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Solo Cultivation in The Apocalypse

Chapter 131 What Is The Reality?
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The birds were sleeping on the wizard towers of the Mage Academy. An eagle was sitting in the observatory tower while the archers were alert in the archer towers.

It was early dawn, the sun was not up yet, and small particles of snow were falling on the top of the castle's towers.

The wizards in the wizard towers had lit a fire in the middle that kept them warm, same with the archers in the archer towers, they made themselves hot drinks while guarding the academy's borders.

In the middle of the snow-covered academy were the teachers' quarters, among the quarters was a room, at the end, which mixed with the snow around it.

Atama opened his eyes. The eyes suggested a hint of cruelty, they were wide open in anger, as if someone had asked the owner for his eyes.

He pushed the covers and sat on the corner of his bed. He glanced around the room, the perfect white. Then Atama took a look at the clock hanging on the wall which displayed: Four forty-five in the morning.

Atama disappeared. He appeared in another white room, he did not stop but walked to his working table. He bent down and opened the drawers and pulled out the letter.

Atama read the letter again, his fingers creased the paper around the corner. "Fucking Tengoku." He clicked his tongue.

The letter fell down as Atama disappeared once again and appeared in front of the white walls. He raised his hand and chanted, "Come forth!" there was a jolt in his voice-- a jolt of anger.

A pillar appeared from the white wall, then opened up a compartment inside which was sitting a tiny touch-screen mobile. Atama grabbed his hand on the mobile and inspected it before entering his password and opening the mobile.

A message flashed as soon as he opened the mobile: "You have five missed calls from Kagaku T."

Atama clicked on that message and called Tengoku from his apple mobile. The rings rang a few times before someone picked up on the other side.

"Your letter says you sent me the wand, well, I have not received any wand," Atama said. "I already paid you in advance, if you are messing with me, I will fucking---"

"Whoa, whoa," Tengoku laughed on the other side, "and if you are kidding me, then you do realize that you woke me up at five in the morning for this."

"I do not kid when it is about business. I seriously have not received the wand. Where is it?"

"You seriously have not?" Tengoku changed his sleepy tone and became alert. "Not possible, my men would have informed me if they failed to deliver the wand to your office."

"Can they? Could they if they were killed? Try contacting them."

"The brothers are always wondering. It is hard to find them even if they were in the city. They do not carry mobiles, they use letters for conversation, and their letters take usually around two days to arrive."

"I do not care what the fuck you do, Tengoku, I have not received the wand that is it. And you would not get your payment---"

"Oh, fuck the payment, sensei. That is not important. Do you think Hitori tried to steal them?"

"That brat does not have the balls for doing it. And if your best men were handed the mission, Hitori has talent but not the skills."

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Tengoku stayed silent, he was probably trying to come up with his next step while Atama waited for Tengoku to answer.

Atama tightened his frown and crushed the apple mobile. "Are you sleeping?" Tengoku stayed silent.

"I will run an investigation from my side, I will try to contact them. Make sure you try something on your side. Do not worry, you handed me this mission, and the mission will be accomplished."

"Ah, I know. The question is: When will it be accomplished?"

"Do you suspect anyone from your side, sensei?" Tengoku groaned. "I can not make such a silly mistake, I know that."

"I know you will not."

"You go back to bed, I will bring the wand to you as soon as possible." Atama was about to hang up. "And wait," Tengoku called, "Do you want the boy dead anyway?"

"Yes. Kill him. I want to see his dead body before you dispose of him."

"Ah... I would not charge for killing the maid but since killing Hitori was not in the contract---"

"I know. Eight hundred thousand yen extra. Got it. What is the name of your men, by the way?"

Tengoku paused. "Do not do anything stupid, sensei, or there will be war."

"What are their names?"

"The Saiko brothers. A nerd hacker and a killer psychopath."

Atama hung up the call. He stretched his hand and placed the mobile back in the pillar's compartment. The pillar collapsed and went inside the wall.

Atama turned with a frown. "Fuck." he bit his lip. "Fuck, fuck, fuck!" he banged his table and then teleported back to his bed.

Atama pulled the covers and raised his finger to his head. "Mushinki." and cast a spell to lose his consciousness.

When Atama woke up after two hours, he back to being himself. The humble old man who never swears. He got back to his usual schedule-- reading books for the whole day and then practicing his skills in the evening.

The wand was on his mind all the time. Why did Tengoku send the wand to him, what was he supposed to do with the wand in the compartment, and what should he do to protect Hitori.

An elevator came to a stop without any jolt. The door slid open and a man with a smile walked out of the elevator.

He raised his hand and pushed back his suit's sleeve, there was written Room: 404 on his forearm. The man nodded and raised his head while walking.

He spotted room 404. He rushed to the door and placed his palm on the door's digital lock. He heard a click, his smile spread, he pushed the door and entered the room of an unknown man.

The man removed his long coat and threw it over a hanger, and unbuttoned his black-colored two-piece suit. He lifted his shoulders to place the coat's shoulders properly. The lights of the hall he was standing in were switched off.

"Hello? Are you home?" the man called. "There is a delivery for you, from your dearrest girlfriend." He looked around with his wide eyes, but still no sign of anyone.

Without a care, the man went inside. He turned off the kitchen's lights and peeked in the bedroom-- pink lights were glowing over the bed which was neatly arranged.

"Looks like you are expecting someone." The man nodded and walked inside when he heard a click again.

"Coming, wait for a minute!" A man came out from his washroom and locked the door, he was washing his hands when our delivery boy entered the sink alley.

"Hello, sir, your delivery!"

"Fu-fuck, who are you?"

"Delivery boy, sir! A parcel for you," the man looked at his forearm again, "for Tsukishima-san." he lifted his wide eyes.

"Delivery boys do not enter someone's house and race to their washrooms! Who the fuck are you?"

"Oh, well, sir, I do enter people's houses. You see," he looked at his wristwatch, "I am a very busy delivery man and I can not wait for customers till they are done taking a shit."

"Yeah? Then hand me my parcel. Come on, does not look like you have anything with you. Hand it, yeah?"

"Here, sir!" the man pulled out a dagger from his coat and handed it to Tsukishima. "Your parcel."

Tsukishima glanced at the dagger. "W-who are you?"

"Oops! Looks like I am caught!" he placed his left hand on his head. "I am Saiko, by the way, Saiko Ningen."

Tsukishima still kept staring at the dagger. "Why the fuck are you here?" he was still trembling against his sink.

"Suzuki sent me."

Tsukishima's mouth dropped. "W-w-w-w---"

"He told me you tried to force his sister." Tsukishima froze. "Well, if you want to have sex that bad, then why not with me?" Ningen pulled his blazer. "Come on, let us go to the bed, you already have it decorated!"

Ningen was about to lower his right hand when Tsukishima suddenly leaped forward and grabbed the dagger from Ningen's hand.

Tsukishima was still trembling but he managed to point the dagger at Ningen. "Y-y-you are here to kill me, are not you?" the dagger was shaking in his hands.

Ningen's smile faded, and he stared at Tsukishima.

"Get out." He moved. "Get out of my flat, now." he bobbed the dagger.

Ningen moved, he took a step back and came out of the alley. Tsukishima threatened Ningen with the dagger and forced him to come out of the kitchen, near the bedroom.

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Ningen glanced to his right, he saw the bed, he turned back to Tsukishima, and stopped moving. "oh, hey, that is a nice arrangement!"

Ningen pointed at the bed. Tsukishima looked at his bed. "Oh, is it? It is for Rika-chan, she is coming over--- why am I sharing it with you?" he looked at Ningen.

Ningen's eyes wide as ever, he spread his lips in a smile and then listed the left corner of his upper lip, revealing his teeth. Tsukishima gulped when he saw that sinister smile.

"Y-you tell Suzuki that I apologize and there was no need to hire a hitman. Or else I will---" Tsukishima looked at his right hand, it was empty, he hesitantly looked at Ningen's smile again.

"I was hired for killing you and that shall be done." Ningen lifted his hand, he was holding the dagger upside down by its tip.

Tsukishima jumped and bolted inside his bedroom, he raced towards a drawer and opened it before Ningen could move. Tsukishima pulled a silver gun, cocked it, and pointed it at the doorstep.

No one. Tsukishima gulped, and he rose, yet there was no one in the doorway. Tsukishima sighed and dropped his gun. He rubbed the sweat off his forehead and then followed down to his neck.

"Huh, nothing in front of a gun---" his eyes widened, and the relief faded when his fingers touched a cold metal against his neck.

"Ah! I have a gun myself, do you want to see it?" he panicked when he heard Ningen's voice. He fell back to the floor and pointed his gun behind him, at Ningen.

"Let me take that out for you." Ningen moved his hand to pull out the knife stuck in Tsukishima's neck.

"M-m-move!" Tsukishima shouted and pulled the trigger.

He fired a bullet that hit Ningen in the chest. Tsukishima grinned and pulled the trigger again.

Another bullet hit Ningen in the chest. Just when he wanted to fire another bullet, Ningen disappeared-- no, he moved too fast for Tsukishima to keep up.

Ningen's hand wrapped around the dagger in Tsukishima's neck, blood sprang from his neck when Ningen pulled out the dagger.

Tsukishima screamed and grabbed his neck. Ningen leaned down and stabbed Tsukishima's chest, then his heart, then his neck, his eyes, his nose, his mouth, and finally his forehead.

Tsukishima left the dagger in Tsukishima's forehead, got up, and pulled out his gun. He checked the bullets, then cocked his gun.

Seven bullets. He made seven holes in Tsukishima's body.

The composition caused had already attracted the neighbors. They gathered in front of Tsukishima's apartment door and called him.

Ningen bends down again, his suit now covered in blood, and grabbed the dagger. In one go, he pulled the dagger down to Tsukishima's cock, tore it, and opened him into two as if opening a wrapped roll.

"Hah," he scoffed, "ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha!" and broke out into a hideous laugh.

Ningen loaded his gun and walked to the sink to wash his hands. he pressed his suit's button and cleaned the blood off his suit, the suit looked like a brand new suit after the cleaning.

Ningen again walked to Tsukishima's torn open body, he pulled out a small cuboidal object as he reached the bedroom.

By now, the neighbors outside were banging on the door. More than twenty people had gathered outside Tsukishima's house. It was midnight and they were sure Tsukishima was in his apartment, so they continued banging.

"We should break the door," one suggested.

Whilst, Ningen threw the cube inside Tsukishima's body, it fell into his guts. Ningen turned around. "Happy Evaporation." He shook his hand while wearing his sinister smile and walking towards the main door.