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An Impossible Marriage Novel

Chapter 47
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Chapter 47

Christopher hummed indifferently in response and went straight to take a bath as usual.

Looking at the dishes on the table that had gone cold, Margaret felt an inexplicable surge of

disappointment. “Elizabeth, can you reheat the dishes?”

When Christopher came down, the dishes were already reheated. Elizabeth could no longer hold herself

back and said, “Mr. Lewis, today‘s dishes were all cooked by Mrs. Lewis. Come on and have a try!”

Christopher seemed unperturbed. He sat down at the dining table without a word as he knew that

Margaret must have something to request from him.

“If you have already eaten outside, then just leave it,” said Margaret in a low voice.

Christopher picked up the fork and began eating slowly. “Stop beating around the bush. Just spit it out.”

Margaret was a little nervous when Christopher exposed her thoughts. Not knowing how to start, she

pondered for a long while before she replied, “Can you... spare Jo‘s family, please? That amount of

money is way too much. They can‘t afford it. Can you at least wait until the police solve the case and get

back the materials?”

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Hearing that, Christopher put down the fork and glared at her. “So, you cooked all these dishes merely

for this?”

“Yes,” she replied honestly.

With his face darkened, Christopher continued, “Public matters and private matters should be separated!

I don‘t want to talk about such stupid things with you at home. This matter is not negotiable.”

Naturally, Margaret knew Christopher‘s way of handling matters. He had always been meticulous about

the company‘s affairs. There was no way he would stop looking into this matter just like that.

“Christopher, I didn‘t ask you to let them off. But, can you give them a chance? A hundred million might

be nothing for you, but it‘s everything to them. They can‘t afford to pay you this amount,” Margaret could

not bear to see Jodie suffer. The mere thought of seeing the pampered Jodie lose everything she ever

owned was unbearable to Margaret.

Christopher replied coldly, “In what position are you telling me these? As Jodie‘s friend? Or as my wife?”

Margaret was stunned by that question. She did not know how to answer.

Losing his patience, Christopher got up and went to his study upstairs. The sound of him slamming the

door could be heard clearly downstairs.

Elizabeth walked forward and looked at the dishes that had not been eaten much. “What a waste! All

your hard work is wasted as well. Meg, since you know that this will worsen your relationship with Mr.

Lewis, you should not have involved yourself in this in the first place.”

Margaret shook her head and replied, “Jo is my only friend. She treats me very well, and I can‘t forget

her kindness. I must help her. No matter how Christopher treats me, I will try my best to help Jo.”

All of a sudden, Fredrick chimed in, “Mrs. Lewis, today is Mr. Lewis‘ birthday. You made the dishes not to

celebrate his birthday but to ask him for help. Of course, he would be mad.”

Margaret was dumbstruck. She did not remember that at all. From what she remembered, Christopher

had never celebrated his birthday before.

I have made a big mistake! Regret welled up in her heart instantly.

At Fredrick‘s reminder, Elizabeth slapped her thigh in realization. “Mr. Lewis hadn‘t celebrated his

birthday for so many years, and I‘ve totally forgotten about it! I should have reminded Meg earlier!”.

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Margaret stood up and replied, “It‘s fine. I will go find him now.”

She sounded calm, but deep down, she was so frightened that she did not even have the courage to

enter the study.

After brewing a cup of coffee, she knocked on the door of the study. “Get lost!” Christopher shouted in


However, Margaret knew that she should not back down at that moment. Left with no choice, she opened

the door and walked in. “I didn‘t know that it‘s your birthday today.”

Christopher threw the book in his hand on the ground and bellowed, “Get out of here!”

Margaret bent down to pick up the book. Just then, Christopher walked past her and went out of the


She had a feeling that he was not going to come back anytime soon. Therefore, she could not let him

leave just like that. “Please, Christopher! You can ask me to do anything... Can you please help me? Just

once?” she pleaded.

Christopher stopped in his tracks upon listening to that, pondering.

After a few seconds, he turned around and walked toward her. Reaching out his hand, he pinched her

chin and asked, “Oh, anything? Hah! You are always so generous for the sake of other people!”