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My Fated Human Luna by TheNich29

Chapter 81
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My Fated Human Luna Chapter 84

Belinda POV

I’m in my aunt’s house and we are waiting for Megan to get back and tell us that the human b**ch is

dead. I really thought I wasn’t going to make it out of that pack alive after my father left me in the cells

to die. I still can’t believe he cares more about werewolf law then his own daughter. Megan appeared in

my cell after those ba**ards left and teleported me here. My aunt couldn’t stop hugging me and I was

just as happy to see her. Megan was so pissed that her spells didn’t work she wanted to make Lake

suffer by killing the human which was fine with me. I just wish I could be the one to snap her neck. I

want to see her a** dead more than anyone but I guess I’ll have to let Megan have the pleasure. I still

can’t believe he would pick a pathetic human over a she-wolf that is an Alpha’s daughter. What the fvck

was the goddess thinking giving her an Alpha like Lake? She shouldn’t even be amongst our kind let

alone mated to one. I hope that Megan is able to end her and Lake suffers after he so easily cast me


“Get your things together because as soon as Megan arrives, we need to leave” my aunt says as she

walks in the room. “Where are we going?” “Some place safe.” “Your father will be looking for me and

we cannot stay here.” “My father, I have no father.” She pulls me into a hug. “I know baby girl and I

promise you he will pay for not protecting you but right now we need to get to some place safe.” She

pulls back and I nod heading to the room that has my clothes in it. I throw as much as I can in the bag

before I head back downstairs. I can hear my aunt and Megan talking as I reach the bottom of the

stairs. “So he was to much of coward to watch what he was allowing to happen to his own daughter.”

“He definitely wasn’t there Esmerelda.” “Were you able to kill that fvcking b**ch?” “There is no way she

survived the energy ball I hit her with before I teleported here.” “Good they are all going to pay for what

they have done including my ba**ard of a brother.”

Gabriella POV

We walk into the dining room hand in hand. I see pack members staring as we walk to the Alpha table

that is full of my family. Uncle Harris and Grandpa River stand coming around the table. I smile and

they both hug me before they turn to Lake. “Lake this is my Grandfather River and my Uncle Harris.”

Harris sticks out his hand shaking Lake’s. “Levi told me he already warned you but that goes for all of

us.” I roll my eyes at the men in my family. “Lake isn’t going to hurt me so all of you need to stop

threatening him.” Lake wraps his arm around me. “I promise you River and Harris that I would die

before I hurt Gabriella.” “That’s good to hear son, welcome to our family” my grandfather says. They

both smile and we head to the table. Jonathon and James are sitting at the table but continue to stuff

their faces like the teenage boys they are. “Lake those are my twin brothers Johnathon and James.”

They look up from their plates for a minute “nice to meet you” they say in unison before they start to eat

again. My mother rolls her eyes and I chuckle.

My father stands and ushers us to the head of the dining room. I hold Lake’s hand and look out at the

pack. I watch Bret come in to the dining room and take a seat at the far table. He is just staring

between myself and Lake. I look at the table my friends are sitting at and smile. Monica, Leslie, Macie,

and Cynthia are smiling and waving at us. Cynthia is raising her eyebrows at me pointing at Lake. I can

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feel the blush on my cheeks. It’s hard to believe it wasn’t that long ago that Cynthia was my only friend.

My father clears his throat and the room quiets immediately. “I would like to announce that my daughter

Gabriella Lyons the future Alpha of the Scarlett Howl pack has found her fated mate.” There are hoots

and growls heard throughout the dining room. “Please welcome Alpha Lake Solace of the Blood Rose

pack my new son-in-law.” “Now this mating will result in some changes to the pack but I assure you that

these changes will all be for the better.” “After we discuss everything, the pack will be kept informed of

any changes before they happen.” Again, the room erupts into growls and most of the pack bares their

necks to us. I of course notice that Bret does not and I know in my heart he is going to be a problem. I

look over at our table and I notice a look on my sister’s face that I can’t decipher.

After the pack congratulates us, we go back to sit at the table and I sit down next to Serina. “What’s

going on in that head of yours sissy” I lean in and whisper. “Nothing I’m just so happy that you found

your mate.” I know she isn’t being honest but I let it go for now. She and I are going to talk before I

leave tonight. We finish dinner and we say good night to our family before we head to my father’s

office. My mother, father, sister, and Uncle Levi are in the office with Lake and I. “So, we wanted to talk

about how we can move forward since Lake is an Alpha and has his own pack” When I look at Serina I

realize the look is fear. She must think that everything we decided on years ago is going to change

because Lake is an Alpha. “Lake feels that moving his pack here and joining the two packs together is

how we should proceed.” My father has a look of concern but I know he was there when we had this

discussion at Lake’s pack. A smile breaks out on Serina’s face confirming what I thought she was

worried about. “Lake, are you sure about this” my father asks. “The Blood Rose pack is your birthright

and honestly that is a huge sacrifice on your part.” “Make no mistake I’m thrilled for you and your pack

to come here but this needs to be what you really want.”

Lake POV

I knew that Archer was going to question my decision as most Alphas would. An Alpha’s pack is

everything to them. Mine is no different but the place we live and the name we hold does not make the

pack. I will be a better Alpha with my fated mate by my side. “I know that Gabriella wanted you to hear

her when we were in your office discussing her staying Alpha but this needs to be a compromise”

Archer says. Gabriella smiles at me and I take her hand in mine. “After discussing everything with

Gabriella I believe my pack needs to have a fresh start to get off under what pack life was like under

my father’s rule.” “I want to be the best Alpha and honestly after what my father allowed to happen in

our pack its name is tainted for me and my pack members.” Archer nods “I respect that decision and

you putting what’s best for your pack above tradition.” “I know this is a lot to ask Dad but I was hoping

since we are joining two packs into one, we could change the pack’s name” Gabby’s says. I expect

Archer to be angry and say fvck no but he doesn’t. He smiles “what will this new packs name be?”

Gabby turns to me and nods “The Scarlet Rose Pack.”

“I think that is a wonderful idea and I support you both” Archer says. “Serina, can you come here for a

moment” Archer says and she comes to stand next to her father. Despite not being bonded I can tell

that Gabriella is nervous. She squeezes my hand a little tighter but doesn’t seem to notice she is even

doing it. “Go ahead Serina.” “Gabby and I always planned to take the t!tle at the same time but given

that she has found you I would like for you both to take the t!tle now.” Gabriella is about to start talking

but Serina stops her. She comes and stands in front of us. “Gabby nothing has changed about our plan

to rule this pack with our mates.” “When I turn eighteen, I will have a ceremony joining you and Lake as

Alphas of the Scarlett Rose Pack.” “I do not want you to wait, please.” I see tears flowing down

Gabriella’s cheeks. “I agree with your sister Gabby” Sabrina speaks first. She looks to her father and he

nods. “It’s time sweetheart you have an Alpha mate and you have become the Alpha in every way but

t!tle.” She looks to me and I smile. “Ok, I’m ready to take my place and t!tle but you better be ready the

minute you turn eighteen to join us, Serina.” The girls scream and hug her and then me. Archer stands

hugging Gabriella and then me. I’ve gone from having no family to all these people who have accepted

me as one of their own. “We are very lucky Lake.” “Yes, we are Razor.”

Gabriella POV

After we talk for a little while longer, we get ready to leave. We will be having our Alpha ceremony in

two days. Elder Bradford was very happy to perform the ceremony and to announce the new pack. We

head out to the SUV. Tabitha and her mate Johnathon are waiting for us by their SUV. She is smiling

“Johnathon insisted on coming I hope that won’t be a problem.” “Lake this is Johnathon a pack warrior

and Tabitha’s mate.” He smiles “that is no problem at all.” “I appreciate you doing this until we get the

pack moved” Lake says. “You’re welcome, believe me when I find the witch that attacked my Gabby

she is going to wish for death.” I smile because I love this woman. “Gabby, can I speak to you for a

moment before we leave” Tabitha says. The men get into the cars and she pulls something out of her

pocket. She hands me a vial “drink this before you mate and mark tonight.” She tells me exactly what to

do and I almost forgot to ask her knowing she did this for my mother and Aunt Tracey. We both get into

the vehicles and head back to the pack. I can’t say that I’m not nervous about what is going to happen

tonight. I want to be his in every way but I have no idea what the hell I’m supposed to do.

We pull into the pack and Lake links the pack warriors to inform them of Tabitha’s presence. “Do you

need us to go with you while you do the spells?” She winks at me “I’m sure you have better things to be

doing Gabby.” Again, I feel my cheeks blush. Lake takes my hand but thankfully he doesn’t say

anything about me blushing. “There has been a guest room prepared for you two when you’re done

performing the protection spells” Lake says. “Thank you, Lake” they both say and he leads me inside.

We climb the stairs to the Alpha floor and he leads me down a long hallway. I expect that his room will

be the one with the double doors but he opens the door on the right. He must notice me looking at the

double doors. “I refused to take the room my father shared with that b**ch that helped kill him.” I nod

and he leads me inside. The room is still large and beautiful. “Gabriella are you sure you are ready for

this.” “I promise you that I can wait if you’re not ready.” “I don’t want you to feel pressured or rushed

because this is what you know of wolves.” I place my finger on his l!ps.

“I promise you that I am ready I’m just nervous because I have no experience.” He growls pulling me

flush with his body. “You’re a v!rgin love.” He lifts my face so I’m looking in his eyes. “I am the only man

that will ever touch you just as you are the only woman that will ever touch me.” I smile wanting this

man even more knowing he saved himself for me. I reach up pulling his mouth down to mine. We have

k!ssed but nothing like this. He brushes his tongue along the seam of my l!ps and I open to him. Our

tongues intertwine and I start to feel weak just from this k!ss. Before I know what’s happening, I’m lifted

in two strong arms but he doesn’t break the k!ss. He lays me down in the middle of his bed. He starts to

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pull his shirt over his head and I swear to the goddess I can feel it in my core just looking at him. His

chest has a smattering of hair and his sculpted all the way down to the v of his h!ps. I look back up to

his eyes and he smiles. I reach into my pocket pulling out the vile and drink it. “What was that love?” I

smile “you’ll see.”

I start to pull the shirt over my head but he stops me. He pulls the shirt over my head and unclasps my

b.ra baring my b.reasts to him. His eyes darken for a moment and I smile knowing that Razor pushed

to the surface. He pulls my pants and panties down my legs until I’m completely n.aked before him. I

thought I would be embarrassed being n.aked in front of him the first time but I’m just turned on. He

pulls his own pants off freeing his huge e.rection. The nerves that were gone are back. How the hell is

that going to fit inside me. He must notice my concern he bends down and k!sses me. “I promise you

love you are made for me it will be ok.” “You’re so big.” He chuckles “I promise I’ll fit we are like a lock

and a key.” “Made only for each other.” He gets up on the bed and puts his mouth above my n**ple. He

looks into my eyes before he swirls his tongue around my left n**ple. “Oh, my goddess” I say in breathy

voice. He continues until I’m arching my back off the bed and pulling his head to my b.reast. I feel the

org*asm building in my core just from him s.ucking on my b.reasts.

Lake POV

When she is bared completely to me I have to keep myself under control. I don’t want to embarrass

myself. I start to work my tongue down her body until I reach her core. “Lake” she breaths out before I

take a long l!ck into her core. She lifts her head and I look into her eyes again before I start to work her

cl*t with my tongue. She grabs a fist full of my hair and bucks against my tongue. She is m0aning my

name and I can’t wait to be inside her. I bite down on her cl*t and she screams out her org*asm. I lap

up all her juices before I slide up her body. I k!ss her allowing her to taste herself on my l!ps. I place my

member at her core. “Are you ready love?” “Goddess yes, Lake make me yours.” She doesn’t have to

say it again. I start to press forward giving her time to adjust to my size. I feel her barrier and I know

this part will cause her pain which I hate. “Gabriella I want you to take a deep breath and I’m going to

push forward.” “I’m going to mark you at the same time.” “I’m ready Lake please” she says as she pulls

me into her. I push forward and she screams. I elongate my canines and bite down into her marking

sp0t. I feel her body adjust and she starts to move under me. I start to move faster and she screams

out her second org*asm. It’s all I can do to stop myself from emptying myself inside her. I pull my

canines out and l!ck my fresh mark on her neck.

Gabriella POV

I never thought anything would feel like that. There was pain but there was so much more pleasure and

connection. When he bit down, I felt the bond and it made the org*asm tremendous. He is mine and I

want him to feel what I feel. I roll us and he laughs. I can feel him still hard inside me and I start to

move. The laughter dies and he begins to m0an with my movements. I place my hand on his marking

sp0t and I notice the blue glow and his eyes get big when he realizes what’s happening. He pistons his

h!ps inside of me and I can feel the spurt of his c.um coating my insides. They trigger another org*asm

and I cry out. When we both come down, he lifts me carrying me into the bathroom. He sets me on my

feet in front of the mirror and k!sses me. “You are mine Gabriella Solace in this life and the next.” “You

are mine Lake Solace in this life and the next.” We turn both looking at our marks before he carries me

into the shower. I know that no matter what happens I am whole with this man.