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Omega Summoner-Novel

Chapter 1880 Goddess Battle Form
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[The Goddess of Light Luminaria has entered her battle form: Prima Dona.]

[All light attribute attacks that the Goddess of Light Luminaria will have a 50% increase in damage.]

[The Goddess of Light Luminaria is trying to nullify the effects of Night Fall. She failed as a being older than her has casted Eternal Night.]

[The integration with the world was not completed by the Goddess of Light Luminaria. She will not be able to fully exert her influence on the world as of now.]

Notifications started to flare up as the Goddess of Light Luminaria has suddenly appeared in a different form but more powerful than before. Her health was still the sas it reached 50% already and it did not show any signs of healing even though she was protected earlier. The sudden disappearance of the Angel of Kindness Raphael is the reason why the Goddess of Light Luminaria was not healed.

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The Goddess of Light Luminaria managed to kill the summoned God of Death Hades, but she did not look pleased. The churches that cto confront her have finished activating all of their holy relics to call upon the gods whom they serve. Ten churches were able to bring their holy relics as their gods agreed to be called upon should the Goddess of Light Luminaria is able to walk on the mortal realm.

Ten pillars of light suddenly pierced the sky which also pierced the barriers that the Daemos have created. The Goddess of Light Luminaria did not escape even though she could see many exit points because she knew that she had to take a stand. No one would ever bow down to her should she run away even though she was stronger.

The ten churches were able to call upon their greater gods in order to combat the Goddess of Light Luminaria. The Church of War managed to call upon three greater gods as each of them have different main deities. The Church of Magic managed to call upon one of the gods as she wanted to be called to put a stop to the Goddess of Light Luminaria. The Church of Life managed to also call upon one goddess even though the needed energy to call upon gods of life are severely restrictive just as for the gods of death.

The Church of Rain managed to call their best deity as well even though his body will only have the power equivalent to a greater god. The Church of Water managed to call upon three greater gods as they also presented themselves. The last two gods are from the Church of Justice since they wanted to defeat the Goddess of Light Luminaria for not observing balance.

All ten gods were being called upon as their divine bodies are starting to get called down. The Goddess of Light Luminaria did not want to have all of them descend to combat her because she would be defeated due to her current power level. If she had full access to all her powers as a High God, ten greater gods would not be a problem for the Goddess of Light Luminaria.

The Goddess of Light Luminaria believes that she is still one of the peak High Gods in Pandemonium. What she did not know is that she is slowly losing her followers as the minutes go by. The fight is not just being sent to the players via observation magic, but it is actually being broadcasted to the entire central continent. The few believers that she had started to dwindle even more.

Still, the Goddess of Light Luminaria has already beca High God. She will remain a High God even if all her loyal followers vanish as she has yet to be forgotten. The only way to truly erase gods are to either destroy their entire divine essence or them becoming completely forgotten. By forgotten, the god should no longer even be remembered in its entirety as even remembering her nshould no longer be an option.

"Let us see if your gods would arrive before I eradicate all of you!" The Goddess of Light Luminaria stated as eight of her golden rings started to spin to create a powerful force and heat equal to that of a sun.

The eight golden rings that the Goddess of Light Luminaria uses as weapons suddenly crashed to the ground and started to roll in the direction of eight holy relics calling upon their gods. The first holy relic that was the easiest to hit was an old axe relic that had intricate details of feathered beings. This was the holy relic of the Church of Rain or more referred to by the Church of Rain.

The Church of Rain members are a bit different compared to traditional clergy because they do not wear attires that normal priests would wear. The Church of Rain clergy do not wear priest robes, but they are wearing tribal clothes. They looked like witch doctor warriors because they have tattoos as well that depict the epic of their gods.

The Church of Rain clergy saw the incoming rolling infernal ball that could melt even ground heading towards them. Instead of escaping and letting the holy relic be hit, all of them stood in front of the relic and started to chant. All the Church of Rain clergy suddenly had their eyes becas clear as blue skies. All of them also chanted in the swords and ritualistic dance that one might think that they are all the sperson.

With every chant that the Church of Rain clergy does, the rumble of thunder could be heard until it rained. All of them held their hands up high towards the clouds as all the rain suddenly converged towards their area. The rain that the clergy members were able to gather is created as a raging sphere of water that protected them and the holy relic that their god is ascending to.

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A powerful steam explosion happened when the rolling ball of flames hit the raging water sphere. The Goddess of Light Luminaria raised her brows as a group of mortals was actually able to defend against her attack even though she did not put all her strength into it. The steam managed to get blown by the wind and the image of a ball of flames getting smothered by a water sphere could now be clearly seen.

"Pretentious, mortal savages! Die while I am still having mercy for all of you." The Goddess of Light Luminaria stated as she thought that the act of defending against her attack is an act of rebellion against her.

The Goddess of Light Luminaria poured more divine energy into the golden ring attacking the Church of Rain. The golden ring glowed in an even more powerful golden light as the flames started to burst into more intense flames. The orange looking flames started to glow into a lighter color as the water sphere started to boil as well.

The clergy of the Church of Rain could be seen screaming as the intense heat and steam is starting to boil them from the inside. Seven fainted due to the intense heat which only left about five members with the strongest will that are still conscious. The five members held on, but their legs could be seen to shake. Sare even showing signs of fainting, but they held on even if they can no longer open their eyes.

"I admire you, mortal savages. For that, I shall bless you by guiding all of you to the afterlife." The Goddess of Light Luminaria stated as the flames on the golden ring started to burn brighter and hotter than before. The flames are now starting to becwhite in color.

Before the flames could even reach the clergy of the Church of Rain, a powerful lightning suddenly cdown which deflected the flaming sphere. The entire area around the clergy also started to rain. The rain did not only deflect the heat and the flaming sphere but also healed the injuries of the clergy. The ones that fainted from heat started to wake up as well as they bechealed.

"The Rain has arrived!" A large humanoid with armor that matched the tribal wear of the Clergy of Rain appeared.

The old looking holy relic that was used to summon the large humanoid matched the height of the summoned greater god. Upon holding the old axe, the rusted handles and blade started to shine as lightning was gathered upon it. The lightning tempered the holy relic until the golden layers and pure blue blade shined.

"Chaac! So, you have arrived!" The Goddess of Light Luminaria stated as if she expected it. She remembers that she once commanded her angelic army to wipe out his created tribe of humans. It seems that smanaged to escape and create a clergy.

"Let the rain bless all of you!" The God of Rain Chaac stated as thunder rumbled while lightning rained down upon the Goddess of Light Luminaria.