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The Alpha's Curse The Enemy Within

Chapter 159
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Sheila's point of view

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"Took you long enough, darling," I felt the deathly chill that glazed over his words. I honestly didn't expect him to be here, and by the looks of things, he had been waiting for me. "Where have you been?" Vladimir questioned, his eyes carefully wandering over my body.

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I removed the woolen cloak on my body, tossing it over the bed as I moved slowly to him. "Outside," I uttered, pressing my lips to a smile. "Training."

"Training?" His lips curled in a smile of his. And the air around grew colder. "At such an odd hour of the night?" He was watching me closely, taking in my every movement.

I nodded, still holding my smile, pulling my lips to his briefly. "Why? Is something wrong?" I asked.

"I was worried. You couldn't be found within the Fortress, and conveniently, I couldn't seem to connect with you," He counted his words slowly in his usual deep accented voice, snaking one hand around my waist, pressing me hard against his body.

"I was training. The Blood moon is only days away. I need my magic to be at its best," My electric blue eyes gazed into his eyes, and I could feel his presence through the mate bond, prying deep into my soul.