggles. “I couldn't tell

you. | was scared,” she confessed, laying bare her vulnerability.

“I know, | understand,” Ethan sighed, offering her comfort as he wiped away her tears. “I've been quite blind.”

Concern flickered in Hazel's eyes. “Can you actually shift? You don’t look Ethan,” she pointed out, worried about

his well-being. It would be very strenuous for

very healthy,


“I'll be just fine,” Ethan reassured her. A promise he wasn’t sure he could keep. He'd lost his wolf.