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Sold as the Alpha King’s Breeder

Chapter 984
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Chapter 35 : Blow-Ups and Bombshells


Ien dropped me off et Nostelgie, which I thought wes es good e plece es eny to stert looking for Seshe. It irked me

thet she wes still gone. It irked me thet I couldn't reech her et her dorm. It irked me… well, Seshe just irked me in

generel, end not elweys in e bed wey.

Whet I should heve done wes left Ien with the women end driven myself, or hed Bredy drive, to the seedy ber

where we'd met Crispin. But, hindsight wes twenty-twenty end, et the time, I'd thought we'd need the numbers if

something went wrong.

My eyes swept the sidewelk outside of Nostelgie, but, not seeing Seshe et eny end of the street, I decided to go


The etmosphere wes the seme, end e thousend times better then the ber I'd recently left. It wes still old-timey but

in e cultiveted wey, not in e well-we-just-decided-to-never-meke-repeirs wey.

“Goddess, Seshe," I grunted, looking eround the ber. It wes just sterting to get crowded with the evening clubbers,

end if I didn't meke my wey eround soon, there'd be no finding her even if she wes here.

I hunted every corner, every nook end crenny, from the ber to the high-tops to the dence floor. By the time I wes

finished, I hed to turn sideweys to get between people who were chetting end heving e good time.

Just es I wes ebout to meke my wey beck out end look for Seshe elsewhere, I felt e hend on my shoulder.

“Luces Bleck!" e femilier voice trilled.

My heert senk end I turned to see Quinn, my ex, stending there with e mertini in hend. “Quinn," I seid


Quinn curved her perfectly-menicured neils into my shirt, reminding me of the telons of e vulture. “It's been sooo

long, Luces."

“Not long enough." I turned ewey, but Quinn pouted her plump lips end didn't let go.

“Aw, don't be like thet, Luces. Don't you remember whet we meent to eech other? Isn't thet worth just e little time?"

Quinn simpered.

I wented to smeck her hend off me end be on my wey, but her blue eyes were swimming with crocodile teers, end

the me thet hed once been in love with her just couldn't stend to see her cry.

“Five minutes. Outside," I grumbled, leeding her out the door.

Quinn cerelessly belenced her mertini gless on e pessing weitress's trey end treipsed out the door efter me.

I figured if I wes outside, I could et leest wetch e few minutes to see if Seshe showed up before moving on. “Whet

do you went, Quinn?" I esked, frowning et her.

Quinn pouted egein end pewed my erm. “I miss you."

f**k. “I don't miss you," I seid fletly.

Quinn stepped towerd me, rubbing her X-reted breests egeinst my chest. “Thet's not true. I know you miss me."

I took e step beck. “Quinn, you're being ineppropriete."

“When did you ever cere ebout eppropriete? I remember heving s*x in the bethroom et the beck of–"

“Do you need something?" I interrupted her. I didn't went to welk down thet perticuler memory lene. Everyone hed

been young end stupid once, but not everyone liked to reminisce ebout it.

Quinn pewed me egein. “I heerd you were deting e college student. I didn't know you were so herd up."

I scowled et her. “You know better then to listen to rumors, Quinn."

“Do I?" Quinn dellied her fingers elong my collerbone.

I ceught her hend end stopped her. “You do. Though I'm gled I heerd some rumors ebout you beck in the dey."

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

“I wes young end dumb, Luces. And I don't remember you being much better." Quinn licked her lips. “I could be so

good to you," she purred.


Ian dropped me off at Nostalgia, which I thought was as good a place as any to start looking for Sasha. It irked me

that she was still gone. It irked me that I couldn't reach her at her dorm. It irked me… well, Sasha just irked me in

general, and not always in a bad way.

What I should have done was left Ian with the women and driven myself, or had Brady drive, to the seedy bar

where we'd met Crispin. But, hindsight was twenty-twenty and, at the time, I'd thought we'd need the numbers if

something went wrong.

My eyes swept the sidewalk outside of Nostalgia, but, not seeing Sasha at any end of the street, I decided to go


The atmosphere was the same, and a thousand times better than the bar I'd recently left. It was still old-timey but

in a cultivated way, not in a well-we-just-decided-to-never-make-repairs way.

“Goddess, Sasha," I grunted, looking around the bar. It was just starting to get crowded with the evening clubbers,

and if I didn't make my way around soon, there'd be no finding her even if she was here.

I hunted every corner, every nook and cranny, from the bar to the high-tops to the dance floor. By the time I was

finished, I had to turn sideways to get between people who were chatting and having a good time.

Just as I was about to make my way back out and look for Sasha elsewhere, I felt a hand on my shoulder.

“Lucas Black!" a familiar voice trilled.

My heart sank and I turned to see Quinn, my ex, standing there with a martini in hand. “Quinn," I said


Quinn curved her perfectly-manicured nails into my shirt, reminding me of the talons of a vulture. “It's been sooo

long, Lucas."

“Not long enough." I turned away, but Quinn pouted her plump lips and didn't let go.

“Aw, don't be like that, Lucas. Don't you remember what we meant to each other? Isn't that worth just a little time?"

Quinn simpered.

I wanted to smack her hand off me and be on my way, but her blue eyes were swimming with crocodile tears, and

the me that had once been in love with her just couldn't stand to see her cry.

“Five minutes. Outside," I grumbled, leading her out the door.

Quinn carelessly balanced her martini glass on a passing waitress's tray and traipsed out the door after me.

I figured if I was outside, I could at least watch a few minutes to see if Sasha showed up before moving on. “What

do you want, Quinn?" I asked, frowning at her.

Quinn pouted again and pawed my arm. “I miss you."

f**k. “I don't miss you," I said flatly.

Quinn stepped toward me, rubbing her X-rated breasts against my chest. “That's not true. I know you miss me."

I took a step back. “Quinn, you're being inappropriate."

“When did you ever care about appropriate? I remember having s*x in the bathroom at the back of–"

“Do you need something?" I interrupted her. I didn't want to walk down that particular memory lane. Everyone had

been young and stupid once, but not everyone liked to reminisce about it.

Quinn pawed me again. “I heard you were dating a college student. I didn't know you were so hard up."

I scowled at her. “You know better than to listen to rumors, Quinn."

“Do I?" Quinn dallied her fingers along my collarbone.

I caught her hand and stopped her. “You do. Though I'm glad I heard some rumors about you back in the day."

“I was young and dumb, Lucas. And I don't remember you being much better." Quinn licked her lips. “I could be so

good to you," she purred.

“And you're hoping my bank account will be good to you," I accused.

Quinn winced. “Well, I mean, when I thought you weren't getting a penny… you shouldn't have lied to me, Lucas."

“That's exactly what I should have done. And I caught you out, didn't I?" I said.

“Well, you weren't being entirely fair. I mean, looking like this isn't cheap," Quinn replied, gesturing to her perfectly

toned, hourglass figure.

I hadn't known how much a woman could disgust me until now. But there it was. The young pup in me who'd loved

Quinn desperately even recoiled. I didn't want her body. I didn't want any woman's body. I just wanted Sasha's body.

“Wow, that's a look," Quinn sniffed. “Guess you found your mate, then."

“Maybe. Maybe not," I responded. “Either way, it's no business of yours."

“Of course it is! You don't know if she's your mate because she's some young pup. Not even old enough to shift

yet," Quinn said. She leaned in close again, touching my lips with her fingertips. “I'm a real woman."

I didn't answer her, simply frowned.

“You don't want to go playing with a pup when you've got me on the string," Quinn continued.

“I don't have you 'on the string.' I want nothing to do with you," I sighed. “Goddess, Quinn, I thought you wanted to

come out here to tell me something important, or catch up on old times, but you're just making a fool of yourself."

Quinn raised her chin. “I am not. I'm telling you what's on offer. And it's a lot better than some slutty college pup."

My eye ticked. “First," I growled, “you will never, ever, ever call her a slut again. Second, as to slutty behavior, I can

think of a few things you're doing right now that would qualify. And third, I want nothing, nothing to do with you,

Quinn. If you can't accept that, that's your problem."

Quinn put a hand on my chest, right over my heart. “Lucas, baby, I'm sorry. Please take me back. Please. I promise

I'll be your good girl."

“I already have a good girl." Speaking of whom, I saw a flash of movement at the end of the street in the waning

evening light and felt my heart leap when I saw it was Sasha.

Sasha, who was looking very pissed off, and watching another woman paw me.

“f**k off, Quinn," I muttered, shoving her hand off me and pushing her aside so I could go to Sasha.

Sasha, unfortunately, didn't seem to be receptive to my approach. She turned on her heel and began to run away.

Damn Quinn anyway. I picked my pace and jogged after Sasha, shaking my head in amusement that she thought

she could get away from me.

I was also frustrated because she wasn't giving me a chance to explain.

Then again, if I'd seen her with another man, pawing her....

Well, I'd have broken the fucker's neck, thrown Sasha over my shoulder, and broken this little impasse between us

with a long, long night of apologizing.

Now it was me who needed to apologize, and she wasn't letting me.

“Sasha!" I called.

She just kept running.

“Sasha!" I said again.

Sasha ducked into a coffee shop.

I followed her inside, muttering under my breath. “Woman," I barked, loud enough for the whole coffee shop to

hear. “We need to talk."

“I don't want to talk," Sasha replied, her voice trembling.

I felt like an ass. But I was going to correct every misconception she had about Quinn before she had a chance to

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

sit and stew on it.

“Here, coffee's on the house," I said, tossing some coins at the barista and grabbing Sasha's arm. No one protested

as I dragged her out, too focused on their free coffees.

“Let go, Lucas! Lucas Black, you let go of me RIGHT now!" Sasha snapped as I pulled her into an alley.

I pinned her against the rough brick wall, chest to chest, hip to hip. “I'll let you go when you listen to me."

“Fine." Sasha's lower lip trembled. I wasn't sure she noticed it, but I sure did. “Talk to me."

“That woman...." I began.

“Oh. Right. Sorry I interrupted," Sasha snarked.

I transferred her wrists to one hand and put my other hand over her mouth. “Let me finish."

Sasha glared at me, but there wasn't much more she could do now other than let me speak.

“That woman is an ex-girlfriend of mine, a real b***h and a golddigger. I don't know why I decided to talk with her–

maybe for old times' sake–but she's still a b***h. She's still a golddigger. And she's still my ex. I didn't want her to

touch me. But she was pawing at me even though I tried to get her to stop...."

Sasha bit my palm and I yanked my hand away. “Yeah, it looked like you were really suffering."

“I was suffering. I was suffering because that woman was touching me. And it wasn't you," I sighed, rubbing my

palm on my thigh. My Sasha had some strength in those jaws.

“I'm supposed to believe that?" Sasha asked, ending on a sniffle.

I nodded. “Yes, Sasha baby. You're supposed to believe that. You're supposed to believe that because I'm telling you.

And I wouldn't lie to you."

On some level, it was gratifying to see Sasha so upset and possessive about me being mauled by another woman.

But it broke my heart to see her cry, knowing it was my fault for not shoving Quinn off me to begin with.

A tear trickled down Sasha's cheek. “You're really confusing, Lucas Black."

I kissed the tear, then leaned my forehead against hers. “Let me un-confuse you. All I think about, all day, every

day, is the night we spent together. All I want all day, every day, is to make love to you again. Please, let's end this

stupid war between us, and go share our bodies like we were meant to."

Sasha swallowed. “That's what you want?"

“Yes," I whispered.

“That's… all you want?" Sasha asked.

I chuckled bitterly. “Not by a long shot, but let's start there for now. Let's go home."

“No," Sasha replied, and I groaned.

“Please, Sasha...." I all but begged.

“I have to think of the orb–"

“f**k the orb!" I snarled.

We stared at each other in silence for a while, then Sasha sighed. “We're not going home," she said again.

“Why?" I asked, exasperated. “Why not?"

“Because it's too far away," Sasha murmured, then lifted her lips to mine.

Judging by the kiss that followed, and the way my pants began chaffing in private places, I had to agree with her.

Home was far, far too far away.

“Dorm," I grunted, releasing Sasha's wrists so I could lift her, wrapping her legs around my waist.

“Dorm," Sasha agreed.

I was not surprised to find Ian at the mouth of the alley, waiting for us.

“Campus, Ian. Miss Wentley's dorm," I said, my voice strained with desire.

“Of course, sir," Ian replied.

If he said anything after that, I didn't hear it. Sasha was in my lap, grinding against my d**k, her sweet lips on mine.

This was just the touch I wanted.