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The Alpha's Curse The Enemy Within

Chapter 129
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Thea's point of view

I stopped at the entrance of the hallway, the instant my eyes fell on that bitch, gracefully seated on a

chair, having her meal at the dining hall. So it was true. She had returned back to the pack.

I clutched a handful of my dress in my hand furiously, as my brown blazing eyes glowered at her from

afar. As if sensing my presence, that bloody witch tilted her head towards my direction and her lucent

blue eyes collided with mine.

She let out a lip-tight smile as I walked into the dining hall and settled on the seat opposite her's.

I pulled up a shrewd smile, watching her. "You are back?" I muttered as one of the helpers served

some food for me. My eyes never moved away from her.

"As you can see," she said, sipping from her drink, holding my stare.

"Why are you back? I thought you had some decency to understand the situation," I said, my entire

focus on her as I couldn't understand why the bitch was back. She was a problem. Her presence itself

was a problem, and just when Killian seemed to be coming to his senses— I paused, thinking.

Well, I wasn't sure about that. It was rather odd that he came to my chamber to see me. Very odd. I

didn't know what that was about, but since dawn, I had been rather edgy. I had a feeling a storm was

heading my way. I couldn't afford anything to go wrong now, especially when Alpha Lucius was almost


She tossed her spoon on her plate, pushing it aside. Her annoying blue eyes wandered lazily on me,

eating me up.

"I am curious, Thea," she said, drawing in some air as I waited for her words which would no doubt be

annoying to the ears. "Had this been your plan all along or this—" she raised a finger, pointing it at my

stomach. "...was just an unintended mishap that you managed to make use of?"

I creased my brows, setting my hands underneath my chin. What the hell was she implying now? I

didn't like any of it.

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"Watch your words. You may be the Luna, but you can't speak against the Alpha's heir, even you know

that much," I said to her, and her smile deepened, but it vanished as quickly, stealing away every

emotion from her face.

Her eyes pierced into mine, and she was quiet for a spitting second before her lips parted. "That's a

bloody lie, Thea," she sparked furiously, as her slender hand almost banged against the table.

The intensity of her words and voice sounded in my ears, and I had to lean back for a second.

"I know that child isn't Killian's, and you happen to have a lover yourself," she counted each word, as

her eyes studied me, wanting so badly to take a peek at whatever was hidden behind those brown

gazes of mine.

I was shocked. How did she find out about him? Did she happen to know who he was? Or was she

simply just playing me?

I fought hard to mask every emotion from my face. "You are crazy, bitch, and your obsession for Killian

is making you assume stupid things."

"Why bother lying, Thea?" she pulled forward, leaning comfortably on the table that for some reason, I

was glad separated us. "There's no one here, at least have the guts to say it to me," she sounded, her

voice and body vibrating with rage as it ignited a blue fire in her eyes.

"I have nothing to say, much less to you," I voiced and her eyes remained unmoving from mine as the

silverware on the long table began to vibrate and I could feel the intense current in the air that suddenly

surrounded me.

Still, her eyes remained unmoving from me and the fire in them burned more dangerously, that it almost

scared me. Almost.

"You know what? I am leaving!" I tried to get up from the chair, but I couldn't. I didn't even have control

of my body. I couldn't move a muscle. My eyes darted back at her and I couldn't hide the fear that

crawled in.

Her blue eyes narrowed on me and I could feel my body hot as if set on flames. She was using her

god-damned magic on me and I tried countering it, but I couldn't, at least not under her stronghold.

"Deny it all you want, but you know I'm right. And thank the sweet goddess I have proof and I swear

before Killian and the entire pack, I will unmask what conniving, disgusting whore you are," she leaned

closer to the table, her words coming out slow and hushed in a whisper.

I held her gaze, trying to see through her raging emotions. I wanted to know exactly what she was

talking about. What proof was she speaking off?

I held my breath and forced out the traitorous fear that her words had placed within me. I couldn't get

exposed now.

"Make whatever assumptions you wish, but it doesn't change the truth that I am expecting your mate's

heir," I forced through gritted teeth as the air around prickled more dangerous and everything on the

table was vibrating. This was all her doing. This bitch was more crazier and deadly than I thought. "You

have no fucking way to prove anything, so let go, crazy bitch!" I bit out, fighting against her hold and

immediately, I broke free.

I was up from the chair, breathing deeply and fast. She had a shocked gaze on me, and I couldn't give

a damn about what was going on in her bloody mind. I had more important things to worry about.

I rushed out of the dining hall and hastened to my chamber. I cursed internally at that tramp as I could

still hear that crazed banging of my heart in my ears. I didn't know what had me like this, whether it was

the dangerous gleam in her eyes or her words about her having proof that this thing inside of me wasn't


Fudging hell!

I began pacing around my chamber. I didn't like any of this. Now wasn't the time for Killian to find out I

wasn't expecting his child, let alone oust me from the pack before Alpha Lucius arrived. I couldn't let

that happen.

I shut my eyes in an attempt to quell the stormy rage that was brewing within me as that tramp's words

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kept invading my mind and I was on the verge of losing it when I heard my lover's voice from behind


"Thea, what the hell happened now?"

I turned to him, I didn't even hear him come in. He moved closer to me.

"It's that bloody tramp!" I yelled, at the intensity of my scream there was an instant crack in the tall

mirror on the wall, creating a double reflection of my angry state. "She claims she knows everything," I

sighed, with the look in her eyes, I couldn't tell if she was only baiting me or not.

"We have to leave, Thea, if she knows everything, then she knows about me. Killian will have us in

shreds. We need to remove ourselves from this all-out war with Lucius," he muttered, as I could feel his


But his words only aggravated me. I didn't come this far to leave without having my revenge on Killian.

"Enough of this nonsense, so quickly you've forgotten everything Killian had done to me. This isn't just

about Lucius, I don't want Killian dead, I want him to suffer," I said, reminding myself of the hate I felt

towards that bastard. This made me realize what I had to do.

It didn't matter what that bitch knew or not, but Alpha Lucius was arriving in a few days, and I had to be


I moved away from him, placing my hands on the table. I had wanted that bitch to suffer a worse fate

than Killian. Death itself was too good for her after everything she had made me go through from the

instant I had the ill luck of meeting her.

"Alright. What do you plan on doing now?" He walked up to me, stopping a few inches away from me,

and my brown eyes darkened as they found him through the mirror.

"Something I should have done a long time ago," I said, as a sweet, yet sick thrill raced down my spine

and I realized how badly I have been craving this moment.

"Tell me, Thea, what on earth is going on in that mind of yours?" I could hear the curiosity stabbing his


"I am finally going to put an end to that bitch myself, once and for all," My lips curled into a smile as my

brown eyes pierced right into that reflection in the broken mirror. I couldn't wait.