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The Amazing Son in Law The Charismatic Charlie Wade

Chapter 1266-1270
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The Amazing Son in Law Chapter 1266

Charlie Wade glanced at him contemptuously, and said disdainfully: “You can call me Young Master


David Carson was a little surprised, how old are these years, and there are people claiming to be sons?

Could it be those young masters with strong backgrounds?

In this way, it is really meeting the true god!

So, he was very excited and indulged: “Oh, hello, Master Wade! I am in the flour business here. There is

a flour mill in Aurouss Hilll. Maybe you have eaten our flour. Our flour brand is called Aristocratic Family.


Charlie Wade frowned and asked, “Aristocratic family, isn’t that the name of other TV series?”

David Carson said embarrassedly: “Don’t we also want to get some heat. People are gold powder, I am

flour, but it’s not bad.”

Charlie Wade snorted coldly and asked him: “Boss Carson, you married your daughter-in-law today. Why

didn’t you send a convoy to pick up the bride at the bride’s house?”

David Carson and his wife looked at each other with embarrassment, not knowing how to answer.

After a moment of silence, David Carson hurriedly said with a smile: “Oh, Young Master Wade, you don’t

know, we have already found a very impressive team, but something happened to that team temporarily,


“A temporary accident?” Charlie Wade frowned and asked, “Even if the wedding team has an accident,

do you not even have a car in your own home?”

David Carson looked sorry and said: “I’m really sorry Young Master Wade, I’m also in a mess for a while,

I didn’t care, I ignored Isabella, I’m sorry!”

After finishing speaking, he was very busy and promised: “Don’t worry, Master Wade, when Isabella

passes the door in the future, our family will definitely compensate her!”

When Steve on the side heard this, his heart was immediately overjoyed.

Originally, parents did not agree with their marriage to Isabella anyway, and even this morning they were

still complaining to themselves, even threatening themselves, even if Isabella passed the door, they

wouldn’t let her get better. Live.

Unexpectedly, now that Claire Wilson Wilson and her husband drove two luxury cars, father’s attitude

immediately changed so much!

Thinking of this, he was overjoyed, and he was a little more grateful to Charlie Wade and Claire Wilson


At this moment, Steve’s mother Leann pulled David aside and reprimanded in a low voice: “What are you

talking nonsense? Have you forgotten what we said before? Never let that woman in The door of our


David hurriedly said, “Have you not seen that Isabella has such a great friend?

If we neglect others, what if they blame him?”

“Blame it!” Leann said angrily, “I don’t care how old this kid surnamed Wade is, but I know one thing, this

kid surnamed Wade can’t give our family a penny. Our son will really marry. Isabella passed the door,

and the surname Wade couldn’t help us, so why should we give him face like this? Is it because Isabella

knew him, and we were willing to let Isabella be our daughter-in-law? “

David couldn’t help asking: “Then what do you mean? Now that everyone is here, can our wedding


“Of course we can’t continue!” Leann scolded annoyedly: “The family surnamed Stark didn’t know if their

brains were broken. We humiliated them so much. They even let Isabella marry. It’s really a mischief!”

She said, busy again: “You will talk less later and look at me. I will definitely not let this Isabella enter the

door of Carson’s house today!”

The Amazing Son in Law Chapter 1267

Leann is a typical egoist.

Anything, she only considers one thing, and that is whether it can bring benefits to herself.

If it can bring benefits to herself, even if it is a garbage picker on the side of the road, she will greet her

with a smile and make a full gesture;

But if she can’t bring her own benefits, even if he is the Mr. President of the United States, she won’t

bother to pay attention.

So even if Charlie Wade and his wife drove a luxury car worth more than 100 million Dollar to send off to

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Isabella, Leann still did not change his opinion of Isabella.

She knows that these things of face are imaginary, and only the benefits that can be obtained are real.

What if Isabella knows rich friends? Can this money give me a point? Can she take care of our

business? Can she take our house to the next level?

If I can, then I will naturally treat you with a nice face, and even offer you as an aunt, there is no problem.

But if you can’t, you still won’t be able to enter the gate of my Carson’s house today.

The reason for putting up this banquet and this battle was that she didn’t want to directly oppose the

marriage and make her son hate herself.

Therefore, she agreed to hold the wedding first, and then looked for various ways to find faults, satire,

and sarcasm, forcing Isabella to give up actively. , The son can’t blame himself. Now, I have plenty of

reasons to trouble Isabella. The biggest reason is, since today is the wedding, why didn’t her parents


So she walked up to Isabella and said coldly, “Isabella, where are your parents? Why didn’t they come?”

Isabella hurriedly said: “Auntie, my parents, they…” As Isabella said, she couldn’t help but hesitate. In

fact, she knew very well in her heart that she was married today, but her parents did not show up. This is

indeed unreasonable. And now the future mother-in-law asked herself this question, she didn’t know how

to answer it.

Seeing Isabella not speaking, Leann yelled coldly: “Oh, Isabella, you are still big enough. I know a few

wealthy friends, but my future mother-in-law is not in my eyes? I will talk to you. You just ignore it, don’t

you?” Isabella hurriedly waved his hand and explained respectfully: “Auntie, it is true that my parents are

a little unhappy, so they may not be here today. Please forgive me!” “Oh, hello!” Leann said angrily: “You

can’t look down on our house if you are together, do you? Your parents are really interesting.

They don’t even show up when they get married and get married. Look at Aurouss Hilll. Do your parents

do things like this? If this is going to be spread, where can we put the face of our Carson family?”

Isabella’s eyes were red, and she hurriedly apologized and said, “I’m sorry, my parents’ situation is really

special. They have been unhappy because of the bride price. They were not very happy when I went out

this morning, so Please forgive me…” “Unwilling?”

Leann twisted her eyebrows when she heard this, and suddenly shouted: “It’s really unreasonable, what

are the conditions in your family? What are the conditions in our family? She is married to our family,

your parents. Not happy yet? Why? Can’t you look at our house? If you don’t look at our house, then

simply stop you and don’t let you marry over!”

The Amazing Son in Law Chapter 1268

Hearing Leann’s words, Isabella’s tears suddenly flowed out. When Steve saw his fiancée and was so

humiliated by his mother, he was a little bit overwhelmed. He hurriedly said: “Mom! Marrying Isabella is

the life of the two of us. As long as the two of us can live well, we don’t want to care. There are so many.

So don’t worry about it too much. It’s not too early. Can you just prepare for the wedding?”

“That won’t work!” Leann looked at Isabella with disgust, and said contemptuously: “I am just mad in my

heart. Since I was beaten to marry your dad, I have never suffered such a grievance. Why did it seem

like we had climbed them up high? My dad and I were waiting here early in the morning. Our relatives

and friends also came early in the morning, but what about their home? Except for the bride , None of

the others came!

This is to look down on people and despise us after making it clear!” Isabella quickly waved his hand and

explained: “Auntie, you really misunderstood. My parents really didn’t mean to look down on you. They

were just a little angry, so they didn’t come.” Leann shouted coldly: “It’s useless to talk so much to me.

Getting married is an important matter in life. You are not an orphan without a father or mother.

How can you attend the wedding by yourself? I grew up so much and I have never heard of my parents.

Those who are still alive but do not come to the wedding will not only lose face when it spreads out, but it

is also not lucky in itself.” Speaking of this, Leann gritted her teeth and said: “Isabella, I’ll leave it here

today. If your parents don’t come, I don’t think this marriage needs to be married!” As soon as these

words came out, Isabella almost collapsed.

She finally relied on the help of Claire Wilson Wilson and Charlie Wade to escape her parents’

obstruction and came to the wedding. I thought that it would be worthwhile to marry Steve even if I

turned my face with my family. I didn’t expect that after I came, I realized that my husband’s family still

had so many difficulties waiting for me.

Claire Wilson Wilson couldn’t see it at this time, and she said angrily: “Auntie, do you know how much

Isabella has suffered and how much price he has paid for this engagement?” Leann raised her eyebrows

and looked at Claire Wilson Wilson, and said, “This girl, I don’t know you, so I don’t want to offend you,

but there are some things, we have to make sense. I married my daughter-in-law today and invited so

many relatives.

Friends came to join in, but the wife’s house didn’t even go out alone. Have you ever seen anyone doing

things like this?” Claire Wilson Wilson hurriedly said, “Isn’t this a special situation? Isabella’s parents

really have a lot of opinions on this matter. Isabella also made a lot of determination to turn his face with

his family and marry Steve.”

Leann curled her lips: “Oh, our family can’t afford it. Let me tell you, when you get married, you must

follow the old rules. If the bride’s parents don’t come, the marriage will not end. The king of heaven and I

will come and talk to me. It’s useless to say.” Claire Wilson Wilson said angrily: “How can you do this?”

Charlie Wade stopped Claire Wilson Wilson at this time, looked at Leann and asked with a smile: “Okay,

I don’t think you should spend so much effort here to find various reasons. Everyone is an adult, so just

say it straight. How can you agree to hold the wedding as usual when Isabella’s parents are not here?”

Leann smiled and said: “It’s very simple. Our family is looking for a daughter-in-law. It is the right thing to


But Isabella and her family are so poor. I can bear it for the happiness of my son. Her parents can’t look

down on people so much. I forbeared them, but at this time, they shook my face with me? In that case,

let’s just do business. How can we say that our family is a wealthy family with a net worth of tens of

millions. If Isabella wants to marry us Come, you must bring a dowry of at least 10 million, otherwise it

will be skipped.”

As soon as Isabella heard this, the good temper that he had tolerated for a long time was almost wiped

out by the other party. She didn’t expect that Leann, who had always been a troublemaker between

herself and Steve, would even bite back at this time, pushing all the responsibility to her own family.

So she couldn’t hide her anger and said, “Aunt Leann, if you had said that you didn’t want to let me pass,

then I would be begging you for nothing, but you said that you promised me to have a wedding with

Steve. What does it mean to obstruct in every way?”

The Amazing Son in Law Chapter 1269

Leann herself disagrees with her son marrying Isabella. But the reason why he agreed to hold this

wedding was to take his responsibilities as cleanly as possible. Therefore, Isabella made his family

faceless today and made himself unable to lift his head in front of relatives and friends. With this alone,

he can stand on the moral high ground and refuse her to marry into the grandson family.

This is also the representative of the smart parents in daily life. When wise parents and their children

have some kind of dispute, they often try not to confess to themselves. If the decision is to resolutely and

undoubtedly reject the child, if the child fails to pass this hurdle in the future, he will definitely blame

himself, and even hate himself.

But in another way, the effect is naturally much better. Now that he is on the moral high ground, even if

his son Steve is dissatisfied, he can’t express it. Because he has been put off by himself now. If he is still

desperate to defend Isabella at this time, then he is against the entire Carson family. Isabella’s parents

did not come, and all the people on the scene surnamed Carson felt offended.

Steve, absolutely couldn’t bear it. Leann was right. At this time, Steve felt extremely uncomfortable. He

didn’t even know what to do. If you follow the mother’s words, then this marriage will definitely not be

completed. If he doesn’t speak, how can Isabella bear the pressure that she refers to by herself? If you

are facing Isabella, doesn’t it mean you have slapped all your grandchildren in the face?

Seeing Isabella’s uncomfortable tears at this time, Claire Wilson Wilson felt very upset, but in this case,

she didn’t know what to say. No matter how many difficulties are behind this matter, Isabella’s parents did

not come to her wedding. This is indeed a great deal of others’ grasp. If the game cannot be reversed,

then the marriage, it is estimated that it really will not be completed.

The atmosphere at the scene suddenly became extremely embarrassing. Charlie Wade, who had seen

everything through, didn’t say a word at this time, just watched Leann’s performance coldly, and had

already figured out the countermeasures to punish this woman.

At this moment, a black BMW x6 drove over.

The car stopped, and a woman in her 50s walked out of the cab.

When Leann saw this woman, she greeted her with surprise, and said, “Jemma, why are you here?”

The one named Jemma Simmons is a close friend of Leann, who has a very good family situation and

has a good relationship with the Ward family.

Ward’s family runs several large supermarkets in the local area. Although they are not as good as Wal-

Mart, they are still very marketable in the surrounding districts, counties and suburbs.

David’s Aristocratic Family Flour Mill has been selling locally in Aurouss Hilll.

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The Amazing Son in Law Chapter 1270

His flour has two relatively large sales channels, one is a large supermarket like Wal-Mart, and the other

is a medium-sized chain supermarket like Kroger.

The flour mill industry has relatively low technical content and fierce competition.

There are a lot of big grain and oil brands like Arowana and Fulinmen in China. Their brands are

relatively strong, so their products are selling very well.

In every city, there are at least a few local flour brands.

Therefore, a small brand like him can only have a certain amount of sales locally, and is very dependent

on sales channels.

If the sales channels give him more display positions and buy more goods, he can make more money.

If the sales channel does not show him a place or purchase his goods, then all his flour will not be sold.

Several local grain and oil brands want to establish a good relationship with the Ward family, so that they

can get more resources and shares from the Ward family, and can greatly increase their sales and


Therefore, whether it is David or Leann, they have been sharpening their heads, wanting to fawn on this


This is why Leann especially hopes that his son, Steve, can come together with the daughter of the Ward


If you marry the daughter of the Ward family and become your own daughter-in-law, will your family’s

flour still be sold?

Maybe it doubles in one year and triples in two years.

At this time, this sister Gemma looked at Leann with a bit of displeased expression, and said angrily:

“Leann, you don’t regard me as a friend too much. Your son is going to get married. You don’t tell me. I

helped your son get on the line with Mr. Ward’s daughter, aren’t you cheating me?”

As soon as Leann heard this, she hurriedly pulled Sister Gemma aside and said in a low voice, “Oh my

sister, this is a long story.

Let me tell you this. It is impossible for my son to get married today.”

Sister Gemma said angrily, “Who are you lie to? Your banquet is about to start, and you are sloppy with


Leann hurriedly explained: “My sister, let me tell you the truth. My son was blind before. He was looking

for a girl from a poor family. This girl has to be poor and poor. I wanted to marry into my house. In order

to achieve my goal, she was pregnant with my son’s child.

I did this today because I wanted to embarrass her and make her give up.”

Sister Gemma asked: “What if this girl doesn’t give up?”

Leann sneered: “Anyway, it’s impossible for me to let him into our house. If she doesn’t give up, just let

her go. It has nothing to do with our house.”

Sister Gemma’s expression eased, and she nodded and said, “I’m looking for you to talk about the Ward


“What’s the matter?” Leann got excited, and hurriedly asked: “What did Mr. Ward say over there?”

Sister Gemma whispered: “Didn’t I tell you that Mr. Ward’s daughter has returned from abroad? I also

talked about a black boyfriend before.”

“Yes.” Leann nodded: “Didn’t you say that you have broken up with that black man?”

Gemma sighed: “The breakup is a breakup, but it was just found out two days ago that this girl is


Leann said dumbfounded: “Huh? Pregnant? Is that black man?”

Gemma said helplessly: “Yes! The point is that this girl is very awkward. She has to give birth to this

child. You said Mr. Ward is just this daughter. If this daughter is unmarried and gave birth to a child, then

his face Where do you put it?”

“Indeed…” Leann smacked his lips and said, “This thing is really a bit difficult.”

Sister Gemma looked at Leann with deep meaning, and whispered: “Leann, there is a good thing now,

don’t blame my sister for not taking care of you.”

Leann hurriedly said, “Gemma, you say!”

Gemma said cautiously: “Ms. Ward’s wife told me in private that if your family is willing to marry her girl,

and at the same time wait for her girl to come out and be the father of this child, Mr. Ward is willing to

give 30 million dowry. In the future, half of the shelves in the flour area of his supermarket chain will be

exclusively for you!”