Chapter 23
| watch as Yara walks out of the hospital. | take another step to follow her but a wall of warriors steps in my way.
I snarl, ready to fight my way to her.
“Alpha, give her sspace. If you push her now, you could lose her forever,” Savannah says. “The warriors will
watch over her. We've all obviously learned to love our Luna in a very short amount of time.”
That's the understatement of the fucking millennium. | can’t believe my pack just basically turned onto
protect Yara. Shit, if she was so inclined, they'd probably take her as their fucking Alpha. Although, it didn't
escapethat she told them that she’d be disappointed in them if they tried to fightin my current state.
Disappointed, not angry. A true Luna.
“Con, Alpha. Let's get you stitched up. It looks like our Luna got your bones all reset, but I'll take a look.”
When we get back to the room, I look at her. “Savannah, | need a phone.”
“I'll find one after | finish this.”
“No, | need it now. If I'm going to fix things with my mate, | need to do it before it can’t be undone.”
“Yes, Alpha,” she says, going to geta phone,
Yara’s words ring in my ears. ‘He's a terrible mate.’ FUCK! She's right. While my intentions had been purely to
protect Yara, erasing her from the school would cause a lot of problems that I'm not sure even | could fix.
As soon as she’s back, | call the warrior that Charlie sent to the university.
“Alpha, is everything alright? | heard we were attacked again last night. Do you needto cback?”
“Archie, where are you at with erasing Yara’s presence from the school?”
“I've cleaned out her dorm room, Alpha. I'm just about to wipe her records from the educational system.”
“Don’t. Leave them.”
“Are you sure, Alpha?”
“Yes, but make a copy. She may need to transfer to a werewolf university,” | say.
“Yes, Alpha,” he says and we hang up.
‘He’s a terrible mate.’ Her words keep playing in my mind. I've wanted nothing more than her my entire adult life
and now, | find out I'm terrible at being a mate. | probably am. | don’t know the first thing about being
compassionate or loving. | know about fighting and war. But I'm willing to learn, for her. | can becwhatever
she needsto be, she just needs to givea chance.
“How is Beta Charlie?” | ask Savannah as she finishes closing up my leg.
Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt
“He's stable, Alpha,” Savannah says. “If that changes, I'll let Luna know.”
“Thank you for this,” I tell her, pulling my leg off the bed.
“Alpha, you should stay the night, let Alpha Arric heal your bones.”
“Savannah, | need to go
make amends to my mate. | need to apologize, and | need her to understand that | wasn’t trying to
Chapter 23
take her life or her title away from her.”
| stand and she handsthe crutch. “Anna has food for both of you. Our Luna never ate today.”
“Thank you, Savannah.”
“She really is special, Alpha. It says a lot that the Moon Goddess gave you such a mate. Don’t blow it,” she says,
but it's not unkind.
“I'm going to do my very best not to,” I tell her.
| walk out of the room and see Haynes still sitting outside Charlie’s room. “Switch out with someone, Haynes.
You're still recovering. You wouldn't want to disappoint your Luna.”
“No, Alpha, | wouldn't.”
When I walk to the waiting room, | see most of my warriors are still there.
“What are you going to do, Alpha?” they ask.
“I'm going to go make things right with Yara. Charlie is down, do | need to make a patrol schedule?” | ask.
“We'll rotate out, Alpha. Get ssleep. We don’t know when we'll be attacked again, but most of us are
already healing and getting stronger. We can manage the patrols until you wake up. Just...just make things right
with our Luna,” one of my warriors says.
“Yeah, she’s the best thing that’s happened to this pack in our most of our lifetimes,” another warrior says.
“We don’t want to lose her, so figure it out, Alpha. We're already stronger because of her and she hasn't even
been here two days yet. Imagine what she’ll do to strengthen this pack over time.”
“I intend to do whatever it takes to keep Yara here, with us,” | tell him.
That seems to calm them for the moment. Now, | just need to make it happen.
As | walk back to the packhouse, | think about what | can do to make Yara happy. The respect and honesty that
she wants are easy, those I've already given her. The love part is easy in concept. | already love Yara, but how do
| show her that? My parents made it look easy, but I'm sure there was more to it that | never saw, just like there
will be things between us that the pack and our future children will never see.
The kindness and compassion that she wants will be the hardest. Kindness and compassion in times of war don’t
ceasy. And I've lived with war my entire life.
As I'm walking back to the packhouse, | see swildflowers growing beside the cobblestone drive. | stop,
picking several of them, wondering what her favorite color might be. Rather than dwell on the fact that | have no
clue what her favorite color is, | decide to pick as many colors as | can, making the bouquet bright and cheerful
looking. At least | hope she'll think it is.
When I walk into the packhouse, everyone goes quiet. I'm not sure if that’s a good thing or not, but at the
moment, | don’t care. I'm exhausted and I'm sick at the idea that Yara may try to leavebecause she doesn’t
findworthy of being her
1 go to the kitchen and find a glass, filling it with water. I'm pretty confident that we don’t have any vases in the
packhouse, but | can get sif Yara likes the flowers.
Then | carefully make my way up the stairs, following her scent. I'm happy that she at least went back to our
room, but that happiness wanes when | get to the top of the stairs and see that she’s not in our bedroom.
“Alpha, the others said you're here to make amends with our Luna,” one of my warriors says.
20:02 Sat, Nov 30
Chapter 23
“That's correct.”
“See that
you do. | don’t like hearing my Luna cry herself to sleep,” he says and they step away from the door to allow me
entry. | don’t like knowing that she did either.
When | step inside the room, | see that she’s on top of the bed, clutching a pillow to her body. | set the flowers
down on the nightstand and quietly move around the bed before sliding onto the bed beside her and wrapping
Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏmmyself around her.
| feel her shift and | know the moment that she realizes that I'm behind her because her body goes rigid in my
“Please don’t leave,” | say, pressing my lips to her shoulder. “I’m sorry. You were right. | didn’t think through the
decision and the impact it would have on you. | didn’t do it to hurt you. | did it to keep you safe. But | understand
that it was the wrong move to make and I've fixed it,” | tell her.
She scoffs. “How did you fix it?”
“My warrior hadn't wiped you from the education system yet, so I told him to leave your information. However,
he’s cleaned out your dorm room and is bringing your things here. It’s not safe for you to be there, you must
know that. But you're right. Seven years of hard work shouldn’t be erased. You're too good of a doctor to have to
start all over. Please forgivefor my oversight. | know it was a big one, but I truly am sorry, and I've fixed it so
you can maintain your title and continue your studies,” | say quietly, hoping my words are enough.
She’s quiet for a long tand | feel cold fear, unlike anything I've ever felt sliding through veins, as | wait for
her verdict.
“What are those?” she asks, pointing to the flowers.
“| picked those on the way over here. | didn’t know if you liked flowers and we don’t have any vases for them
since | can’t remember ever having flowers around the packhouse, and I'm not really good at knowing how to
show you that I love you, but... | wanted to try. | know you said you wanted respect and honesty, and those
things are easy forto give you. I love you, already. | love you with everything in me, but | don’t know how to
show you love in a way that lets you know that | mean it. | don’t know how to show the kindness and compassion
like you want. I think...I think that's why the Moon Goddess
my life. | am paired you with me, Yara. You are the other half of my soul. You are the softness and gentleness that
| nee willing to give you anything and everything that you desire in this world, but | need your help. | don’t know
how to be all of the things that you want, not yet anyway. But | will. If you can be patient and help teach me, |
| kiss her shoulder again, waiting a really long tagain while she thinks.
“You make it really hard to deny you,” she finally murmurs.
| have no idea if she meant forto hear it or not, and | don’t care. Something insiderelaxes and | wrap my
arm more tightly around her.
“How's your leg?” she asks.
“Better thanks to my amazing doctor, Luna, and mate.”
| close my eyes and I'm nearly asleep when | hear her again.
“I like flowers.”
| smile, knowing my mate will be getting flowers fromeveryday for the rest of her life.