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The Luna Choosing Game by Jane Above Story

Chapter 105
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Chapter 0105

We waited a bit longer, until the horses were rested, then we began the slow ride back to the palace

“Just whose palace was that?” I tried asking, hoping he might surprise me with an actual response

“Someday we will have established great trust between us,” he said, evasive as ever.

I sighed.

He grinned at me. “You won’t believe me, but I’m only not telling you for your own protection. I need to

look into this further before I reveal too much.”

At times like these, I wished I had my phone, or any access to the internet, so I could just look it up. As

it was, I was at the mercy of whatever information Julian wanted to share.

As we neared the palace, Julian suggested we once

and he began to text with Brian.

more try to be sneaky. His phone service returned

Yet, the moment we walked our horses toward the paddock, a camera crew rushed toward us as if they

had been waiting for our return. Cameras pushed straight into our faces. The producers shouted out


“Prince Julian! Tell us about your secret rendezvous!”

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“Piper! Was it worth the risk, breaking the rules to see the prince?”

“Piper, do you think what you’ve done is fair to the other –”

Julian slid his arm around my shoulders. “Come now, guys. This is no big secret. Hasn’t it been obvious

that Piper is my favorite?”

I totally froze. I’d already been blindsided by the cameras and questions, and now Julian was making


such an absurd lie?

He flashed me a wide, cocksure grin that seemed to say, Play along.

“Piper! Is that true? Are you Julian’s favorite?”

I wasn’t a good liar. “… guess?”

“Don’t be so shy, sugar plum. Julian nuzzled against my cheek. It took everything I had not to rear



Julian wasn’t an unattractive man, but this was too close, too much. Especially because I knew he was

faking it

Even for Julian, he was laying it on thick. I was confused until I saw Nicholas near the stables, watching

us with a furious expression.

When Julian’s hard lowered to my waist, Nicholas stormed forward.

“Tell them, sweetheart,” Julian purred.

“Uh… okay… honey…” I barely forced the words out. I supposed allowing the cameras to believe we

had runaway on a romantic date was easier to explain than where we’d actually been.

Nicholas pushed through the cameras. “That’s enough. Stop filming.” He covered one of the camera

lens with his hand. “You’ve shot enough.”

One of the producers attempted to argue, but Nicholas glared him down.

“I said, no more filming.” Nicholas said, voice cold as the Arctic.

The producer backed down at once. “Yes, Your Royal Highness. Of course, sir.”

“Good.” Nicholas crossed his arms. “Now, leave.”

The camera crew immediately listened, and began to return toward the stables. With the cameras


I finally exhaled.

“Thanks, brother,” Julian said. “You arrived just in time for the save. Not that I wasn’t enjoying myself…”

Julian grinned at me. I was distinctly aware of his closeness and the hand on my hip that had yet to

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Nicholas slowly faced us. His sharp glare shot fire at Julian’s hand on me. Julian quickly retrieved it and

stepped back an inch or two.

“Why so angry, Nicholas?” Julian asked in a teasing tone. “Don’t like when someone else plays with



Now I glared at Julian too. “I am no toy.”

Julian brought both hands up. “Apologies, Piper.” He didn’t say more.

“Piper,” Nicholas said. “Elva is in the gardens with Susie and Mark.”

I was eager to see her, especially after the misery of gaining and losing my wolf. Only a hug from my

daughter would truly help me heal.

“Go on ahead. I’ll take your horse.” Nicholas held out his hand, accepting the reins. “If you don’t mind, I

need to have a word or two with my brother.”

I thanked him and started walking away. As I looked back over my shoulder, the two brothers stared at

each other.

Nicholas glowered. Julian smirked.

“You are so obvious, brother…” Julian began.

Too soon, I was out of earshot to hear more.

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