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Cross Roads

Chapter 258
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Chapter 258 "Where's Stephanie?" It was seven in the evening, and everyone had taken their seats at the long dining table in the main house of Wellington Villa. 7 reissed, filled with bughter and conversation.

The atmosphere was Sandra led the maids, who efficiently served a more lavish spread than usual. Finally, she carefully placed a three-tiered birthday cake on the table. However, Yvonne's question, "Where's Stephanie made everyone's face change instantly.

Today was Yvonne's birthday. Scott and Vincent had been invited over, mainly at the behest of George. After a series of unfortunate events, even missing George's 80th birthday, he wanted to lighten the mood by celebrating Yvonne's birthday, But as Yvonne sat properly at the table, she noticed someone missing after a while. Hesitant and shy, she finally asked why Stephanie wasn't here.

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At this moment, nobody seemed to know how to respond.

Yvonne had autism and was very simple-minded. Dressed in a suit, George frowned slightly at her innocent question.

"Stephanie is not one of us," Mary said coldly, glaring at her daughter. Her elegant demeanor turned icy as she continued, "Don't ever mention her again" Yvonne's eyes widened in fear. She opened her mouth to speak but didn't dare to continue.

Like a child who had done something wrong, she lowered her head, looking anxious and uneasy.

"Mrs. Mary Wellington, Yvonne doesn't understand. I'll explain it to her later. Hayley, also present, quickly intervened with a smile, trying to ease the tense atmosphere.

*Stephanie chose to leave Wellington Villa that night. She even caused the death of the Wellingtons heirs. Despite our careful care during her pregnancy, she has done nothing for our family. What right does she have to stay" Mary's face darkened with genuine loathing at the mention of Stephanie.

"No, Stephanie said she wouldn't leave.." Yvonne suddenly lifted her head and instinctively retorted.

Mary's gaze was sharp and vicious. "Yvonne, when did you get the nerve to talk back to me!" Her stern words made Yvonne immediately fall silent and Yvonne lowered her head again in embarrassment.

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ary. His hoarse and authoritative voice "Enough, it's Yvonne's birthday" George said, always protective of his granddaughter. He glanced at Mary. cared a hint of unease as he, too, chose not to mention that night again Everyone soon fell silent and continued their meal in a more subdued manner.

Hayley occasionally glanced at Dominick, noticing that he seemed indifferent to their recent conversation. He was calmly and elegantly cutting his strak As guests, Scott and the others refrained from commenting. However, just as dinner was about to conclude, Scott unexpectedly mentioned. "Stephanie went missing this afternoon" His words immediately froze the recently dawed atmosphere "What happened to her?" Vincent quickly asked, his concern evident.

"She's been staying at her friend Molly's house, but I heard Molly's mother kicked her out around noon." Scott replied, his tone calm and measured. "Dominick, have you heard anything about her?" Dominick had just finished his steak, put down his cutlery, and was sipping a glass of water. He looked up at Scott while Hayley's face turned pale Her lips were pressed together, wanting to say something Sandra, who had been quietly standing at the back of the dining room, overheard the conversation. Her expression briefly grew complicated as she glanced at Hayley, understanding now that Hayley had no intention of helping Stephanie, "Such a fool!" Vincent burst out angrily, pushing his plate aside. “That stupid Stephanie! Why didn't she refuse to leave even if she got kicked out?” Ignoring decorum, he stood up abruptly and addressed George. “Mr. George Wellington, I have to go. Please enjoy the rest of the evening

A maid quickly stepped forward to pull his chair back, Vincent turned to Yvonne and promptly said, "Happy birthday, before storming anger palpable. gout, his The remaining diners s sat in a tense silence, watching Vincent's hasty departure. They all understood his intentions.

They tacitly avoided mentioning Stephanie again. Only Hayleym occasionally glanded at Dominick, while the others acted as if the incident had never been brought up. 10:36 AM CC Chapter 258

Sandra served slices of the birthday cake, and everyone quietly ate a few small bites each lost in their own thoughts. 10:36 AM