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A Healer’s Journey (Finnegan and Nuthana)

Chapter 45
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Chapter 45 Personally Send Me Out

As evening arrived, the purple glow of dusk enveloped Jadeborough.

“Are you still not going to provide an explanation, Finnegan?” asked Romona as she ate a big bowl of food she

brought into the interrogation room while her feet rested on the table.

As she chewed, she even intentionally asked, “You’re not hungry?”

Finnegan remained silent with closed eyes.

“I’m impressed, you know. The Miles family, the Haimowitz family, the Zimmerman family, the Langdon family, the

Wahlstrom family, the deputy governor, and many others called to plead for leniency on your behalf. Unfortunately

for you, I’m not easily pressured. As long as you refuse to provide an explanation, no one can bail you out. In fact,

the more those people try to get you out, the more convinced I am that you’ve done something bad!”

A subtle look of surprise flashed past Finnegan’s eyes as he opened them. So, the families weren’t as incompetent

as I thought. They did their best, but Romona didn’t relent. I wonder how she’s so resistant to the pressure they’re

applying on her when she’s just a police captain. It’s as though she isn’t afraid of offending anyone at all.

He asked, “You’re from Durbaine, aren’t you?”

Romona froze for a moment before the look in her eyes turned sharp. “Why are you asking. me that?”

While she did come from Durbaine, she rarely brought it up to facilitate her work. Only a few people in Jadeborough

were aware of that fact.

Based on her reaction, Finnegan knew his guess was correct. I bet she’s the child of a prominent figure, which

would explain why she’s capable of resisting an absurd amount of pressure.

Thus, he smiled. “I didn’t expect you to be such a tough nut to crack. I suppose I’ll have to save myself.”

“Save yourself? If even the deputy governor can’t persuade me, who do you think can get me to release you?”

replied Romona smugly.

Smirking, he stretched his hand toward her. “Can you hand me my phone?” To avoid her. from denying his request,

he added, “You can’t restrict my freedom since I’m only here to ‘assist the investigation.”

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Upon hearing that, she did as he asked. “I’m still going to keep you here, even if you can summon a god.”



Without delay, Finnegan dialed a number after obtaining his phone.

It rang for three seconds before the agitated voice of a middle-aged man was heard on the other end. “Dr. Larkin!”

“I’m in a bit of trouble. The Jadeborough police captain, Romona Quickwood, has detained me, and I’m hungry

because I haven’t had lunch yet. I hope she’ll personally send me out in ten minutes.” When Finnegan ended his

sentence, he hung up and placed the phone on the


Romona mocked, “Still acting, eh? No matter what, I’m not releasing you! Keep dreaming!”

Then she intentionally chewed on her food unnecessarily loudly to provoke Finnegan.

However, from his perspective, she was just acting very childishly.

Thus, he shut his eyes tight and ignored her again.

Roughly seven minutes later, just as Romona finished her meal and was about to interrogate. Finnegan again, her

phone rang. Her expression shifted when she saw the name on the phone. Swiftly, she pressed the device on her

car and stood. “Uncle Reynard!”

The person on the other end spoke to her briefly before her expression changed. Confusion surfaced on her

countenance before it transformed into shock.

When the call ended, Romona stared at Finnegan with a complicated look. “Who are you? Why is General Reynard

also asking me to release you?”

The person on the other end of the call was Reynard Palmer, an officer of an important organization in Loang,

Regulus Pavilion.

It was one of the five most influential entities in Loang’s military.

Romona couldn’t understand why someone as distinguished as Reynard would persuade her to release Finnegan.

Smiling, Finnegan raised his cuffed hands. “Didn’t he tell you not to ask questions and do as he says, Captain

Quickwood? Although I must admit, I’m surprised that Rey personally contacted you. No wonder you were able to

detain me for hours.”

Of course, she didn’t want to let him walk free just like that.

Nevertheless, she didn’t have the guts to disobey Reynard, who commanded her in a steely tone. She gritted her

teeth and reluctantly uncuffed Finnegan. “Get out of here.”

As Finnegan stood and stretched his body, he uttered, “I believe I said you’d have to be the one to send me out. Did

you forget about it?”



“You… Fine, let’s go!” As furious as Romona was, she still opened the door for him.

Her grim expression amused him as he remarked, “Interesting!”

He strolled out of the interrogation room as she stared daggers at him while following him sullenly.

“Finnegan!” Bernice exclaimed just as she saw Finnegan ambling into the lobby after entering the building with a

middle-aged man and an old man.

She was supporting the old man but left him upon seeing Finnegan.

Smiling at her warmly, Finnegan reassured. “I’m fine. Sorry for making you worry.” Then he turned to the old man.

“Hello, Old Mr. Zimmerman.”

He recognized the old man as Bruce Zimmerman, the founder of Firebird Group and Bernice’s grandfather.

Finnegan often saw the man on television. Hence, it was natural that he recognized the elder.

Bruce, who came at Bernice’s insistence, eyed Finnegan before turning to the middle-aged man. “Sorry to have

troubled you, Mr. Hawthorne.”

Luther was stunned to see Finnegan. I only promised Bruce that I would check out the situation because I didn’t

expect Romona would release Finnegan. Otherwise, I would’ve already agreed to Gilbert’s request. Why did she let

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him go?

Turning his head, Finnegan glanced at the morose Romona. “I’ll be taking my leave now, Captain Quickwood.”

In response, she gritted her teeth and sneered.

Smirking, Finnegan bade Luther goodbye before leaving with Bernice and Bruce,

As Romona watched Finnegan leave under her permission, she shouted, “I want someone to accompany me to

meet Tristan now!” He’s the only one who can right this wrong!

Luther wanted to stop her, but the moment he saw the rage on her face, he elected not to.

Meanwhile, in Durbaine, a middle-aged, three-star general in military uniform hurriedly entered a heavily guarded

but small courtyard. “I’ve obtained Mischievous Doctor’s whereabouts. He’s in Jadeborough right now. Old Mr.

Samson is saved!”

Someone from inside the building darted toward him. The man was the same age as the general but appeared

much more educated.

Panickily, he asked, “Dr. Larkin is in Jadeborough? Can you ask him to come to Durbaine and



treat my father as soon as possible?”

A troubled look surfaced on Reynard’s countenance. “I’m afraid that won’t be doable. While he’s Eternal Medicine

God’s apprentice, his approach is somewhat malicious. He’s very different from his teacher.”

Then he informed the educated-looking man of Finnegan’s ten non-treatment rules.

After that, he continued, “So, I think we should visit him instead. Otherwise, if we piss him off, he’ll refuse to treat

your father.”

The expression of the educated-looking man shifted before he turned to an old man. “Can my father survive a long

trip, Dr. Cooper?”

The old man replied, “He needs a few more days to get better before making the trip. Impeccable protective

measures must also be taken to prevent his condition from deteriorating during the journey.”

“In that case, we’ll wait a few more days before traveling to Jadeborough!”
