Chapter 1739
Antonio's voice boomed so suddenly that Jimmy jumped and quivered, uttering, "N-Nothing..." "Nothing?"
Antorepeated, glaring at him. "Then why are you blocking Mr. Larson's path?"
Being the smart person that Jimmy was, he knew that something was amiss when he heard the polite way
Antowas addressing Matthew. Losing the guts to say anything else, he stammered for a while but couldn't
make up a sentence.
Right then, Matthew smirked and said, "Old Master Barrera, it's not a big deal. Jimmy was merely askinghow
he should transfer that 80 million treatment fee. It's alright, Jimmy. Just transfer it to my accoun from before!"
Jimmy's eyes almost popped out of its sockets. "Wh-What 80 million?"
Meanwhile, Antokept nodding his head. "Yeah, that's only right." Patting Jimmy's shoulder, he added with a
Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇtlaugh, "Rascal, you did well by inviting Mr. Larson here. Forget the 80 million and transfer 100 million to him
instead. Do you hear me?"
Jimmy was close to tears; he had just made 50 million, but he had to fork out another 50 million?
However, judging from the way Antotreated Matthew, he didn't dare to make a sound and could only lower
his head helplessly in silent consent.
Moreover, it was Antowho personally made the request, so he didn't dare to disobey.
If he didn't pay up and Antoasked about it, he would be in deep trouble!
At the door, Antosuddenly turned around. "By the way, I'm leaving the house for a while. All of you, stay
inside and watch the house for me. None of you is allowed outside. You hear me?" Nobody had the guts to have
any questions, and they scurried into the house, not daring to take a step out.
Antodid this because he wanted to prevent others from finding out that Matthew was here. The issue this
tconcerned the life and death of the Barreras, so no one should hear a word about this. Taking Antowith
him, Matthew first went to meet up with Edmund before going to the abandoned factory in the suburbs, where
Victor and the others were taking a rest while Tyson kept watch. Since he had regained his rationale, he was the
strongest amongst these people now. Even if Macon showed up, he might not be Tyson's match, so it was safer
to have him guard this place. The second Antosaw Tyson, he stopped in stunned silence. He was a highly
respected senior within the Ten Greatest Families of Stonedale, and Tyson was considered as his junior. Back in
those days before Macon was in charge of the Rathbone Family, they were on good terms with the Barreras, and
Antowas close friends with Tyson. However, later when Tyson disappeared all of a sudden, the Rathbones
announced to the world that Tyson was murdered by a bad guy.
Because of this, Antohad been depressed for quite stime. At the sight of Tyson now, he felt his emotions
surging up inside him, and he almost burst out in tears.
Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm
Meanwhile, Tyson was especially excited to see him, too. Gripping each other's hands tightly, they did not
exchange a single word, but everything was explained.
At the stime, Victor and the others had cout, and Antowas shocked to see these people as they
were all influential figures in the Ten Greatest Families of Stonedale. Furthermore, they were familiar with him,
About the sage as Antonio, Victor practically grew up together with him, and their relationship during their
early years was quite good. Seeing his current state now, Antocould only sigh in regret. As for the others,
they were also very familiar with Antoeven though they were younger than him.
Looking at these people now, Antolamented, "I never imagined that | would see you guys again! Back then,
your inexplicable disappearances literally becthe unsolved mysteries of Stonedale, and not even in my
dreams could | dream that it's that beast, Macon Rathbone, that abducted all of you! Sigh. If | had known this, |
would've charged into the Rathbones' place with men to save all of you! How could Macon do such a thing? That