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Please Come Back, Honey!

Chapter 122
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Chapter 122 While this was happening, Trevor‘s call with Arianna was still ongoing. He had calmed down after

Emma‘s whereabouts had been pinpointed. Currently, he kept his rage at bay while proceeding to try

and persuade Arianna to give up this crazy enterprise. “Arianna, do you know what will happen to you

the moment you see this plan through? As soon as those men touch her, you‘ll be liable for aiding and

abetting a crime. You can forget about going abroad because the only place you‘ll be going to is jail.”

This was no empty threat. Kidnapping Emma was a crime on its own, and if Arianna stopped now, she

might get away with a lighter sentence.

However, Arianna was so incensed when she heard this that she snapped in disbelief, “You‘re actually

going to have me thrown into prison because of Emma? I‘m your sister, Trevor, while she‘s just an

outsider!” |

Trevor countered coolly, “What do you want, then?”

She gritted her teeth. “I want Raymond as my lawyer, and I want your word that I‘d get away with this

scot–free. There‘s no way Emma will have the upper hand against our family–not while we have

connections and power, but I want you to be on my side.” Then, she shrieked, “Tell me whose side are

you on, Trevor? Mine or Emma‘s?”

Trevor thought Arianna must be mad. It went without saying that he was on Emma‘s side, and his

answer wouldn‘t change even if he didn‘t have any feelings for her. As if I‘d be twisted enough to be my

sister‘s accomplice!

More importantly, he actually did have feelings for Emma. He wanted to speak to her after Wilson‘s

signing event so that he could profess his love for her, but Arianna‘s shenanigans had foiled his plans.

The thought of this filled him with a murderous rage for Arianna. What she had done, including hiring

men for such wicked purposes, would make Emma hate him and his family forever. He would have no

hopes of ever getting back together with Emma, not in this lifetime or the next.

He bit the insides of his cheeks so hard that he tasted blood, and smoke was practically coming out of

his ears. However, Arianna only went on to aggravate him as she snapped, “Come on, Trevor. Say


Taking a deep breath, he asked in the most nonchalant tone he could muster, “Where‘s Emma? Let me

speak to her.” Between him and Arianna, he was the superior negotiator. All he had to do now was

speed over to the abandoned warehouse while stalling his sister. He had to stop her before she hurt

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“Emma?” Arianna said the name like it was a bad word, then snorted. “She‘s right

here, all tied up and glaring at me. Little tramp:

Trevor was just about to say something when he heard a loud and crisp slap coming from the other

line. He instantly recognized that Arianna had just slapped Emma in the face while the girl was tied up

and defenseless. His heart twisted, and his skin stung like he was the one who had been slapped..

He clenched his steering wheel tightly as guilt and shame washed over him. He couldn‘t help thinking

about all the times when he should have protected and loved Emma but didn‘t. Had he done all those,

then perhaps Arianna would show her some respect instead of treating her with such degradation.

At that moment, he finally understood why Emma had made up her mind to sign the divorce papers

and leave him.

“Is that all you‘ve got, Arianna? Picking on the defenseless? How classy of you,” Emma taunted in the

background, sounding so unaffected which only worsened Trevor‘s


Evidently pleased with herself, Arianna retorted, “I can pick on the defenseless all I want. What are you

going to do about it?” This earned her a disdainful scoff from Emma, to which she responded angrily,

“Wipe that smirk off your face, you tramp. You don‘t even know who your rcal father is, so don‘t get on

your high horse.”

“I‘d rather not know who my real father is than to behave like I was raised by animals,” Emma pointed

out sardonically. She had basically said Arianna was no better than a feral creature.

Having been insulted for the sccond time in a row by Emma, Arianna was boiling with rage as she took

one step forward, growling, “You‘re just itching for a beating, aren‘t you?”

“Arianna!” Trevor barked loudly from his end, stopping his sister.

“My, my. Are you worried, brother dearest” Arianna teased icily.

“Know your place,” he warned ominously. Not wanting to say anything else to her, he hung up and

stepped down on the gas pedal. Something had obviously gone wrong in Arianna‘s upbringing, and it

looked like she would have to pay the price for their family‘s failure in instilling better values.

As worried as Trevor was for Emma‘s safety, he was also filled with renewed determination to stay by

her side no matter what happened to her.

Meanwhile, Arianna‘s blood was boiling after her own brother hung up on her. She stood in the eerily

silent abandoned warehouse, and when she saw how unfazed Emma looked despite being tied up in a

chair, she grew apoplectic.

It was infuriating that Emma, the kidnapped, was not bawling in the chair like a victim, but actually

looked calmer than the mastermind herself. For a second, it was hard to tell just who was in control of

the situation.

“If you‘re calm only because you think my brother will come dashing in and save you, then you‘re dead

wrong,” Arianna bit out through gritted teeth. She wanted Emma to be just as riled up as she was.

However, Emma merely snorted as she said, “I‘m not that dumb. I stopped counting on him the

moment I signed those divorce papers.” More accurately, she had stopped counting on him the

moment she discovered Trevor did not love her at all.

Clenching her jaw, Arianna pointed at the two men who had tied Emma up in the chair earlier and

drawled, “See those two guys over there? They‘re going to show you a real good time later. Let‘s see

how calm you will be then.”

Emma turned to look at the two men with pity. “You guys know you‘ve committed a crime, right?

Kidnapping is a severe offense but coupled with assault, you two will be locked up behind bars for ten

years or more.”

The two men looked nervous for a second, obviously startled by her warning, but one of them, the

blond one, planted his hands firmly on his waist as he snapped, “We‘re not worried. Miss Bateson‘s got

our backs, and we‘ve already looked into her background. She‘s a young lady from a prolific family in

Jonestown, so she‘ll keep her word”

His partner–in–crime chimed in earnestly, “That‘s right, so don‘t try to scare us out of this job, missy.

We‘re untouchable!” ||

Emma eyed them steadily and asked, dragging out time, “I‘m guessing you guys don‘t know what I do

for a living.”

They exchanged a confused look. “What do you do for a living?” one of them asked.

Emma suppressed the overwhelming fear and panic that seized her, then enunciated, “I‘m a

screenwriter, which means I can bring emotions to life with my words. The moment I get out of here, I‘ll

write about what you‘ve done to me and have tens of

thousands of people shun you. In fact, I‘ll drag your families under the bus as well so that they‘ll

become the talk of the town. Let‘s see how they feel when they can‘t even go out in the streets without

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anyone mentioning your names.” She stopped and gave them a measured look, then added grimly,

“Unless, of course–you kill me now.”

It was infuriating that Emma, the kidnapped, was not bawling in the chair like a victim, but actually

looked calmer than the mastermind herself. For a second, it was hard to tell just who was in control of

the situation.

“If you‘re calm only because you think my brother will come dashing in and save you, then you‘re dead

wrong,” Arianna bit out through gritted teeth. She wanted Emma to be just as riled up as she was.

However, Emma merely snorted as she said, “I‘m not that dumb. I stopped counting on him the

moment I signed those divorce papers.” More accurately, she had stopped counting on him the

moment she discovered Trevor did not love her at all.

Clenching her jaw, Arianna pointed at the two men who had tied Emma up in the chair earlier and

drawled, “See those two guys over there? They‘re going to show you a real good time later. Let‘s see

how calm you will be then.”

Emma turned to look at the two men with pity. “You guys know you‘ve committed a crime, right?

Kidnapping is a severe offense but coupled with assault, you two will be locked up behind bars for ten

years or more.”

The two men looked nervous for a second, obviously startled by her warning, but one of them, the

blond one, planted his hands firmly on his waist as he snapped, “We‘re not worried. Miss Baleson‘s got

our backs, and we‘ve already looked into her background. She‘s a young lady from a prolific family in

Jonestown, so she‘ll keep her word.”

His partner–in–crime chimed in earnestly, “That‘s right, so don‘t try to scare us out of this job, missy.

We‘re untouchable!”

Emma eyed them steadily and asked, dragging out time, “I‘m guessing you guys don‘t know what I do

for a living.”

They exchanged a confused look. “What do you do for a living?” one of them asked.

Emma suppressed the overwhelming fear and panic that seized her, then enunciated, “I‘m a

screenwriter, which means I can bring emotions to life with my words. The moment I get out of here, I‘ll

write about what you‘ve done to me and have tens of thousands of people shun you. In fact, I‘ll drag

your families under the bus as well so that they‘ll become the talk of the town. Let‘s see how they feel

when they can‘t even go out in the streets without anyone mentioning your names.” She stopped and

gave them a measured look, then added grimly, “Unless, of course–you kill me now.”