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I Love You, Miss Genius

Chapter 877
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Leaping into his arms, she asked angrily, "How could you leavealone? Do you know how fast you were driving earlier? Are you going to end your life like this? Did you do it just so you won't seeagain?' 'I just can't imagine what I'm going to do if something really happened to Ivor,' she thought.

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"Did you forget that you lied toin the first place? This would never have happened if you hadn't lied to me." Ivor could still picture the moment Andreas proposed to Bonnie. It made him angry, but he could not bring himself to push her away. So, he just let her lie on top of him.

She responded hastily, "I can explain it. It's not what you think it is." His lips twitched in response. A bitter smile crept up his face as he spoke.

"What's there to explain, Bonnie? I could tell that something unusual was going on between you guys when you left the campus side by side. You toldyou were just friends. What about now? "He's proposed to you, for Heaven's sake. How did it cto this? Also, why did you promise to be his princess? If you promised him that, why did you agree to marry me? Who am I to you now? I'll bet I'm jus a-" Before he could finish, she grabbed his collar and kissed him again. "That's enough. Will you please stop talking and letexplain?" He met her sincere gaze and stared at her intensely. Then he turned away.

Seeing his response, she realized he refused to look at her. It felt as if someone had stabbed her heart. It was a terrible feeling to experience. Cupping his face, she forced him to turn and face her. "Look at me, Ivor." He sighed helplessly and did as she said. He stared at her, saying, "Go ahead and explain yourself." She took a deep breath and said, "I wanted to tell you about it a longe tago, but I didn't because I know you too well. You might lose your mind with jealousy and do O something irrational.

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"That's why thought I'd resolve it first. I didn't expect Andreas to invite you to the proposal. Frankly speaking, I planned to tell him about us today, but I didn't even get to do it before you..." She trailed off into silence as Ivor knew the rest of the story.

Looking into her firm eyes, he knew she wasn't lying. That wasn't to say that he didn't feel troubled.

"Well. Andreas said you promised to bechis princess. What the hell is going on with that? Did you promise him that?"

At first, she frowned. Then, she recounted the tale to Ivor helplessly. She told him everything fromchaw she met Andreas to how the latter got heavily injured for her sake She ever told Ivor about the fact that the prince proposed to her when he was still suffering from the grave wound.

Ivor nodded. "So, does this mean you only agreed to bechis consort because you needed to save Andreas and keep him alive?" X