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Revenge is Best Served… After Reborn

Chapter 706
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Chapter 706 The demand Odie made was clearly a challenge.

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When Sophie had arrived at the square earlier, she noticed the piano. Although the square was crowded in the evening, playing the plano alone wouldn't attract so many people.

After all, there were plenty of people playing the zither the cello, and the violin, and speople were even live- streaming in the square.

How many people could she possibly attract by just sitting in the square playing the piano? Sophie pondered for a while, and then Odie said indifferently. "It's not too late to back out now." "No, I can do it" With that, Sophie headed downstairs on her "Mr. Odie, a thousand people Isn't that a bit too harsh? A thousand onlookers, what a spectacular sthat would be Odie watched Sophie leave with half an hour Sophie would surely cback to him, admitting defeat.

The square was bustling with couples, office workers fresh off work, many people out walking their dogs for relaxation, and sthere for dancing Sophie approached the piano at the center of the square, a prlocation Inside the casino, Odie had frowned and asked. "What's the second to for over half an hour but Sophie still hadn't cto plead with him. Odie hands broker, she wouldn't attract a thousand people," "I think Ms. Sophie has probably given up by now. Ever The manager said this but immediately shut up her catching Ode's wing glare "Mr. Odie. We have trouble? A secunty guard rushed in his face grm Mr Ode, somethings happened outside Odie immediately stood up and strode outside the square, and the secu He saw a throng of onlookers "Do you know who I am? Do you know mel staff had to clear a path for Odie posision? if i say you'le coming hwithtoday, then you must cwith "Let go Let go Sophies face was pale, and the man was tightly gripping like a pervert. He shouted to the surrounding people have you know taken a liking to you, which is an honor for you! Now you're coming with met "Help! Somebody help!" as an ugly overweight middle-aged man who was acting the CEO of Minton Intemational! I own this casino. I've

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As he said this, he reached to tear Sophie's clothes, but the next second, the middle-aged man was pinned to the ground by two people. The manager said fiercely. "How dare you impersonate Mr Ode? Odie appeared and immediately beceveryones focus "This guy is so handsome, who is he?" "You don't know him? This is the real CEO of Minton International

"So the guy before was an impostor? He dared to impersonate Mr.Odie on Minton international's turf is he not afraid of the consequences?"

The murmurs around spread quickly, and soon, a large part of the square began to move forward to see what was happening. Seeing this. Sophie's panicked and scared expression changed instantly The man was pressed to the ground and quickly begged for mercy. Tm sorry I was paid to do this. Please don't het met