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Cross Roads

Chapter 271
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Chapter 271 -East side of downtown, top floor of the Innovate Group building.

On the 65th floor of the towering skyu ver, Vincent stond before the special idar wall, peering though a telescope at the beastling city stree below. The people looked like ants from up here, their heads tspecks against the sprawlingcityscape In the spacious CEO's office, two others were deep in discussion about fallion dollar projects Vincent stepped away from the telescope, glancing at Dominick, a thought crossing his mind. In the face of capital, fairiess wava myth. Human lives, umetinies, were as Doignific and Berting R "Are we going public with all these projects?" Vincent askeil, curiosity prejurd "Dominick's already signed off on it. We got ssamples Hown in from Nova Valley Lot work. Fyr alin lined up the material and factories here at home, ready to pump out the first bunch. Next month, I'm headed to the Nivalas Al New Product Conference": Vincent excitedly patted Scott's shoulder, smirking slyly "Gurs [better double down on my Innovate Group stuck then. That price i gonna skyrocket when these new products drop" g nangrech or quantum computing here: Scon couldn't help but throw a wet blanket on Vincent's excitement. "Hold your horses. We're not talking i This is just your everyday Al assistant robot." Ignoring Scott Vincent partied his attention to Dominick, who was poring over documents at lavalesk. With his usual playful demeanor, Vincent quipped, "What do you say. Dominick! You wouldn't letgo broke, would your Ever since Dominick returned from surgery in Serenburg, he had beccolder and more difficult to read than ever before Dominick didn't look up but unexpectedly teased. “If you go broke, you can finally crawl back to the Hayes family" Scott chuckled. Vincent was a unique case. He refused to help with the family business. Every tthey saw his father at skind of meeting, they would hear him scolding Vincent for being ungrateful.

Vincent sighed deeply. "My mom is always tellingto get married. I don't even dare to go hanymore "Dude, you've dated so many girls. Why haven't you accidently knocked someone up by now? Just marry her then Everyone will be happy? Scon said, his darker side emerging in private.

Vincent quickly defended himself. "Hey, 1 have morals, okay! I don't sleep with all of them. And even if there was an accidental pregnancy, why should I be forced to marry her?" At this point, both Vincent and Scout's expressions turned a bit awkward. They y knew that pregnant.

Dominick had marned Stephanie because she got In their world, the usual solution to such situations was simple - either pay the woman off to have an abortion and avoid the mess, or let her have the kid and send her away.

Vincent knew that Dominick and Stephanie had been having a rough patch lately. He could also tell that Dominick wasn't keen on hearing anything about Stephanie, so he and Scout tactfully avoided mentioning her in front of him.

Vincent scrutinized the man across from him for a while. “Dominick," he cautiously asked, “you still don't remember Stephanie? Scott was concerned as well and looked over.

The man at the desk hesitated, his pen pausing mid-air. He looked up at them, his thin lips parting as if to say something Just then, the inteon the desk beeped twice.

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The youre of the chief secretary cthrough. "Mr. Wellington, Ms. Isaac is here" Hayley was there on business. She had been the head of Hit, but last month she'd been promoted to Product Director. Domnick, had entrusted her with the group's confidential Al project, increasing her power and influence within the company.

Amern sconded, remembering Dominick's plan from three months ago to move Hayley to Paente. The idea was to keep Stephanie from getting jealous. Well, that didn't exactly pan out.

"Let her in Dominick said flatly into the intercom.

Hayley, ever efficarnt, opened the door and walked in. Spotting Vincent and Scott, she smiled and said, "Hey guys, good to weer you both. This we jisjert is a pretty big deal. The group's first public Al research is bound to make swaves, so we could really use your help" "Not my problem" Vincent replied coldly, barely bothering with her Hayley's smule dular waver. "Scott will handle the product quality, but for promotion. I need your help fushing the e night spokesperson" entertainment company had mi ened artists and extensive comments The Chapter 271 Vincent, however, wasn't thrilled. "I'm a hat bany lately, he mumbled.

"Busy with what, Vincent Finding a new girlfriend or planning to firing ha wife for your mom" Soact retorted immediately as he saw Vincent's sour expression. He knew Vincent was close to Stephanie, and working with Hayley might be awkward for him. However, Vincent was the best choice for the project promotion, and with Domanit k on board, he wouldn't dare Thinking of this, Scott couldn't help Int gloat. "We've got a Mi-second commercial to shoot for the Nivalis E. next month. The spokesperson needs to be fluent in Eldranian and have the right look for the product. The people there love their arty adi in we're really counting on you. Mr Hayes: Vincent's face hardened. It seemed like he'd picked the wrong friendly to make.

Hayley and Scott delved into sproduct performance details, Vincent knew there was no way out, so he lostened to them talk abour produrt positioning with a poker face. Occasionally, he would interjert and say things like, "Why not go bug' Host an open audition for a spokesperson Dominick, however, didn't seem very interested in his company' y's new project. After placing the reviewed and signed documents aude, he stood up and walked over to the glass wall on the east side.

This was the 69th floor of a commercial building, complete with a high-powered telescope. Normally, he wouldn't bother with it, but suddenly, feeling as restless as Vincent, he went over and nudged it slightly, aiming it at a neighborhood a couple of miles away Scott looked at him, a mix of surprise and urinsity flickering in his eyes "For the promotion, let's just do an open casting call for a spokesperson" Hayley and the guys finalized sdetails By the tthey were done, it was almost hunchtime. They thought about grabbing a bite together, but Vincent, feeling a linte down und he wanted to spend twith his girlfriend and left first.

Scott had to head out to the factory with his team that afternoon to check out snew materials, so he had to take off early, leaving Dominick alone with Hayley. Before Hayley could say anything, he quickly said. Tm good "Con, Hayley, there's no way you couldn't find someone to grab lunch with. People at the Innovate Group would kill to join you!" In the end, Hayley called her bestie, Chloe, to join her.

They sat across from each other at a renowned fine-dining restaurant. The dishes were pre-ordered, and the waitress quickly served them. It was very light, with the main attraction being a big pot of seafood chowder. "Seafood chowder!" Chloe looked at the table, unimpressed. "You don't knowat all, do you! What made you order this stu Hayley gave her a wry smile. "I booked two seats, but Dominick bailed, so you got dragged into this. I know the manager here, and it would have been weird if 1 showed up alone and got questioned." Chloe raised her eyebrows at this. "This soup is meant for Mr. Wellington, huh?" "He's been a bit grumpy lately, probably not sleeping well. When the company gets busy, he forgets to eat. I'm worried his old stomach problems are daring up again," Hayley sighed.

Chloe's face fell at the mention of stomach problems. Scott's stomach troubles were actually much worse. When he had an episode, his whole face would turn pale.

The i thought of her ex-husband darkened Chloe's expression. She looked across the table and teased, "Hayley, you really are a good wife.

"He doesn't appreciate n. Hayley quietly filled a bowl with soups and took a slow sip.

"Thrand Stephanie's children died. Chloe suddenly asked.

Hayley paused; her face looked strange, and she fell silent.

Chloe thought Hayley was worried. She began to reason with her "Since her children are dead. Stephanse is no threat to you. They only need to sign the divorce papers. Dominick has always been cold by nature. If you stay by his side, you'll be the one who wins in the end. Don't worry "The heir of the Wellington family is truly unattainable, Hayley sundled helplessly, wondering if all her efforts meant nothing to him Ever since her divorce, Chlor hadn't been interested in dating. She seemed to have grown up a lot. Looking at her friend, she said in a serious tone "Marriage isn't just about the two of you.

"Rich and powerful men can always find younger, prettier women. Looks fade, and love is the most tickle thing. But if you beca part of his Tandy, he won't be able to easily discard you Look, Mary invited you to stay with the Wellingtons, you get along with Wanne, and even George accepts you If you sleep with him and get pregnant youll secure your place "With the Wellingtons wealth, they don't need a marriage for business reasons. Besides you, who else does Dommack, have Hayley husked at Chloe, surprised, and then simded, "Wow, we haven't seen cau erin a while. When did you get so wise? 12:13 PM Chapter 271 "I used to be stubborn and irrational, but now I see things clearly," Chloe smiled. She thought of sbothersthings, took out a cigarette from the pack. lit it, and took a puff.

Hayley looked at her, a bit puzzled. "Do you regret divorcing Scott?" she asked.

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"You always said you hated Scott for being useless, but con, we both know the Roberts family's not in the m sleague as the Wellingtons,"as Hayley continued. "Scott is already very capable, yet you were still flirting with other guys, saying you found true love. Now look at you, the marriage is over, and you've broken up with your so-called true love. What is going on?"

She thought that Chloe might regret her decisions deep down, so she softened her tone and said "Sedtt was good to you. He put up with so much. What about Andy! You're still his mom. If you need, I could try talking to Scott... 303 "Don't mention him. Chloe spoke a bit hurriedly as if something inside her was triggered. She angrily took a quick drag on her cigarette and blew out a cloud of smoke.

"I never should have had that kid in the first place!" She clenched her teeth.

Hayley noticed her strong reaction and wisely dropped the topic. Chloe's face was dark and sullen.

"My mom doesn't like me, Andy said, a five-year-old boy, sitting on a small sofa in Stephanie's apartment. He seemed especially willing to talk to Stephanie.

The little boy hung his head, sitting on the sofa, his short legs swinging back and forth. "She doesn't want me... His little voice was low and filled with sadness.

Stephanie wasn't good at comforting people. She looked at him for a moment but couldn't find the right words.

Meanwhile, Molly was in the kitchen preparing lunch. Hearing Andy's words, she felt a mix of emotions. “Lunch is ready!" she called out, trying to lift the mood. "Cand help set the table, everyone!" Andy bounced back quickly. He hopped off the couch and raced over, a hint of irritation on his chubby face. "What took you so long? Stephanie's starving

"It's Saturday! I'm not your servant, so cut it out Molly retorted with a glare. That little rascal liked Stephanie a lot. She knew he looked up to Dominick, but she didn't expect the little punk to be such a brown-noser. This Saturday, Molly spent the day with Andy squeezed into the haunted Room 102. After dinner, they finally left.

"I didn't realize, Stephanie, you're quite good with kids" It seemed like all the kids loved playing with her.

"He likes you.” Stephanie said softly.

Molly, however, was frustrated. "He's just like his dad - a bully to those weaker than him, but scared of anyone with a backbone. Noticing Stephanie's downcast expression, she asked, "What's on your mind?" "Nothing." Sicph Stephanie forced a smile. “I was just thinking that kids can tell when their moms don't want them, and it hurts.”