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The Luna Choosing Game by Jane Above Story

Chapter 118
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Chapter 0118

The King’s whole face went pale for a beat, and in the next, he became very red, like he might explode.

Julian let the lie linger for far longer than was comfortable, until the King seemed like he might choke to

death on it.

Then Julian laughed, and said, “Just kidding! Nicholas isn’t the father, sorry!”

He pulled me away then, quickly, before the King could recover.

The servant, concerned for his King, rushed to his side, leaving our escape open.

Out in the hallway, Julian pulled out of one royal room and into another. This one wasn’t quite so

elaborate, likely a prince’s personal chambers. Yet it seemed far too organized and clean to belong to


A television was on overtop of a sofa. I thought I heard Nicholas’s voice, but Julian spoke louder and

closer, straight in my ear.

“You cannot tell the King the truth about Elva’s birth or the story of your wolf.”

I blinked, surprised by his urgency. He’d switched from mischievous to deadly serious in an instant.

“I have reason to suspect that some of the royalty might be involved in the underground market. We

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can’t trust anyone. Not my brothers, not the Luna, and not the King.”

“Surely not Nicholas…” I refused to believe that he would have anything to do with what happened to


or Elva.

Julian rolled his eyes. “Of course not Nicholas. But we can’t tell him the truth of our investigation. So we

need to keep them all in the dark about everything ever.”

I couldn’t believe my ears. If the King was involved…

What could that possibly mean for the kingdom?

“Give me time. Until I find out who knows what and who is innocent, we cannot let anything slip

Got it?”

I nodded.

“Good.” He pushed a hand through his hair. “God, that was close. He was about to sick those guards



“.. Elva.” I needed to get to her, right away.

“Hold on.” Julian retrieved his plone. He dialed something, then brought the phone to my est

Prince Julian?” Mark sald, his voice stiffer than I was used to. “How may I assist you, Your Royal


“Mark, its Piper. Is Elva okay?”

Immediately, his voice softened for me. “She’s here and she’s fine. Why? is something happening?”

“It’s the King, I… Please don’t let anyone take her ”

“She’s safe with me, Piper. On my life. No one will harm this child.”

The way he emphasized, I could tell he knew what I was asking, and I could hear his reply loud and


I could have cried for it.

If the King himself comes through this door, I will still protect this child.

“Thank you, Mark. Thank you so much.”

“It is an honor, Miss.” He coughed. “Though I should tell you, it is also a direct order from Prince


I breathed in added relief. To have them both on my side, and now Julian too, gave me immeasurable

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But that left one question…

“Where is Prince Nicholas?”

“Piper,” Mark said. “Are you near a TV?”

Julian had wandered closer to where the television blared in the room. He waved me closer. As I did, 1

slowly lowered the phone to more clearly hear.

Nicholas was sitting on a white chair facing the camera, in a room not unlike the one we had given our

shared statement in

“Unfortunately, with that evidence, I can show you conclusively that I am not Elva’s father.” Nicholas


“Unfortunately? the producer prompted.

The child is a credit to her mother and her pack,” Nicholas said. “I would have been proud to have her

be mine. Alas. He let the word hang.

+15 BC

“You smart son of a bitch,” Julian said to the television. Any such compliment from Julian to Nicholas

was rare, even with an insult attached. I doubted very much he would have said it had Nicholas been in

this very room.

I gave Julian a confused look.