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Cupid’s Arrow Hit On Me by Mr. Adeel

Chapter 90
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Chapter 90 – “It would be a shame for Ms. Stone if Mr. York plays for the other team.”

Jasmine added regrettably, “That would be a disappointing result now that someone had the prowess to

woo Mr.York.

Speaking of which, do you think the heir swings the other way?” Serenity replied amusedly, “How would I


It was only their suspicion, but of course, Mr. York’s sexual orientation would be determined should he

accept and marry Ms. Stone.

Nevertheless, what did it have to do with Serenity? The hottest gossip, even if it was about Mr. York,

was not worthy of Serenity’s time. Jasmine, however, loved getting into it.

Every so often, Jasmine would babble about local big stories within Serenity’s earshot.

Refusing to engage in gossip, Serenity took out her tools to get into her crafting.

Jasmine rambled on under her breath while checking out the trending news. She was reading an article

when her expression slowly turned grave. Not too long later, she slammed hard on the cash register.

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The loud smack startled Serenity. “What was that about, Jasmine? You scared me.” “D*mn it! This is


Seething with rage, Jasmine got up and passed her phone to Serenity. Jasmine uttered furiously, “Seren,

is this article about you and Liberty? Your names and a photo are on the news.

The two girls in the photo look like you and Liberty. “It’s written that all you and your sister only ever

cared about are yourselves without regard for your family, and that you turn your back to your sick


Apparently, you never visited your family for over ten years, and now the old lady is sick because she

misses her granddaughters dearly.” Serenity got a bad feeling about it. She swiftly took the phone from

Jasmine and read the trending story.

A photograph of a younger version of herself and her sister was also tweeted. The article really riled

Serenity up. Needless to say, someone among the relatives posted the tweet, but there was no telling

which cousin it was.

The tweet disclosed her personal information such as name, photo, and personal mobile number. The

sisters were published

as villains, shunning the family after the grandparents tried to make ends meet to raise the sisters and

afford their


Yet, the kindness and love were repaid by years of absence. Now that the grandmother was critically ill

and wished to meet the granddaughters by her deathbed, the sisters refused to even turn up at the

hospital. It was such a believable lie.

At the very end of the tweet, the poster appealed to the netizens to contact Serenity and Liberty so the

sisters would rush to Wilt spoon General Hospital to visit the grandmother for a final goodbye.

Serenity’s hands were shaking by the time she got to the end of the article. It never occurred to her that

these People would

be so shameless to smear her and Liberty’s names online. The sisters went viral, probably because it

was paid content.

The purpose was to drag the sisters’ names through the mud.

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Although Serenity and Liberty were ordinary people, the tweet put the sisters in the forefront of abuse by

keyboard warriors.

Fueled by a pretentious sense of righteousness, these keyboard warriors hid behind online anonymity,

skinning the

sisters alive and tearing into them without getting to the truth of the matter.

The sisters would be exposed to cyberbullying! Fifteen years had passed, but Serenity’s relatives were

just as brazen and ruthless as before.

They jumped on Serenity and Liberty without mercy and consideration that the were family!

These relatives sure went the whole nine yards to make Serenity pay for the old hag’s medical treatment!

“Are you okay, Seren?”

Jasmine was worried as her best friend was burning in hatred. Keeping to herself, Serenity scrolled

through the comments.

Judging by the mean comments about them sisters, the relatives must have spent a lot of money on
