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Chasing His Kickass Luna Back by Jane Above Story

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Why did I do this?

My heart is in my throat as I leap towards the waterfall, propelled by some inexplicable force that tugs


the wolf that lives inside of me. The world blurs and turns into a swirling tornado of color and sound,

and I

brace myself for the icy plunge.

But it never comes. Instead, after a cacophony of cold water and sharp breaths, my feet hit solid


jolting me to a sudden stop. I blink, disoriented. Why am I not submerged in water? I thought that I


be swimming beneath an icy current, but I’m not.

I glance up, my eyes widening. I’m in a cave—a secret, hidden cave concealed behind the curtain of


Enter title…

Before I can even begin to process this turn of events, a crashing sound erupts from the waterfall, and

suddenly, Karl bursts through, stumbling forward and landing right on top of me. We both fall to the


in a heap of limbs.

“Abby!” he exclaims an instant later, his eyes wide, filled with a mixture of relief and panic. “Why did


do that? I thought you—”

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

Our faces are inches apart. I can feel his breath on my skin, warm and shaky. His eyes bore into mine,


deep well of emotions that I can’t quite decipher. It’s a strange, electrifying moment; time seems to


elongating the seconds, amplifying the tension that pulses between us.

“I’m okay,” I breathe, unable to tear my gaze away from his. “I’m fine, Karl.”

He takes a ragged breath, his eyes searching mine as if looking for confirmation, for some kind of

reassurance that I’m really not hurt. “I thought you were crazy, jumping through the waterfall like that.”


shakes his head in disbelief, swallowing. “I thought I was going to lose you.”

The words hang in the air, heavy and thick. I can feel his body pressed against mine; he’s tense and

trembling. My heart pounds so loudly in my chest that I’m sure he can hear it. And then, as if pulled by


same magnetic force that led me here, our faces draw closer.

But we stop, frozen just before our lips meet.

The moment lingers, a silent eternity filled with what-ifs and almosts, until Karl slowly pulls back, his


dropping from my eyes to the cave floor.

“We should—um—figure out where we are,” he stammers, awkwardly extricating himself from me and

rising to his feet.

“Yeah,” I reply, my voice filled with a combination of regret and nervous excitement. “We should.”

Karl offers me a hand, and I take it, letting him pull me to my feet. For a second, our hands linger,


intertwined, and I feel a surge of something warm and confusing rush through me.

Then we let go, and the moment is gone, dissipated as if it was never even there to begin with.

I look around the cave, my mind spinning. How did we end up here? What is this place? And, most

importantly, why did my wolf feel so inexplicably pulled toward this hidden cave?

I push the questions aside for now, locking them away in a corner of my mind to ponder later. Right


I’m just grateful for the odd twist of fate that brought us here, to this sanctuary behind the water.


for the mystery that saved us from capture, that gave us a moment to breathe, to exist, away from the

prying eyes of guards and the unblinking gaze of cameras.

“So,” Karl says, breaking the silence that has settled between us. “This is unexpected.”

“Unexpected indeed,” I echo, my mind still racing, still trying to catch up with the whirlwind of events.

“That’s one way to put it, I guess.”

My heart is still pounding from the almost-moment that took place between Karl and me. But there’s no

time for romantic distractions right now. We’re in a cave—a secret cave that we stumbled into through

sheer dumb luck or fate or whatever else had a hand in the events of the past two days.

“Well then. Let’s see where this leads,” Karl suggests, his eyes scanning the darkness ahead.

I nod, pushing aside the emotional rollercoaster of the past few minutes. “Yeah. We need to figure this


“Most importantly, how to get out,” Karl says.

We proceed cautiously, our footsteps echoing eerily between the calls of the cave.

The path is treacherous, littered with rocks and unexpected dips in the pathway. The cave’s walls drip


cool water, which is oddly refreshing after the hike through the forest. Surprisingly, there are no guards

and no cameras, although we keep our eyes peeled the whole time.

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

Something tells me, though, that the people who run this operation have to know that this cave exists.


too big to ignore. Maybe there’s an entrance here somewhere to the building.

“Watch your step,” Karl warns as he helps me over a particularly tricky spot, his hand steady on my


I almost lose my footing at one point, my boot slipping on a wet patch of moss. Karl grabs my hand,

pulling me back to stability. My heart does a strange flip, but I quickly glance away. Now is not the time.

“Thanks,” I murmur.

“No problem,” he replies, his brown eyes locking onto mine for a moment before he looks away.

We continue, growing more confident with each obstacle that we overcome. But then, I spot them—

spiders. Big, black, eight-legged monsters clinging to the walls like grotesque ornaments. I shudder, my

skin crawling at the sight.

“Ugh, spiders,” I mutter, feeling the color drain from my face.

Karl looks at me, then back at the spiders. “You want to go back?”

I shake my head. “No, we’ve come this far. I can’t let a few spiders stop me. But maybe…”

A few moments later, we make it past the spider-infested area, and I let out a sigh of relief.

“Okay, we’re clear,” Karl says, releasing my hand reluctantly.

“Thanks,” I reply, feeling a strange mixture of gratitude and disappointment as his hand slips away.


chapter avаilable oո

“Wow,” Karl breathes, his eyes wide in wonder.

“Yeah, wow is right,” I echo, equally captivated by the surreal beauty that’s all around us.

But then we look down, and our jaws practically hit the floor. At our feet lies a large patch of dark

mushrooms. I would recognize those unique, crooked forms anywhere.

“Oh my g od,” Karl whispers, as stunned as I am. “Abby… could it be?”