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Beyond the Divorce by Third Blossom

Chapter 350
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Chapter 350 Impending Doom | was startled by my thoughts. When did | becso trusting of him? | shook myself out of my thoughts and continued scrolling through my phone. The comments and opinions were still pouring in.

People were expressing a wide range of views.

A closer inspection revealed three main discussion groups. Most supported giving power to Celine. Atlas’s condition was critical, so leaving a large corporation without a leader was unwise. Even if Atlas was incapacitated, the company needed management and decisions made.

Another group was focused on protecting Atlas’s interests. They strongly opposed Celine’s ATL Empire consolidation. They said she was overstepping and questioned why she took control while Atlas was incapacitated. It seemed like an opportunistic power grab.

Then, there was a neutral group advocating for balance. These individuals acknowledged the need for leadership but were cautious about letting any one person have too much control.

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These discussions were growing and showing no sign of slowing down. Supporters of Celine were increasing in number, and many were eagerly waiting for the official announcement of the merger, The rapid spread of these discussions hadincreasingly on edge. It was hard to ignore the mounting pressure. | couldn't help but feel anxious. The situation seemed to be slipping out of control.

| Finally, | couldn't sit still anymore and attempted to call Nick but was met with a familiar recorded message. His phone was still turned off.

| | felt a sense of impending doom.

Dylan had been avoidingfor a reason. He probably blamedfor not playing a more significant role in this situation.

Seeing my distressed expression, Ryan poureda glass of red wine. “You should drink a little. This is something beyond our control, and there’s no need to blyourself.” He poured himself a glass and continued, “In reality, with or without your involvement, the outcwould've been the same.

Regardless of Atlas’s condition, this situation would've unfolded.” However, the current situation looks unfavorable for Atlas,” | said, sounding somewhat anxious.

Not necessarily. Grayson said. “I've checked, and only one of the three sides has an overseas IP The other two factions remain untraceable. That speaks volumes.

Both Ryan and | turned to Grayson, who was suddenly more talkative, Ryan suggested, “Killing with Grayson snapped his fingers and said, “It's a possibility.” I looked at Ryan. How certain were they to pull off such a maneuver? The world seemed to be counting down to the crucial shareholders’ meeting the next day.

Grayson calledthat night and reported that Atlas’s side was also putting up a fight. Nick had secretly contacted several major shareholders in the afternoon. Many major shareholders all across Torado had rushed to Foswood from different countries.

| couldn't see much hope in this. Celine had ousted Nick. She had no intention of giving him any importance, and those shareholders were unlikely to back Nick.

As the night went on, the online discussions seemed to have settled. The momentum was leaning heavily in one direction, and it felt like everything was coming to a close.

| had trouble sleeping that night, too.

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

The following day, unable to control my impulse, | drove to ATL Empire’s headquarters. | parked my car across the street from the building and watched as waves of bigwigs entered the premises.

| sat in my car, imagining what the atmosphere in ATL Empire's boardroom must be like now.

As the tdrew near, | saw Celine’s motorcade arrive at the building. She wore a royal blue suit and carried herself with regal grace. With bodyguards paving the way, she entered ATL Empire with Stella following her closely.

Celine seemed like a queen among the stars. Faced with the reporters already gathered outside the building, she walked in with a proud and confident demeanor, surrounded by supporters.

| clenched my fists tightly, anger and frustration welling up inside me. My hands slammed down on the steering wheel as | vented my frustrations. My insignificance overwhelmed me, and | was unable to help the person | loved.

| focused on the building's wide entrance, wishing that this was Atlas’s empire and he was its king.

As tticked away, | reached for the ignition key, ready to leave. | silently vowed that | would becstrong enough to support and stand with him if given a chance.

At this moment, something flashed across my mind. | wanted to meet him. Even If he was asleep. It inted to stay beside him so he would feel less lonely.

lowever, a fantastic scene unfolded just before | pressed the gas pedal