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Beyond the Divorce by Third Blossom

Chapter 380
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Chapter 380 Getting More Mysterious Eleanor’s information sparked a bold idea. | knew Matthew liked cutting costs because he constantly sought to reduce expenses and increase profits. It was a perfect vulnerability to use against him | recalled advising him not to focus solely on profits. After all, being consumed by greed would only lead to failure. | remember Matthew scoffing at me, calling women timid and having no foresight.

He even pointed to his head, tellingto use my brain. It seemed he would fall to his doom because of it | couldn't help but feel delighted with a plan in place.

At that moment, my mom entered with Ava. Upon seeing my arm, my mom's eyes welled with tears. “Your were just about to leave, but you're in here again. Nothing good ever comes from those two.

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Ava approached my bedside and touched my arm “Mommy, does it hurt here? Letblow on it, and it won’t hurt anymore!” “The Murphys just makemad! My mom couldn't restrain her anger.

“It doesn’t hurt much. It's just a tiny fracture. The doctor said it would heal quickly. Luckily, my bone didn’t break.” | casually remarked My dad and Ryan then entered together, both glancing at my arm. “Chloe, the next tyou see them, just walk away.” I smiled helplessly, “Where can | hide? It was an accident | wouldn't have gotten injured if | hadn't feared he baby might fall. The baby is still too young. | couldn't just stand and watch.” Eleanor looked atapprovingly. “Chloe’s just too kind. If it were someone else, they wouldn't care their enemy’s baby fell.” “But that's not right. The adults have issues, so we can’t take it out on the baby. The baby was innocent,” my dad added, “We can endure a little suffering, but we must keep a clear conscience.” “The despicable ones face karma.” My mom still looked displeased.

Just then, Ivanna barged in. Seeing everyone there, she refrained from adding fuel to the fire. Ryan asked Lauren, “Is there a good stew place nearby?” Just follow me.” Soon after, we happily headed out for a stew. Even | joked that the price for this meal was a bit hefty. Moreover, my right arm was injured, and Ryan cared forthe whole time.

| only stayed in the hospital for two days before being discharged. After all, | had many matters to handle and couldn't lie in the hospital.

In the aftermath of the banquet incident, | took action against the media. It led to them getting sued. My office had been swamped these days. The bosses of those media outlets sought reconciliation. They even agreed with my high compensation demands.

| thought it was bizarre and joked with Carol that these people had too much money. Still, | felt it had something to do with the authorities. Their conversations implied | had ssupport and that we should collaborate more next time.

| | sneered at it, not even understanding it myself. Later, | discovered my initial thoughts were wrong because | had unexpectedly developed close collaborations with those media outlets. | couldn't do anything if they thought ofa certain way.

Plus, it could benefit me, so | had no reason to shut them out. As a result. | becincreasingly mysterious to the public eye.

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The authorities even punished the troublemakers and intetrolls accordingly.

Still, the banquet incident hadn't subsided yet. My popularity remained high with Noel's heartwarming reports. It attracted numerous journalists who discussed spreading positivity. Soon, | received a call from Atticus before | could thank him for dispatching his bodyguards to protect me.

Therefore, | quickly told Carol to driveto Vanderberg Palace.

I liked that place, thanks to him. It was peaceful and perfect for discussing things. Plus, it was in the commercial center and easy to reach.

Upon entering the place, the receptionist informedthat Atticus was waiting in the Spring Hall. After expressing my gratitude, | headed toward the second floor.

When | entered after hearing Atticus’s response, | saw him and a beautiful woman sitting inside.